Becoming a junior teacher (original) (raw)

Can I Teach English to Children? Turkish Preservice Teacher Candidates and Very Young Learners

This study was conducted in the English Language Teaching Department of a state university in Turkey. The aim of the study was to examine the differences in attitudes of teacher candidates before and after their short-term teaching experience with very young learners (VYL) of English. The study was performed during the first term of the educational year. Within the scope of this study, preservice English teacher candidates were provided the opportunity to practice teaching English to VYL under the supervision of their instructor. This study reports the results of their experiences and their attitudinal changes towards teaching English to VYL. The findings suggest that the attitudes of teacher candidates changed substantially after their practice teaching experiences. Other findings suggest that a colorful atmosphere in the classroom and a variety of activities attract students' interest and help create a more successful learning environment.

Why can't we do it as teachers: English language teaching from the perspectives of secondary school teachers

Research in Pedagogy, 2021

The purpose of this study is to discover the issues in teaching English from the perspective of teachers. The qualitative method was employed in the study by using semi-structured interview forms to 19 teachers from a central Black Sea region province of Turkey. The teachers highlighted the impact of learning-teaching process, teacher training, teacher-stakeholder relationship and students during the study. According to the teachers, students' prejudices against foreign language learning, interest in the subject, awareness of the importance of language learning, speaking skills, participation in the lesson and the environment they take the courses affect the language learning process. Nevertheless, the reasons for the problems are a lot more complex than this. The students are also need to be supported by the education system, by the parents and by teachers in this process. For instance, the results shows that there is a need for activities that will make students more active, a...


Teaching and learning a foreign language at a young age is becoming more and more common in the world, which creates a great demand for specialized language teachers, since teaching to young learners requires special skill, competence and motivation. Each country and institution is taking precautions in terms of training teachers who will be able to efficiently serve young learners. As part of their training in faculties of education, all pre-service teachers of English in Turkey are provided with one, sometimes two courses on Teaching English to Young Learners, yet do not always have the opportunity to observe real young learner classrooms until their final year or graduation. The general aim of this study was to explore the extent to which pre-service EFL teachers in their third year were influenced by observations in young learner classrooms. The following research questions were asked: (1) to what extent is pre-service teachers " willingness to teach English to young learners influenced by their experiences in schools? and (2) how is their perceived readiness and competence shaped by this experience? Data was collected from 110 junior level students enrolled in the ELT Department of a state university in Turkey. Open-ended questionnaire items administered both at the beginning and at the end of the semester, and reflective essays were the primary sources of data. The quantitative data was analyzed by applying descriptive statistics while the qualitative data was analyzed by using a coding procedure, in order to discover patterns and establish themes. Findings reflect the pre-service teachers " perceived strengths and weaknesses in relation to teaching English to young learners, and how they were affected by the course that they took and the young learner classes that they participated in. Implications and recommendations for teacher-education programs as well as further research is shared.

The Early Years of Teaching: A Cross-Cultural Study of Turkish and Polish Novice English Teachers

Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2019

Given the importance of novice teacher experiences and their long-term effects in the field, this crosscultural exploratory study investigates the challenges of 34 novice Turkish and Polish English teachers and how they develop their professional understanding in the early years of teaching. The participants were non-native novice English teachers working with K-12 learners in culturally, socially, economically and historically diverse regions of Turkey and Poland. The data collected simultaneously in both countries in the spring term of the 2016-17 academic year were generated from two sources: a) critical incidents of the novice teachers, and b) online and/or oral interviews with these teachers, followed by comprehensive cyclical data analysis. The challenges related to pedagogical and sociocultural factors influenced the way the teachers teach in their contexts. The findings suggest that creating interactive and reflective learning contexts for novice teachers will help them better adapt to their new school settings and develop professionally.


This purpose of this paper is to invite language teachers to look at their teaching practices, and to investigate whether they are promoting or hindering the process of learning. It is unlikely that any teacher will want to identify personal practices that act as a barrier to learning, though most will acknowledge a strong possibility that their students will meet with counterproductive teaching practices at some time in their educational careers. When we consider the importance of affect in the classroom, and the ways in which affective barriers to learning are set up (e.g. anxiety, lack of confidence, lack of motivation, lack of self-esteem, negative attitudes to learning), it becomes apparent that the classroom educator needs to be proficient in establishing a positive and productive learning environment, as well as being a "learning expert", empowering students in terms of selfdirection, self-assessment, learner training, and self-access skills.

Challenge in Teaching English for Young Learners: A Pre-service Teachers Perspective

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

This research aims to find out pre-service teachers challenges in teaching English for young learners as part of their community service learning in Tana Toraja and Toraja Utara. It is descriptive qualitative research with 12 pre-service teachers as the participants. To obtain the data, the researcher conducted interview using an open-ended question as the instrument. The research reveals some challenges as follows: Limited attention span and concentration, mother tongue interference, motivation and engagement, different learning style and abilities and Limited exposure to English outside the classroom.

The challenge young teachers in the first year of language teaching

Actas Del I Congreso Internacional Hispano Albanes 2012 Ambito Filologico Internacional Historia Y Cultura Espanola Contemporanea 2014 Isbn 978 84 615 8145 0 Pags 275 281, 2012

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INITIAL PROPOSAL (D1) FOR THE FINAL PROJECT Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

4. Title and topic of the Final Project: Foreign Language Learners' anxiety and its effects on Performance and learning outcome among adult professionals in Lima, Peru. 5. Justification of academic and personal interest of the topic: In the last decade, English has become one of the most important skills adults seek to have by attending language schools, having private lessons or doing online programs. Regardless their age, job, position, prior knowledge, experience and needs, they all know that learning English will allow them to have better opportunities in their academic and professional lives. In Peru, 56 % English learners studied English in high school (British Council, 2015) ​ while