Status of neutrino theory (original) (raw)
Related papers
ASIB, 2001
A summary of neutrino oscillation results is given along with a discussion of neutrino mass generation mechanisms, including high and low-scale seesaw, with and without supersymmetry, as well as recent attempts to understand flavor. I argue that if the origin of neutrino masses is intrinsically supersymmetric, it may lead to clear tests at the LHC. Finally, I briefly discuss thermal leptogenesis and dark matter.
Neutrinos: Windows to New Physics
Eprint Arxiv Hep Ph 0609203, 2006
After briefly reviewing how the symmetries of the Standard Model (SM) are affected by neutrino masses and mixings, I discuss how these parameters may arise from GUTs and how patterns in the neutrino sector may reflect some underlying family symmetry. Leptogenesis provides a nice example of how different physical phenomena may be connected to the same neutrino window of physics beyond the SM. I end with some comments on the LSND signal and briefly discuss the idea that neutrinos have environment dependent masses.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2004
The Seesaw mechanism predicted tiny neutrino masses by postulating a new large scale in particle physics, using new theoretical ideas prompted by the Standard Model. It adds credence to a theoretical vista that is a quarter century old, and fits with the most endearing speculations of ultimate unification. By relating the measurement of static neutrino properties to near-Planck physics, it may even prove key to solving the riddles of flavor.
Neutrino masses: evidences and implications
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014
I give an overview of the evidences for neutrino masses and mixing, the associated neutrino mass generation schemes, as well as the resulting implications in particle physics experiments and cosmology.
Neutrino Physics: Status and Prospects
Particles and the Universe Proceedings of the Eighteenth Lake Louise Winter Institute, 2004
This pedagogical overview will cover the current status of neutrino physics from an experimentalist's point of view, focusing primarily on oscillation studies. The evidence for neutrino oscillations will be presented, along with the prospects for further refinement of observations in each of the indicated regions of two-flavor oscillation parameter space. The next steps in oscillation physics will then be covered (under the assumption of three-flavor mixing): the quest for θ 13 , mass hierarchy and, eventually, leptonic CP violation. Prospects for non-oscillation aspects of neutrino physics, such as kinematic tests for absolute neutrino mass and double beta decay searches, will also be discussed briefly.
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, 2006
▪ We review the present state and future outlook of our understanding of neutrino masses and mixings. We discuss what we think are the most important perspectives on the plausible and natural scenarios for neutrinos and attempt to throw light onto the flavor problem of quarks and leptons. This review focuses on the see-saw mechanism, which fits into a big picture of particle physics such as supersymmetry and grand unification, providing a unified approach to the flavor problem of quarks and leptons. We argue that, in combination with family symmetries, this may be at the heart of a unified understanding of the flavor puzzle. We also discuss other new physics ideas, such as neutrinos in models with extra dimensions, and possible theoretical implications of sterile neutrinos. We outline some tests for the various schemes.
Neutrino physics at the turn of the millennium
Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2000
I discuss the implications of the latest data on solar and atmospheric neutrinos which strongly indicate the need for physics beyond the Standard Model. I review the theoretical options for reconciling these data in terms of three-neutrino oscillations. Even though not implied by the data, bi-maximal models of neutrino mixing emerge as an attractive possibility. Supersymmetry with broken R-parity provides a predictive way to incorporate it, opening the possibility of testing neutrino anomalies at high-energy collider experiments such as the LHC or at the upcoming long-baseline or neutrino factory experiments. Reconciling, in addition, the hint provided by the LSND experiment requires a fourth, light sterile neutrino. The simplest theoretical scenarios are the most symmetric ones, in which two of the four neutrinos are maximally-mixed and lie at the LSND scale, while the others are at the solar mass scale. The lightness of the sterile neutrino, the nearly maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing, and the generation of ∆m 2 ⊙ & ∆m 2 atm all follow naturally from the assumed lepton-number symmetry and its breaking. These two basic schemes can be distinguished at neutral-current-sensitive solar & atmospheric neutrino experiments such as the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. However, underground experiments have not yet proven neutrino masses, since there is a variety of alternative mechanisms. For example, flavour changing interactions can play an important rôle in the explanation of solar and of contained atmospheric data and could be tested through effects such as µ → e + γ, µ − e conversion in nuclei, unaccompanied by neutrino-less double beta decay. Conversely, the room is still open for heavy unstable neutrinos. A short-lived ν µ might play a rôle in the explanation of the atmospheric data. Finally, in the presence of a sterile neutrino ν s , a long-lived ν τ in the MeV range could delay the time at which the matter and radiation contributions to the energy density of the Universe become equal, reducing the density fluctuations on the smaller scales, and rescuing the standard cold dark matter scenario for structure formation. In this case the light ν e , ν µ and ν s would account for the solar & atmospheric data.
Neutrinos: heralds of new physics
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2000
The central role of neutrinos in the determination of fundamental interactions is reviewed. The recent Su-perKamiokande discovery of neutrino mass gives an aperçu of physics at short distances, and tests theories of flavor. Quark-lepton symmetries, derived from grand unification and/or string theories, can help determine the standard model parameters in the neutrino sector.
Progress in the understanding of neutrino properties
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2010
I briefly summarize neutrino oscillation results and discuss their robustness. I mention recent attempts to understand the pattern of neutrino mixing within various seesaw mechanisms, with or without supersymmetry and/or flavor symmetries. I also mention the possibility of intrinsic supersymmetric neutrino masses in the context of broken R parity models, showing how this leads to clear tests at the LHC.
Neutrinos and physics beyond the standard model
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 1997
A brief sketch is made of the present observational status of neutrino physics, with emphasis on the hints that follow from solar and atmospheric neutrino observations, as well as cosmological data on the amplitude of primordial density fluctuations. I also briefly review the ways to account for the observed anomalies and some of their implications.