Una nuova attestazione del simbolo dell’ascia e altre testimonianze di altari romani dalla Val di Non (Trentino) (original) (raw)

A Roman Villa and a Late Roman Infant Cemetery: Excavation at Poggio Gramignano Lugnano in Teverina

By David Soren and Noelle Soren University of Arizona Part One: The Roman Villa at Poggio Gramignano in the region of Lugnano in Teverina: D. Soren and e Roman Villa at Poggio Gramignano in the Region of Lugnano in Teverina; 1- Storia e assetto in età antica del territorio in cui ricade la villa di Poggio Gramignano by D. Monacchi; 2 - Summary of periods of construction and destruction by D. Soren; 3 - Summary of the excavations by D. Soren; 4 - Summary of Archaeological phases of each room by D. Soren; 5 - The Parts Urbana at Poggio Gramignano: summary and reconstruction by D. Soren and W. Aylward; 6 - Linear Measure and geometry in the colonnaded Oecus by W. Aylward; 7 - An interpretation of room 10 by D. Soren and G. Warren; 8 - The antefixes by D. Soren and A.M. Biagini; 9 - Conservation report by J. Williams; 10 - A note on the petrology of Mortar, stucco facing and plaster from the Walls of the roman Villa at Poggio Gramignano by D.F. Williams; Part Two. Material Culture: 1 - Black-Gloss Ware by A. Martin; 2 - Italian sigillata by A. Martin; 3 - African red-slip ware by A. Martin; 4 - Color-coated and painted ware by A. Martin; 5 - Terra sigillata chiara italiaca by D. Monacchi; 6 - Dati archeometrici sulle sigillate chiare italiche rinvenute in Umbria: analisi minero-petrografiche by G. Predieri and Sergio Sfregola; 7 - La ceramica a pareti sottili by C. Piraino; 8 - La ceramica da cucina by C. Piraino; 9 - La ceramica comune by C. Piraino; 10 - La ceramica post-medievale by C. Piraino; 11 - Amphorae by Archer Martin; 12 - Lamps by Archer Martin; 13 - Ceramic building materials by A. Martin; - 14 I bolli laterizi by D. Monacchi; - 15 Consistenza dei reperti di vetro by G. Borghetti; 16 - A note on the petrology of some ceramic building materials, pottery and stone objects by D. Williams; 17 - I mosaici e i pavimenti by D. Monacchi; 18 - Appendice: caratterizzazione mineralogico-petrografica di materiali lapidei in opera nel pavimento by G. Poli and B. Moroni; 19 - Gli affreschi by B. Maurina; 20 - Additional small finds by A. Martin; - 21 - I materiali ceramici in Lugnano in Teverina: analisi archeometriche by G. Predieri and S. Sfrecola; Part Three. The Infant Cemetery: 1 - Introduction to Part Three by D. Soren; 2 - Famine, Pestilence and Brigandage in Italy in the Fifth Century A.D. by F.E. Romer; 3 - The Infant Cemetery at Poggio Gramignano: Description and Analysis by D. Soren, T. Fenton, W. Birkby; 4 - Appendix to Chapter 3: Tool Marks on Infant-bearing Amphorae by J. Williams; 5 - Animal Bone Remains by M. McKinnon; 6 - Charred Floral Remains from the Villa at Poggio Gramignano by K. Adams; 7 - Analysis of the Bronze Basins by M. Fenn; 8 - A Bone Doll from the Infant Cemetery at Poggio Gramignano by L. Shumka; 9 - Hecate and the Infant Cemetery at Poggio Gramignano by D. Soren; 10 - Malaria: medicine and magic in the Roman World by L. D. Lane; Bibliography by Chapter; Part Four - Figures and Plates.

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A Roman Villa and a Late Roman Infant Cemetery: Excavation at Poggio Gramignano Lugnano in Teverina Cover Page

Vaccaro, E., M. Ghisleni, A. Arnoldus-Huyzendveld, C. Grey, K. Bowes, M. MacKinnon, A.M. Mercuri, A. Pecci, M.A. Cau Ontiveros, E. Rattigheri and R. Rinaldi. 2013. Excavating the Roman peasant II: excavations at Case Nuove, Cinigiano (GR). Papers of the British School at Rome, 81 (2013): 129-179.

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Vaccaro, E., M. Ghisleni, A. Arnoldus-Huyzendveld, C. Grey, K. Bowes, M. MacKinnon, A.M. Mercuri, A. Pecci, M.A. Cau Ontiveros, E. Rattigheri and R. Rinaldi. 2013. Excavating the Roman peasant II: excavations at Case Nuove, Cinigiano (GR). Papers of the British School at Rome, 81 (2013): 129-179. Cover Page

Romans in the garden. Notes on some recently attested stone monuments from Alba Iulia

This short list of the recently attested Roman monuments in private households urge the necessity of a systematic research and project, which will focus on cataloging all the Roman monuments and wondering stones in Alba Iulia. One hundred years after the death of Béla Cserni, the first archaeologist of the city, the collaboration and communication of local authorities and institutions with the great public, will be also essential to emphasize and popularize the rich history of the modern city, where the Roman past and lived presence is still not enough stressed.

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Romans in the garden. Notes on some recently attested stone monuments from Alba Iulia Cover Page

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Review of Vinzenco Fiocchi Nicolai, I cimiteri paleocristiani del Lazio. II. Sabina. Monumenti di antichità cristiana (Città del Vaticano: PIAC, 2009) Cover Page

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The Archaeology of Central and Southern Roman Italy: Recent Trends and Approaches Cover Page

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Simon DIENST & Géraldine Frère, conférence : « Appréhender l'étude du verre du Tempio dei Fabri Navales et de la Schola del Traiano », rencontre doctorale Ricerche Archeologiche alla Foce del Tevere, organisée par Grégory Mainet et Stella Graziano (Rome-Ostia Antica, 18-20 décembre 2018) Cover Page

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H. Di Giuseppe 2014, Imperial Estates in Inland Lucania, in A.M. Small (ed.), BEYOND VAGNARI New themes in the Study of Roman South Italy, Proceedings of a conference held in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Ed Cover Page

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Papers in Italian Archaeology I: the Lancaster Seminar. Recent research in prehistoric, classical and medieval archaeology.  Cover Page

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Carta Archeologica d’Italia - Forma Italiae” project:  Research method, in  3rd  International   	Landscape Archaeology Conference 2014, Rome, Italy, 17th – 20th of September 2014, 2016 Cover Page

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Review of: Filippo Coarelli, I mercanti nel tempio. Delo: culto, politica, commercio. Atene: Scuola Archaeologica Italiana di Atene 2016. Cover Page