Dialog Sufistik: Membangun Relasi antar-Agama yang Konstruktif (original) (raw)

Mengembangkan Dialog Untuk Penguatan Misi Agama Yang Transformatif

KENOSIS: Jurnal Kajian Teologi

Artikel ini bertujuan mengembangkan pemikiran tentang dialog, secara khusus diantara umat beragama. Dialog antar agama bukan hal baru tetapi tetap relevan dan penting dikaji hingga kini karena praktik dialog yang terjadi diantara umat beragama menunjukkan bahwa hakekat dialog belum dipahami secara tepat sehingga kebanyakan dialog menampilkan pemaksaan pemikiran dari satu pihak atau kalangan yang cenderung juga mendominasi dan menghegemoni pihak lain. Dalam kaitan itu, artikel ini menawarkan pemikiran pengembangan dengan membangun kesadaran kritis setiap orang untuk bersikap tepat dalam membangun dialog diantara pemeluk agama yang beragam ini. Dialog sebagaimana dimaksud dikaitkan pula dengan pelaksanaan misi atau dagwah terutama di kalangan Agama Kristen dan Islam sebagai agama-agama misi yang sangat memperhatikan aspek misi dan dagwah, tetapi cenderung mengabaikan eksistensi yang lain. Padahal misi yang transformatif justeru peduli terhadap kemanusiaan yang melampaui batas-batas a...

Dialog Antara Agama Menurut Perspektif Islam

The existence of a pluralistic society, particularly in terms of race, religion and culture requires a platform in the community. In this case, interreligious dialogue is seen as an effective platform to build mutual understanding and tolerance among society. However, the practice of dialogue in society ironically based on a wrong understanding of interreligious dialogue, which is part of the religious pluralism method from West, and some regard it as a debate. Consequently, the phenomenon raises negative perceptions and understanding among the public about the true concept of interfaith dialogue. Therefore, this article discusses the concept of interreligious dialogue in the Islamic arena. The research design is qualitative using library research. The results show that Islam outlines three concepts of interreligious dialogue, the debate; da'wah and building mutual understanding and good relations between religions. Here in particular the importance of interfaith dialogue among the players to understand the concept of interreligious dialogue to ensure the implementation of the dialogue takes place within the actual concept.

Dialog Sufi

Pertanyaan 1: Apakah dasar-dasar Sufisme? Jawaban: Dasar utama Sufisme adalah keyakinan; keyakinan Islami (Iman) dengan enam dasar, yaitu: adanya Allah; Allah Yang Esa, adanya para Malaikat, para Rasul, Hari Pembalasan, takdir.

Dialog Inter-Religius: Konsep Pengembangan Dakwah Pluralis

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Raushan Fikr

This writing discusses about the inter-religious dialogue as propaganda pluralist concept development. Inter-religious dialogue is a dialogue between two or more religions, which has a different view and its main purpose is to learn each other so that they could have changed his view or add increased their religious experience. Inter-religious dialogue and develop the concept of religious experience that is no longer oriented propaganda that connotes coronation but mutually enrich and deepen their own experience of religious traditions.

Sebuah Studi Tentang Dialog Interreligius


The truth is that interreligious contacts, together with ecumenical dialogue, now seem to be obligatory paths, in order to ensure that the many painful wounds inflicted over the course of centuries will not be repeated, and indeed that any such wounds still remaining will soon be healed" (John Paul II, Rome, November 13, 1992). By "obligatory path" the late John Paul II means that interreligious dialogue is one of the urgent ways for Christians as well as people of other faiths to cultivate a theological sense of togetherness. I have recently published such a topic in Dialog Interreligius: Historisitas, Tesis, Pergumulan, Wajah (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2010). The book depicts a lengthly attempt to study interreligious dialogue from several perspectives. I would call such perspectives "history, thesis, discourse, and face." This article is a sort of executive summary of the research that indicates the methodology and face of the pastoral activities of a particular Church, Indonesia. Study of interreligious dialogue should include or even start from the existential experience of the very protagonists, i. e. local Churches that live their daily life with people of other faiths.

Dialog Sebagai Upaya Menepis Pandangan Negatif Atas Keragaman Agama

Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat, 2015

The diversity of religion and believe in the world broughtout various model of interaction. The result of those process ofinteraction could be positive of negative perpestives. From the positiveperspective would bring out the attitude of tolerance, even just in thescope of social-life. Whereas the negative perspective would emergewhen among religious believers have not aware about the diversities ofbelief. Furthermore, from this perspective then emerge conflict andviolence which is used and religion as its justification. Basically, everyproblem have its solution, including the case/conflict which is usingthe name of religion. And dialogue as one of the problem solving to beused to skim or overcome the negative perspective about the religiousdiversities.

Konstruksi Teologi Persahabatan Kontekstual

Indonesian Journal of Theology

Dalam satu dekade terakhir muncul ketertarikan teolog Indonesia untuk memperbincangkan berbagai aspek persahabatan. Sayangnya, tidak banyak yang menggalinya dari sisi Perjanjian Lama (PL). Padahal, ada beberapa narasi PL yang secara eksplisit mengisahkan persahabatan interpersonal, salah satunya adalah narasi relasi persahabatan antara Yonatan dengan Daud yang terdapat di dalam beberapa bagian Kitab 1 dan 2 Samuel. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pengayaan makna dan kebaruan nilai dari narasi Yonatan-Daud, yang akan dibaca ulang dengan lensa persahabatan orang Batak Toba sebagaimana direpresentasikan oleh dua terminologi penting: marpadan dan maraleale. Nilai-nilai sosiologis, antropologis, dan spiritual persahabatan berkelindan dalam kedua terminologi tersebut. Dalam pembacaan ulang narasi Yonatan-Daud, marpadan (ikatan solidaritas) dan maraleale (persahabatan yang dalam) akan berdialog dengan bĕrîth (perjanjian dalam teks Perjanjian Lama) secara konstruktif. Hasil pembacaan...

Dialog Sebagai Kesadaran Relasional Antar Agama: Respons Teologis Atas Pudarnya Semangat Toleransi Kristen-Islam Di Indonesia

Jurnal Abdiel: Khazanah Pemikiran Teologi, Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Musik Gereja, 2020

Isu pudarnya toleransi antarumat beragama di dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia yang majemuk masih menjadi isu yang penting untuk diselesaikan. Fakta membuktikan bahwa kalangan Kristen sering kali didiskreditkan dengan Islam radikal. Padahal, kemajemukan memanggil setiap warga negara untuk merayakan perbedaan. Pernyataan tesis dalam mengatasi masalah ini terlihat melalui peluang dialog yang muncul sebagai realitas praksis baru antaragama untuk hidup dalam keharmonisan. Dialog mendatangkan beragam dinamika dan relasi yang mungkin karena sifatnya yang mengubahkan dan menumbuhkan sehingga mewadahi pluralitas yang konkret. Bahkan, dialog dapat menjadi identitas sosial umat beragama di Indonesia yang majemuk ketika perhatian dialog tidak sebatas konsep ilmu kalam masing-masing agama melainkan bentuk yang lebih transformatif. Berkaitan dengan itu beberapa pemikir teori kerukunan antar umat beragama menunjukkan urgensi dan implikasi dari pendekatan dialog mengatasi intoleransi. Khususnya, da...

Pengarusutamaan Dialog Fikih dan Tasawuf

The spirit of Sufistic fiqh has actually been published and transmitted since the fiqh narrative became a separate study in the Islamic sciences. Jurisprudence and Sufism dialogue exists to reduce, dampen, and slowly suspend groups or communities that are solid with a fiqh-oriented view. This article is classified as library research, utilizing various library sources, books, journals, and relevant documents to find, formulate and obtain comprehensive results. In this study, the mainstreaming of fiqh and tasawuf dialogue is an effort to find common ground so that it can be promoted as a role model for peace fiqh by carrying out two frameworks, namely; make Maqashid Shari'ah a paradigmatic bridge and broaden the reference for dynamizing perspectives. In the midst of social life, Muslims continue to face crucial issues, humanity, religious dialogue, and social conflicts. The conclusion of this study is that a productive meeting between fiqh and tasawuf can become the center of the meeting in revitalizing the fiqh of peace with operational assistance, maqashid shari'ah and efforts to dynamize Muslim perspectives.

Dialog antar umat beragama


The past event is book and history. Both of them are not only scary stories not only for mourned but also for a changing reference. Actulally, this earth is not possible to be transformed quickly, but it can be changed depend on the human's sprite to determine wheater it is to dezided to be misereble or properity. A conflict between horisontal contardiction and socity should be stop. The human needs peace of life and not disaster. As the result, all of conflick mus be end of, whatever that are elements, such as the conflick between religion and the other one. In addition, a history has already recorded that the distiction of religions have created a lot of problems and victims. It is terrible and irony that the existence of a religion must be a tool and place to peace and safe. However, in this condition is contraray that a religion is being tool to execute each others. Ther are many nation child to be victims and even they are dead without no rasons. This case must be stop. The gate of pluralism is to find Kalimatun Sawa', a dialuge is to solve relegions problems. In this arena, conflict can be recovered.