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An Overview of Development Axes Theory and the Chance in Making of Transport Node as Settlement
Development-Axes (DA) theory, is one of the development theories, that originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972). The significance of the theory had been supported by Richardson (1978, 1981). After that time, the theory has not been discussed any expert. But implementation of the theory has run away till now in many countries, in full consciousness or not. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from infant of settlement (transport stop-node) to be center of settlement (city) along DA. But in detail of DA theory, there is not adequate theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in DA can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along DA. The growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth (Concentric theory-Burgess, 1925; Sector theory, Hoyt, 1939; multiple nuclei theory-harris & Ullman, 1945; Myrdalian-cumulative causation in Moseley, 1974 and in Stillwell 1995). Related to DA theory, it could not give adequate explanation to the fact that not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth although the flow of people and goods are equal along DA. And related to the the conventional growth theory, it put more focus to the economic aspect as initial impulse. But all of them can not explain properly the growth of transport stop node when the economic sector has not grown yet. It is hypothesized that there is an attractiveness as another significant factor of the growth of transport stop node along DA. This paper discusses about significance of DAT especially in making of place along development axes, shows the gap of theoretical explanation, and offers "attractiveness concept" in which some creativities done in the transport-stop node as new conceptual thinking in explaining its growth.
Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a theory which is originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) as well as stated as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in explaining the existence of nodes or centers along development axes and the end-point cities (Richardson, 1978,1981). or prime center or growth pole (Hilhorst, 1972) connected. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from transport-stop node which has role as infant settlement to be larger settlement (maybe as town or city in the future) along development axes. This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation as new understanding about how the growth of transport-stop node (as one of the local nodes) along DA that is influenced by the flow of people & goods along the axis. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth. In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth whether the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA. Based on the observation and in-depth interview as well as questionnaire, we found that the growth of transport-stop node is initiated by the existence of transport facility or service at development axes. We also found that the growth of transport-stop node has five stages of growth and the “attractiveness” as the significant factor to the growth of transport-stop node to be lager settlement. We argue that the implication of the explanation to the policy is useful in decentralized era in Indonesia.
The Development of Local Nodes along Transportation Corridors: A Review of Development Axes Theory
Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in explaining the existance of nodes or centers along development axes and the end-point cities (Richardson, 1978,1981). or prime center or growth pole (Hilhorst, 1972) connected. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from infant of settlement to be center of settlement (city) along development axes. This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in DA can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along DA. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth (Concentric theory-Burgess, 1925; Sector theory-Hoyt, 1939; multiple nuclei theory-harris & Ullman, 1945; Cumulative causation-Myrdal in Moseley, 1974 and in Stillwell 1995; and Hall, 2002). In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth wheter the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA.
Development-Axes (DA) theory, is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in explaining the existance of nodes or centers along development axes and the end-point cities (Richardson, 1978,1981), or prime center or growth pole (Hilhorst, 1972) connected. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from infant of settlement to be larger settlement (maybe as town or city in the future) along development axes. This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation as new understanding about how the the growth of transport-stop node (as one of the local nodes) along DA that is influenced by the flow of people & goods along the axis. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth. In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth wheter the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA. Based on the observation and in-depth interview as well as questionaire, we found that the growth of transport-stop node is initiated by the existance of transport facility at development axes.We also found that the growth of transport-stop node has five stages of growth and the " attractiveness " as the significant factor to the growth of transport-stop node to be lagers settelement. We argue that the implication of the explanation to the policy is usefull in decentralized era in Indonesia.
Corridor development as a development strategy that in practice has conducted since ancient Rome till this modern era. And the impact of the strategy is the springing many local nodes along the corridor. Some of the real evidences of the implementation of the strategy are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. But till now, it can be said that there is not adequate theoretical explanation to the growth of node along the corridor, especially to the transport-stop node along the corridor. One of the teories that closest to the phenomenon is Development-Axes (DA) theory that originally stated by Pottier (1963), restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory by Paelinck and Nijkamp (1975, 1978) and Richardson (1978, 1981,2011). But in detail of DA theory, there is not adequate theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in DA can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along DA. This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in corridor can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along the corridor. The method of this study is focused on literature review. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of urban growth (export base theory, Concentric theory-Burgess, Sector theory-Hoyt, multiple nuclei theory-harris & Ullman, Myrdalian-Cumulative causation model, corridors theory-whebell, or Development axes theory as the closest theory). In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth wheter the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA.
Growth of Landuse System at the Transport-Stop Node on the Axis of Development
The growth of local nodes along axis of development, has occurred in many cases such as in history of growth of cities in the world, from ancient Rome to the modern era. One of the local node on the axis of development is a transport-stop node (TSN) on the axis of development. Almost all of theories and models can not provide adequate explanation toward the phenomenon. The closest theory which explains the phenomenon is "Development Axes Theory" that stated first by Pottier in 1963. But this theory provide inadequately explanation about how the growth of local node (includeing TSN) on development axis (DA), can grow dominantly influenced by flow of goods and people on the axis of development, become larger settlements which can then become the central place to serve the surrounding area. This paper reports the result of research focused to answer the research question on how the growth of land use system at the TSN on development axis (TSN on DA). Method used to explore the growth of the landuse system, is retrospective method in period of 5 years interval of growth on the case study of TSN Baitul Amanah Mosque (Itje mosque) and around. Collecting data was done by indepth interview, survey to each of building owner or manager, direct observation toward the recent condition of landuse system, and documentation by using photograph, satelite images, and other documents. We found that the first initial factor which has influenced the growing process at the area of TSN Baitul Amanah and around is the existance of mosque of Baitul Amanah since 1990. The mosque of Baitul Amanah has been the first main attraction which then will contribute to the agregate value of "Attractiveness" of the TSN that will attract the movement (flow of people on DA) to decide to stop at the TSN. And then the informal bussiness will grow sporadically at the first stage, that will be more well-organized or ordered by themself at the later stage. And then the circular process and principle of cumulative causation have occured in the next period with "Attractiveness" of the TSN as significant factors of the growth of TSN. The growth of TSN to be larger settlement will grow in 5 stages of growth. If all of the stages of growth was occur in the first 5 years period since the first main attraction build and operated, the TSN has great opportunity to grow become larger settlement. The existance of the mosque as facility/service at the TSN on axis of development, as the first main factor of the growth of TSN is the main difference of the classical model of Myrdalian-Cumulativ Causation Model (M-CCM). And the concept of "Attractiveness", informal role to the growth, 5 stages of growth, and also the speed of growth of TSN become larger settlement, are other differences of the finding of this research toward the classical model of M-CCM.
Built Environment Studies
Wates Train Station (Wates train station) and Wates Bus Station (Wates bus station) are two transportation nodes located in the Wates District moreover provide a wider area in the scale of the Kulon Progo Regency. These two transport nodes are near to each other and intersect within the radius of the TOD area. The presence of the Yogyakarta International Airport in Temon District was projected to increase the transportation intensity on Wates train station yet Wates bus station as the nodes of the current public transport service. This study was aimed to measure the Node - Place (N - P) index on both TOD areas. The Bertolini’s N - P model is a commonly used method on the measurement of TOD performance in terms of the transportation intensity towards land use (activity) intensity. The identifications were based on the TOD theory and the N - P indicators. Measurements were conducted through a weighted multi - criteria analysis. The analysis resulted in the same type of node - place in...
the relationship between transportation and development
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An Analysis of the Trip Attraction Pattern for an Urban Area in a Developing Country
Transportation planning, which includes identifying the travel demand and implementing plans accordingly, plays a major role in maintaining a balanced urban transportation system. Using travel demand models, alternative socioeconomic scenarios and land-use scenarios can be modeled to estimate travel characteristics for the future. The continued growth of cities results in infrastructure developments and increased employment opportunities, thereby increasing the travel demand and consequently causing traffic and transportation problems. The importance of studying the trip generation pattern is therefore highly warranted. The present paper attempts to identify the factors that influence the trip attraction potential for the core region of Thiruvananthapuram city, the capital of Kerala, India. The attraction characteristics of various establishment types are determined by the development of trip attraction models. The models developed have shown that the trip attraction is dependent on the number of employees, floor area, and parking space.