National security - definition, character and determinants. Studies on the quality of security (original) (raw)

National Security of the Republic of Poland

Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej

Issues related to national security problems have long been of interest to many research centres. National security, due to its role and importance for the functioning of both the state and society, has become an important research area not only for military specialists, but also civilian experts. However, despite the unquestioned principle of the need to study the problems of national security, dispute issues are increasingly appearing that require new solutions based on scientific foundations or a fuller interpretation of the applicable rules of conduct. Security as a research area is multidimensional, it is analysed primarily in terms of organisation and subject. Therefore, there is no doubt the thesis that ensuring security is a fundamental duty of the state, because it really determines the sense of its existence. The security of the state is of course also the security of its citizens. Since the dawn of human history, the security of the individual has been associated with sta...

On Security Education in Poland. The Essence and Content of the Subject of Education

Safety & Defense

The purpose of this article is to highlight the essence and content of teaching this subject, which was introduced in Polish schools on 1 September 2009. To achieve this goal, the importance of education and, specifically, security education is discussed. The essence of security education is then presented, and it replacing the currently implemented defense adaptation is explained. Subsequently, the educational content of security education was discussed. The aim of the study was based on theoretical research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, and inference.The conclusion encourages further reflection on this subject because education is an important area for ensuring security; hence, education in security from pre-school education to adult education can be found in Polish education. The tendency toward change testifies to broader cognitive perspectives, especially in the area of personnel and structural security of individuals and social groups. It also testifies to t...

Types of security education in Poland. Selected examples


The purpose of the article is to examine selected examples of types of security education in Poland. At the beginning of the 20th century, national security was centered on military and political aspects, but recent decades have seen the successive shifting of the focus from the military-political plane of security to other areas. It seems that educational concepts adapt to emerging challenges. This thesis is confi rmed by the concept of global education, the idea of military classes, as well as the military training of pro-defensive organisations within the framework of the Passport Program. All of these educational concepts were covered in the study. One of the most important conclusions of the article will be to emphasise the correlation between the evolution of the understanding of security, the transformation of threats and changes in the field of educational concepts.

Critical Assessment of the Operation of the State Security Systems in Poland

Revista Română de Geografie Politică

The undertaken research on the assessment of the operation of state security systems is an attempt to critically assess them from the point of view of a citizen. The aim of the work is to analyze the systemic approach to security in relation to its actual state. The work uses methods typical of social sciences, which include security sciences. To carry out the research, monographic methods, qualitative content analysis and comparative analysis were used. The work indicates that a number of security threats occurring in the country were analyzed. Among those causing the greatest problems, and at the same time neglected, are social threats related to demographic problems. Economic threats related to the current financial situation and threats resulting from poor protection of cyberspace. It was pointed out that, despite the existence of appropriate systems to counteract the threat, there is a lack of it. The repeatability of events constituting a threat and the lack of implementation ...

The essence of the strategy and system of security of the republic of Poland. Theoretical and practical considerations (Part II)

Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka-Praktyka-Refleksje nr 28, 2017

The article continues the deliberations regarding the strategy design and assumptions of the national security system of the Republic of Poland, with particular emphasis on the organization of the security system of the Republic of Poland. This was reflected in the presentation of issues concerning the theoretical and practical aspects of systems and the specifics of the Poland’s security system. The article decomposes this system. On this basis, the place, role and meaning of its components were determined. As a consequence, the requirements set for the security system of the Republic of Poland were presented, emphasizing the issue of the requirements set before it and its improvement.

Poland's Security- Foreword

A handy phrase that can be used in discussions of the subject of security is a variation of a saying by Wojciech Roszkowski, namely that security is like "old wine in new bottles" 1 or an old issue of constantly changing form. Such a description of security points at two very important characteristics of security. The first is its timeless nature and universality due to its deep historical roots. The second is the fact that the issue of security undergoes continuous changes and covers ever newer areas. This condition is the result of the impact of both internal factors, such as the political and the social situation in a given area, and external factors, such as the international situation, the geopolitical constraints, globalization, etc. The above factors contribute to the dynamic growth of the academic field of security studies 2. This is reflected in the stream of new publications on the subject of security or dangers 3. Many of them contain different definitions of security, typologies, models, types, mechanisms, concepts, etc. Despite this broad presentation of the subject of security, most authors pay little attention to the practical applications of the solutions they discuss, e.g. when analyzing the status of security in a given territory; forecasting it in the short, medium, and long run; indicating causes of threats; or describing both internal and external determinants of the issues in question. The point is not to discredit or reject theoretical considerations of security, but rather to encourage their practical use, taking into account the real situations and facts. Despite the changes taking place in this area, security is still looked at only through the lens of 'hard security' which covers political, legal, police, and military factors (the so-called security quadrangle). 'Soft security', on the other hand, which covers the social, economic, cultural, ecological, demographic, and other factors, is often overlooked. Another typical trend is to analyze security only with reference to specific conditions (levels). This takes the form of analyses of more or less official reports, strategies, and expert

The essence of the strategy and system of security of the republic of Poland. Theoretical and practical considerations (Part I)

Security Dimensions, 2017

The article presents the basic aspects of the strategy design and assumptions of the national security system of the Republic of Poland. Due to the complete theoretical and practical presentation of issues reflected in the title, the article focuses on presenting the language of the problem, strategy assumptions, phases of the strategic cycle of analyzes and studies in the field of security and assumptions of the state security system construction. The presented considerations are based on literature analyzes, mainly-in the field of security sciences and strategic directive documents. These documents refer to the security and defense problems of the Republic of Poland. The content of the article is the basis for presenting the theoretical and practical issues of the state security system functioning in Poland.

Information and anti-terrorist security of Poland. A critical analysis exemplified with the tasks and activity of the Internal Security Agency

R.Rosicki (2015), Information and anti-terrorist security of Poland. A critical analysis exemplified with the tasks and activity of the Internal Security Agency, "Studia Politologiczne", vol. 38, pp. 88-105., 2015

The subject matter of the analysis conducted in the text is information and anti-terrorist security of Poland, which has been presented within the context of a clash between two spheres – the state and the private sphere. Furthermore, the issues of security have been supplemented with a description of the tasks and activity of the Internal Security Agency, as well as a synthetic appraisal of a terrorist threat to Poland. The main parts of this work are concerned with: (1) the state and the private sphere, (2) " terrorism " and terrorist offences, (3) the tasks and activity of the Internal Security Agency, (4) an appraisal of a terrorist threat to Poland. Given the necessity to elaborate the research problem, the text features the following research questions: (1) To what extent does referring to a threat to security influence a limitation on rights and freedoms in Poland (with regard to the clash between the state and the private sphere)?, (2) To what extent do the tasks and activity of the Internal Security Agency influence the effectiveness of anti-terrorist security in Poland?

CONCEPT OF SECURITY (KONCEPT BEZBEDNOSTI-prevod sa srpskog na engleski

National security has figured prominently in academic and political discussions of foreign and international policy since the end of World War II. No social term or concept has been so abused and misused as national security. The purpose of this paper is to try to explain the concept of security in a broader context so that it can be applied at multiple levels, but with special reference to national security. The purpose is to define security as a policy objective, clear enough to distinguish it from other objectives. In order to carry out a closer conceptual definition, it is necessary to identify certain "specifications" or "determinations" of security, which can facilitate the analysis of the expediency of the security policy. If this notion is to survive for use in political analysis or theory, conceptual definitions (specifications) will be necessary, which are explained here, and one can start by defining security as a policy goal and proceed to further define policy as a means to that goal.

"Safety Issues in Policy Statements of the Premiers of the Third Republic of Poland"

Over the years 1989-2011 has been a significant evolution in the meaning of the concept of security in the expose of polish prime ministers. Tadeusz Mazowiecki tried to restore this original semantic meaning of the word (distorted in communist times, even by the shorthand term for the political police as “security”). A decade later, the security issues associated to expose not only NATO, but also reforms (J. Buzek) and eliminating the threat from criminals (L. Miller). In recent speeches of the prime minister, the security would be based on a broad basis of virtue (2007) and the public finance (2011). The words contained in these speeches were not always reflect the real thoughts, views and intentions of every prime minister on security matters. The least honest was Leszek Miller (already prepared spec-service reform, but not talk about it). In turn in a speech of Jarosław Kaczyński we can see quite obsessed with security. There was clearly an instrumental approach to security, which for this policy was not objective but a means to strengthen the authority of government and its departments. Many prime ministers happened to talk about security without priority to this issue, or even (as in the case Oleksy), in clear contradiction with his own attitude. In proportion to other government jobs security issues occupy much or very much space. In proportion to the whole expose of the most talked about it Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the least Waldemar Pawlak. It is also significant broadening treatment of this issue by successive prime ministers. The semantic expansion period “security” crucial was alliances and polish foreign policy. Just as so understood public safety, went the safety of ordinary citizens. Bodies and words most often cited in these two areas are: U.S., NATO, the Police, services, finance, order, and corruption. Indication of the prime minister, who is best put the safety of his expose, it will of course pay the subjectivity copyright. However, with the aid of public opinion polls, it should be noted that until 2007 the majority of citizens (52%) considered that Poland is a country where life is safe (contrary to the opinion expressed by 43%). More than 80% citizens determined their place of residence as a safe and peaceful. The level of this index was the highest yet recorded, it was accompanied by a decrease feeling of personal crime risk. These positive opinions in 2011 were even more pronounced , so it is reasonable to say that Donald Tusk recognized the expectations of the Poles in terms of security is the best, in both 2007 and 2011. In this ranking outsiders will be prime ministers, which credibility undermines the the lack of efficiency and stability of their governments. Therefore, despite the first rule of Pawlak (1992) and Belka (2004), it is considered that the safety category the worst fell prime minister ruled briefly, the Jan Olszewski (182 days of the rule). It is worth noting that the experts, journalists and politicians generally treat expose each premiere ad hoc and instrumentally. Noone focused exclusively on security issues, trying to assess the first instance of the head of government as a whole, taking into account their own position, views and interests. However, as emphasized at the beginning of this article, the prime minister as the most important official in the country, in his most important speech, should be specifically accounted for just the most important tasks of public management, which is to ensure safety. So the last word of this article will be simple recommendation: content and form of the each prime minister expose must be the subject of the specialist (not just political) analysis, evaluation and settlement. Only the such control procedure forms basis for the praxeological improving the operation of the entire state apparatus in terms of safety.