Andalusian Umayyad State and Tarık Bin Ziyad (original) (raw)
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II Abdulhamid Doneminde Osmanli Misir Sinir Tartismalari ve Hafir Kasabasi
Öz Hafir Kasabası nüfus ve yerleşim genişliği bakımından ne Osmanlı Devleti'nde ne de günümüzde çok fazla dikkat çekmiş bir yer değildir. Ancak Osmanlı Devleti'nin ve II. Abdülhamid'in son döneminde bir süre önemli olmuştur. Bu değişiklik Mısır ile yaşanan sınır meselesi yüzünden ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunun yanında Kudüs'ün dönem içinde kazandığı önem de bu değişikliğe etki eden bir diğer unsurdur. Osmanlı Devleti, Mısır sınırı ile ilgili endişesini idari ve askeri tedbirlerle çözmeye çalışmıştır. Bunun için de Hafir Kasabası'nın ve bununla birlikte Birüsseb ve Muleyha gibi mahallerin de idari yapılarında değişikliğe gitmiştir. Ayrıca Güney Filistin'deki Bedevileri yakından takip etmiş onlarla iyi ilişkiler tesisine gayret göstermiştir. Tüm bunlar yapılırken bir yandan İngilizlerin ve Mısır Hidivliği'nin pozisyonu dikkatle takip edilmiştir. Karşı tarafın hamlelerine karşı Osmanlı Devleti de kendi pozisyonunu alarak hareket etmeye çalışmıştır. Bu araştırma ile Hafir'in ve buradan hareketle Güney Filistin'in söz konusu dönemdeki durumu ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Özellikle Osmanlı Arşivleri kullanılarak Osmanlı Devleti'nin bölgedeki hareketliliği nasıl okuduğu ve buna karşı ne tür tedbirler almaya çalıştığı tespit edilmek istenmiştir. Ayrıca I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Kanal Harekâtı'nın gerçekleştiği alanın cephe gerisi olması nedeniyle bölgenin savaştan önceki durumunun tespiti yapılarak, araştırmanın bu dönemi ve bundan sonraki dönemi inceleyen araştırmacılara yardımcı olması hedeflenmiştir. Abstract It is a well-known fact that Hafir town is not a place that neither has attracted attention in these days nor in Ottoman Empire period in terms of its population and the width of settlement. However, Hafir town became prominent for a while in the last periods of Abdülhamid the second in Ottoman Empire. It needs to be keynoted that this change appeared due to the border conflict between Egypt and Ottoman Empire. Besides, the
Abstract: The geography of Andalusia remained under the dominance of Islam between 711-1492, over a long period of about eight centuries. In this period, different religious and ethnic communities formed the Andalusian society. One of the most important of these communities was the Jews. As well as not being given a place in the state mechanism, the Jews, who dwelled on the Iberian Peninsula before the Islamic rule, were subjected to a lot of injustice by Christians, especially in the period of the Visigoths. This evil period, which the Jews went through on the Iberian Peninsula, left its place to a more peaceful and fruitful period for the Jews after the Muslim conquest of the peninsula. The Jews, who were subjected to a lot of injustice in both the Iberian Peninsula and other geographies, found an immense amount of freedom in Andalusia, which had a great impact on their political, economic, scientific and cultural life. One of the areas these effects could be seen most, was political life. While non-Muslim elements had a limited effect on the administration of Muslim states throughout history, this situation was different in Andalusia. Alongside being allowed to have ordinary jobs such as being a clerk or an ambassador, Jews were even brought to significant high-ranking positions such as becoming a vizier. Considering the fact that the periods in which all these took place include the most powerful periods of Islamic domination in Andalusia, it is a fact that the Muslim state in Andalusia entrusts meritbased duty assignment regardless of people’s religion or ethnicity. It is also known that they have confidence in the Jewish elements as well as merit. For example, in the reign of Abdurrahman III, the most magnificent period of the Andalusian Umayyad State, the sending of the Jewish diplomat Hasdai Shaprut as an ambassador to many Christian kingdoms is a sign that supports this situation. Also, in the era of Taifa Kingdom, Ismael Nagrela, and his son Joseph Nagrela, both of whom had risen to vizierate, the highest level that could be reached by a non-Muslim within the framework of the Granada based Zirid Kingdom, were the marks of the trust shown to the Jews by Muslims.
Dubays b. Sadaḳa was an Arab amīr who wanted to increase the authority of his dynasty Mazyadids in central ʿIrāḳ, especially in Ḥilla. As a result, he conflicted with both the ʿAbbāsid Caliphate and the ʿIrāḳ Saldjūḳ State because of his interests in the region and he often confronted them. Sometimes he tried to take advantage of the weakness of the ʿAbbāsid caliphs; sometimes the struggle for the throne among the members of the ʿIrāḳ Saldjūḳid dynasty gave Dubays the opportunity he was looking for. However, although Dubays b. Sadaḳa tried to take advantage of every opportunity that came his way, he couldn't achieve the success he desired. When he was unsuccessful, he had to flee from the region and took refuge in the surrounding dominant forces, and not only Dubays but also his dynasty went through hard times. In addition, his looting and plundering activities hurt both the ʿAbbāsids and the ʿIrāḳ Saldjūḳids and left the public in a difficult position. Eventually Dubays b. Sadaḳa undeniably became one of the amīrs who was always feared. In this research, which is a continuation of the article examining the relations of the aforementioned amīr with the Saldjūḳs in the West and the East, as well as the ʿAbbāsids, the role of the Dubays b. Sadaḳa in the events that took place between the years 1132-1135 in the triangle of the Great Saldjūḳ ruler, ʿAbbāsid Caliphate and ʿIrāḳ Saldjūḳids will be evaluated in the light of the information in the sources.