Release dependence to a paired stimulus at a synaptic release site with a small variable pool of immediately releasable vesicles (original) (raw)
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Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006
We developed and analytically solved a simple and general stochastic model to distinguish the univesicular from the multivesicular mode of glutamate release. The model solution gives analytical mathematical expressions for average values of quantities that can be measured experimentally. Comparison of these quantities with the experimental measures allows one to discriminate the release mode and to determine the most probable values of model parameters. The model has been validated at glutamatergic CA3-CA1 synapses in the hippocampus from newborn (P1-P5 old) rats. Our results strongly support a multivesicular type of release process requiring a variable pool of immediately releasable vesicles. Moreover, computing quantities that are functions of the model parameters, the mean amplitude of the synaptic response to the release of a single vesicle (q) was estimated to be 5-10 pA, in very good agreement with experimental findings. In addition a multivesicular type of release was supported by the following experimental evidences: 1) a high variability of the amplitude of successes, with a coefficient of variation ranging from 0.12 to 0.73; 2) an average potency ratio a 2 /a 1 between the second and first response to a pair of stimuli Ͼ1; and 3) changes in the potency of the synaptic response to the first stimulus when the release probability was modified by increasing or decreasing the extracellular calcium concentration. Our results indicate that at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses of the neonatal rat hippocampus a single action potential may induce the release of more than one vesicle from the same release site.
SUMMARYSynapses can release multiple vesicles in response to a single action potential. This multi-vesicular release (MVR) occurs at most synapses but its spatiotemporal properties and relation to uni-vesicular release (UVR) are poorly understood. Nanoscale-resolution detection of individual release events in hippocampal boutons revealed a pattern of spatial organization of MVR, which preferentially overlapped with UVR at more central release sites. Pairs of fusion events comprising MVR were also not perfectly synchronized and the earlier event within the pair occurred closer to the active zone (AZ) center. Parallel to this organization, individual release sites had a gradient of release probability extending from the AZ center to periphery. This gradient, and spatial features of MVR, were similarly tightened by buffering intracellular calcium. These observations revealed a heterogeneous landscape of release site properties within individual AZs, which determines the spatiotemporal ...
A synaptic active zone (AZ) can release multiple vesicles in response to an action potential. This multi-vesicular release (MVR) occurs at most synapses, but its spatiotemporal properties are unknown. Nanoscale-resolution detection of individual release events in hippocampal synapses revealed unprecedented heterogeneity among vesicle release sites within a single AZ, with a gradient of release probability decreasing from AZ center to periphery. Parallel to this organization, MVR events preferentially overlap with uni-vesicular release (UVR) events at sites closer to an AZ center. Pairs of fusion events comprising MVR are also not perfectly synchronized, and the earlier event tends to occur closer to AZ center. The spatial features of release sites and MVR events are similarly tightened by buffering intracellular calcium. These observations revealed a marked heterogeneity of release site properties within individual AZs, which determines the spatiotemporal features of MVR events and ...
Synaptic vesicle dynamics: a simple model of phasic release
Journal of biological physics, 1997
We present a simple model of phasic neurotransmitter release whichreproduces the salient features of chemical neurotransmission. The synapticvesicle cycle has been modelled as a set of biochemical reactionsrepresented by a system of coupled differential equations. These equationshave been solved analytically to obtain the time dependent behaviour of thesystem on perturbation from the steady state. The scheme of the synapticvesicle network has been emphasized and its role in determining some of themajor experimentally observed properties of synaptic transmission has beendiscussed, which includes the biphasic decay of the rate neurotransmitterrelease even under sustained stimulation. Another interesting outcome ofthis theoretical exercise is the saturation of total release with thecalcium dependent rate constant. The theoretically calculated values oftotal release fit very well into a sigmoidal saturating function with afourth order cooperativity exponent similar to the empiricalDodge...
Differentially poised vesicles underlie fast and slow components of release at single synapses
Journal of General Physiology, 2020
In several types of central mammalian synapses, sustained presynaptic stimulation leads to a sequence of two components of synaptic vesicle release, reflecting the consecutive contributions of a fast-releasing pool (FRP) and of a slow-releasing pool (SRP). Previous work has shown that following common depletion by a strong stimulation, FRP and SRP recover with different kinetics. However, it has remained unclear whether any manipulation could lead to a selective enhancement of either FRP or SRP. To address this question, we have performed local presynaptic calcium uncaging in single presynaptic varicosities of cerebellar interneurons. These varicosities typically form “simple synapses” onto postsynaptic interneurons, involving several (one to six) docking/release sites within a single active zone. We find that strong uncaging laser pulses elicit two phases of release with time constants of ∼1 ms (FRP release) and ∼20 ms (SRP release). When uncaging was preceded by action potential–e...
Vesicular release probability sets the strength of individual Schaffer collateral synapses
Information processing in the brain is controlled by quantal release of neurotransmitters, a tightly regulated process. From ultrastructural analysis, it is known that presynaptic boutons along single axons differ in the number of vesicles docked at the active zone. It is not clear whether the probability of these vesicles to get released (pves) is homogenous or also varies between individual boutons. Here, we optically measure evoked transmitter release at individual Schaffer collateral synapses at different calcium concentrations, using the genetically encoded glutamate sensor iGluSnFR. Fitting a binomial model to measured response amplitude distributions allowed us to extract the quantal parameters N, pves, and q. We find that Schaffer collateral boutons typically release single vesicles under low pves conditions and switch to multivesicular release in high calcium saline. Analyzing the variability of quantal parameters, we conclude that the vesicular release probability rather t...
A comparison of deterministic and stochastic simulations of neuronal vesicle release models
Physical Biology, 2010
We study the calcium-induced vesicle release into the synaptic cleft using a deterministic algorithm and MCell, a Monte Carlo algorithm that tracks individual molecules. We compare the average vesicle release probability obtained using both algorithms and investigate the effect of the three main sources of noise: diffusion, sensor kinetics and fluctuations from the voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs). We find that the stochastic opening kinetics of the VDCCs are the main contributors to differences in the release probability. Our results show that the deterministic calculations lead to reliable results, with an error of less than 20%, when the sensor is located at least 50 nm from the VDCCs, corresponding to microdomain signaling. For smaller distances, i.e. nanodomain signaling, the error becomes larger and a stochastic algorithm is necessary.
Release probability of hippocampal glutamatergic terminals scales with the size of the active zone
Nature Neuroscience, 2012
Cortical synapses display remarkable structural, molecular and functional heterogeneity. Our knowledge regarding the relationship between the ultrastructural and functional parameters is still fragmented. Here we asked how the release probability and presynaptic [Ca 2+ ] transients relate to the ultrastructure of rat hippocampal glutamatergic axon terminals. Two-photon Ca 2+ imagingderived optical quantal analysis and correlated electron microscopic reconstructions revealed a tight correlation between the release probability and the active zone area. The peak amplitude of [Ca 2+ ] transients in single boutons also positively correlated with the active zone area. Freezefracture immunogold labeling revealed that the voltage-gated Ca 2+ channel subunit Cav2.1 and the presynaptic protein Rim1/2 are confined to the active zone and their numbers scale linearly with the active zone area. Gold particles for Cav2.1 showed a nonrandom distribution within the active zones. Our results demonstrate that the number of several active zone proteins, including presynaptic Ca 2+ channels, docked vesicles and the release probability scales linearly with the active zone area.
Multimodal quantal release at individual hippocampal synapses: evidence for no lateral inhibition
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2002
Most CNS synapses investigated thus far contain a large number of vesicles docked at the active zone, possibly forming individual release sites. At the present time, it is unclear whether these vesicles can be discharged independently of one another. To investigate this problem, we recorded miniature excitatory currents by whole-cell and single-synapse recordings from CA3-CA1 hippocampal neurons and analyzed their stochastic properties. In addition, spontaneous release was investigated by ultrastructural analysis of quickly frozen synapses, revealing vesicle intermediates in docking and spontaneous fusion states. In these experiments, no signs of inhibitory interactions between quanta could be detected up to 1 msec from the previous discharge. This suggests that exocytosis at one site does not per se inhibit vesicular fusion at neighboring sites. At longer intervals, the output of quanta diverged from a random memoryless Poisson process because of the presence of a bursting componen...