La tutela amministrativa contro le clausole vessatorie alla luce dell’attività provvedimentale condotta dell’Agcm nel triennio 2013-2015 (original) (raw)

La tutela amministrativa contro le clausole vessatorie (anno 2018)


Il contributo offre una panoramica sull’attività provvedimentale condotta dall’Agcm in materia di clausole vessatorie, analizzando i contenuti delle decisioni adottate nel corso del 2018 nel più ampio quadro dei poteri di enforcement pubblico. [The paper provides an analysis of the administrative action carried out by the ICA in the field of unfair contract terms, examining the content of the decisions issued during 2018 in the framework of public enforcement powers]

La tutela amministrativa contro le clausole vessatorie (anno 2017)


Il contributo analizza l’attività di enforcement e di advocacy condotte (quest’ultima per la prima volta) in materia di clausole vessatorie dall’Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato nel corso del 2017. [The paper provides an analysis of the enforcement and the advocacy powers exercised (these latter one for the very first time) by the Italian competition authority (Ica) in the field of unfair contract terms during 2017].

La tutela amministrativa contro le clausole vessatorie nel 2016


Il contributo offre una panoramica sull’attività provvedimentale condotta dall’Agcm in materia di clausole vessatorie, analizzando i contenuti delle decisioni adottate nel corso del 2016 e i relativi denominatori comuni nel quadro dei poteri di enforcement pubblico. [The paper provides an analysis of the administrative action carried out by the ICA in the field of unfair contract terms, examining the content of the decisions issued during 2016 and their common denominators in the framework of public enforcement powers.]

I nuovi poteri dell’Agcm in materia di clausole vessatorie a dieci anni dall’art. 37 bis c. cons. e a trenta dalla dir. 93/13/CEE [ANTEPRIMA]


L’Autore – assumendo come termine di paragone la previgente disciplina risalente al 2012 – esamina le modifiche introdotte dalla l. n. 238 del 2021 e dal d.lg. n. 26 del 2023 all’originario impianto della tutela amministrativa avverso le clausole vessatorie di cui all’art. 37 bis c. cons. e l’impatto sistematico dei nuovi poteri (inibitori, sanzionatori e cautelari) accordati all’Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato al fine di garantire un livello di protezione piú elevato ai consumatori in linea con gli standard europei. Taking the previous regulation of 2012 as a benchmark, the Author examines the changes introduced by Law No. 238 of 2021 and Legislative Decree No. 26 of 2023 to the original structure of the administrative protection against unfair terms pursuant to Article 37 bis of the Italian Consumer Code and the systemic impact of the new powers (such as injunctions, sanctions and precautionary measures) granted to the Italian Competition Authority to provide consumers with a higher level of protection in line with European standards.

La tutela amministrativa avverso le clausole vessatorie in Italia


Il decreto “Cresci Italia” (d.l. n. 1 del 2012, convertito con modificazioni in l. n. 27 del 2012) ha introdotto nel Codice del consumo l’art. 37 bis, che affida all’Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato la “Tutela amministrativa contro le clausole vessatorie” inserite dai professionisti all’interno delle condizioni generali di contratto ovvero di moduli, modelli o formulari. La novella – nel potenziare le competenze dell’Agcm in funzione “proconsumeristica” – amplia la gamma dei rimedi (civilistici) a disposizione dei consumatori per contrastare la diffusione di discipline contrattuali lesive dei loro interessi, infrangendo altresí il finora imperante “monopolio” della giurisdizione. L’Autore analizza, anche alla luce del regolamento attuativo, le fasi che scandiscono il procedimento di controllo, illustrandone gli aspetti salienti ed i principali limiti che ne frenano le potenzialità [The decree-law about “liberalizations” (n. 1/2012, converted with amendments into law n. 27/2012) introduced into the Consumer Code the article 37 bis, which assigns to the Italian Competition Authority the administrative protection against unfair terms in consumer contracts. The new rule – in increasing the powers of the AGCM – expands the range of remedies available to consumers to prevent the spread of contractual disciplines harmful to their interests, also breaking the previous “monopoly” of jurisdiction. The Author analyses, also in the light of the implementing rules, the steps that mark the control procedure, illustrating its main characteristics and the main limitations that reduce its potentialities]

Nota (a margine dell’attuazione della direttiva Omnibus) sul potere dell’AGCM di vietare l'utilizzo di clausole vessatorie come pratica commerciale ingannevole

Persona e Mercato, 2023

The author illustrates that - following a reform of 2012 on the occasion of which the Italian legislator had already granted the Italian Antitrust Authority with the powers to assess and declare the unfairness of standard contractual clauses as meant by the Italian legislation enacting directive 1993/13/EEC - in enacting in March 2023 the so-called Omnibus directive (UE) 2019/2161, the Italian legislator has granted to the same Authority also the power to apply the administrative pecuniary sanction attached to the use of unfair standard contractual clauses as provided by the Omnibus directive, i.e. exactly the same fine applicable to traders for their putting in place of unfair commercial practices, and observes that (i) both the EU legislator in the Omnibus directive and the Italian legislator in enacting the same have failed to spell out that the "same" pecuniary administrative sanction is explainable on the basis that the use of standard unfair contractual clauses per se amounts to the putting in place of an unfair commercial practice, namely a misleading action in relation with the ability of such use to mislead the average consumer as to the set of the rights and obligations arising from the contract; and (ii) the Italian legislator has failed to expressly vest the Italian Antitrust Authority also with the power to issue a banning order on the use of those standard contractual clauses which the Authority declares to be unfair and with respect of which the same Authority applies the fine.

Osservazioni in tema di clausole vessatorie atipiche

Observations regarding "atypical" vexatious clauses from the point of view of the relationship between contract and market. This article examines "the constitutive facts of vexaturity", as foreseen in the consumption code, in relation to the imbalance between the positions of the parties and the absence of negotiation, analyzing, in particular, those clauses classified as particularly burdensome "although object negotiation ". The distinction between typical oppressive clauses and atypical oppressive clauses is also scrutinized, as emerged in doctrine and jurisprudence, with reference also to the remedies prepared by the legal system.