Status of Development of NE States in India in the National Perspective (original) (raw)
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At the eve of independence, it was a daunting task before Nehru to frame a suitable policy of governance for the NorthEastern states hitherto separated from the colonial administrative mainstream. With the continuous pursuance of protective and proactive role by the government of India, the growth scenario of the NorthEastern states has turned out to be near satisfactory. The per-capita income has been on the rise at a moderate rate, income inequality and inter-states disparities are also declining. However, the worrying factor is that growth is discernible where government intervenes as principal economic actor. Size of labour market has failed to respond positively due to absence of credible manufacturing sector, limited volume of trade and commerce, transport and communication and banking and insurance. To add further, most of the NorthEastern states have demonstrated very poor fiscal condition despite having enhancing central assistances over time. It is found that the 'Look East' policy will become the engine of growth and transform the economy North East is illusive in nature and devoid of economic rationale. Alternatively, forging a durable relationship with Bangladesh and bringing time bound solution to immigration problem and water disputes, the road, railways and water transport system through Bangladesh can become much more cost effective and beneficial for the development of economy and to create employment opportunities for NorthEastern states.
Kultura i Edukacja 2014, No. 5 (105), 2014
It was a daunting task before the Nehru-led government to frame a suitable policy of governance for secluded North-Eastern states which were completely separated from mainstream British India. Due to the historical background as well as the geographical location of the region, the government of India has long tried to integrate the North-Eastern states with mainland India keeping social and cultural institutions of that region unaltered. With the continuous pursuance of protective and proactive role by the government growth scenario of the North-Eastern states has turned out to be satisfactory. Per-capita income has also been growing at a moderate rate and poverty both in absolute and relative terms and inequality is declining. However, the worrying factor is that growth is pronounced where the government is acting as the principal economic actor. In addition, most of the North-Eastern states have demonstrated very poor fiscal conditions and solely rely on central assistance. Economic integration sought under a decentralised development model on the failed promise of bringing equitable development across the North-Eastern states has acted as an incentive to raise the demand for special constitutional arrangements, separate states or countries based on ethnicity or identity. Finally, occasional use of coercive forces, doling out of funds, and providing autonomy without accountability is the adhoc measures often used by the state to settle the unsettled culturo-social and politico-economic issues rooted in Indian soil based on the notion of the abortive post-colonial Indian nationhood. Resultantly, the grand Indian nation-state would certainly suffer from hyper paranoia and a dreamer for a “welfare state” will continue to be interrogated amidst the quagmire of movements based on identity and ethnicity.
ASEAN Calling Development of India’s North-East through Sub-regional Cooperation, 2017
The Northeastern region of India has lagged behind rest of the country and accounts for a mere 2 percent of India’s GDP. The economic reforms initiated in 1990s led to the adoption of Look East policy by the Government of India. The Look East Policy generated considerable optimism in the Northeastern states towards harnessing potentialities for economic development through greater economic ties with ASEAN. Unfortunately economic reform measures resulted in skewed distributional pattern of economic growth among different states and further widened both intra-regional and inter-regional disparities. Interestingly the performance of the states in the North Eastern region during post reform vis-à-vis Look East Policy period found to be dismal. The net gain of foreign trade relations with Northeastern states and ASEAN has been assessed in the context of the broader objectives of “Looking at the East” as pronounced in the governmental policy framework. The study mainly focused on the status of economic development paradigm in different states of Northeastern region and its potentialities of external sector based on secondary data. The pattern of sectoral growth across regions has enabled identification of strength and weakness in different sectors. The inflow of FDI and investment depends critically on better law and order situation. While balanced regional development seems to be myth in the liberalized and free market economy, it is necessary to form a common market of Northeastern region where individual states will contribute on the basis of specialization. The governmental institutions of Northeastern states must play a proactive role building infrastructure and revamping competitiveness through harmonizing both internal and external sector. Further the government must ensure enabling environment by ensuring better law and order situation.
North India’s potential stymied by laggard states
Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, with a large population, are pulling down other north Indian states in terms of the general well-being status of households. There has been a subtle shift in the manner in which state governments have been conducting their business. Apart from Centre-driven reforms, states have adopted a competitive approach in a bid to attract capital, labour and technology, and thereby improve not just their development rankings, but also their electoral prospects. The focus on improving infrastructure has led to a positive impact on industrialisation and services sector for many states, and some like Bihar and Madhya Pradesh have made huge strides in terms of bettering their ranking across several development indicators. However, what has been the impact of this on the overall well-being of households? And how do they fare in terms of earning, spending and saving; basic amenities (bijli, paani, sadak aur shauchalaya); asset ownership (wealth); social, political and financial inclusion; and more importantly the financial optimisms and quality of life?
Inter-state Disparities in Socio-economic Development in North East Region of India
Journal of Agricultural Science, 2012
The level of development of north east region has been estimated with the help of composite index based on optimum combination of socioeconomic indicators. The state-wise data for the year 2006 on forty eight indicators were used for seven states (seven sisters) of the north east region of India. Fifteen indicators are directly concerned with agricultural development, nine indicators are directly concerned with livestock development, twelve indicators are concern with socioeconomic development and the rest twelve indicators describe the level of development in infrastructural service sector. The level of development has been separately estimated for agricultural, livestock, infrastructure and overall socioeconomic field. In case of socioeconomic development, the Assam has been ranked first and Meghalaya is ranked last. Wide disparities were obtained in the level of development among different states. Positive Significant association is found between the Agriculture and Infrastructure fields. Literacy rate is also influencing the level of development in the positive direction. But the level of education, provision of health services, banking facilities, transport and communication system did not significantly influence the agricultural development. North eastern states require improvements of various dimensions in some of the indicators for enhancing the level of overall socioeconomic development for unified balanced integration of curative, preventive and promotional health services.
Theory, Policy, Practice, Development and Discontent in India in Suman Nath and Debraj Bhattacharya (Edited), 2021
ndia’s northeastern states survive in isolation with the rest of India, economically, socially, culturally and politically and it is considered as the most conflict-ridden regions of India and South Asia. However, the isolation of this region from mainland India is primarily a colonial construct and politico-historical reality. During the ancient period, the region acted as a linkage between the Indian subcontinent with East, Southeast and Inner Asia along the southern Silk Route. Trade, culture, faith and people moved through this route from Central China and Southeast Asia. India’s policy formulation during the post-independence period for the northeastern states, and the introduction of the Look East/Act East policy in the late-90s failed to integrate Northeast with the rest of India and South East Asia economically, socially and (or) implicitly culturally. “Look East” policy has failed to become the engine of growth and transform
IJRAR | | E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, 2017
The success of all economic policies and programmes should be evaluated in terms of their ability to generate human capability, since all such policies are based ultimately for the betterment of the quality of lives of people. The goals of sustainable development can be achieved only through inclusive development. In formulating development policies, regional variation should be addressed properly otherwise lop-sided development will be invited that itself set backward dynamics. The present study finds that uneven human development across the states in the region is quite significant. The study also reveals that the socioeconomic components are having positive role in determining the level of human development in NorthEastern states. The study further supports the premise that along with economic growth, human capability expansion is also one of the obvious requirements for sustained human development in the Northeastern region.
Review of Development and Change
Since early 1990s the country has taken recourse to Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), economic liberalization and globalization measures to solve the problem of low economic growth, surmounting external debt burden and balance of payment crisis. These measures popularly known as NEP (New Economic Policy) put emphasis on the primacy of the market economy and lo that effect the role of the Statein shaping the economy and society is progressively curtailed. However, whether such strategy of development will be helpful in reducing socioeconomic disparities between place and people in a pluralistic and multi-ethnic society laden with particularistic and ascriptive values of the hierarchical caste system is doubtful. Thus, analyzing the trend of inter-Statelevel development disparities in Post-Independent India and the flow of capital investment lo different States during post liberalization years, the present paper apprehends that disparities between place and people will accentuate further, if necessary corrective measures are not taken by the State to eliminate market distortions.
Review of Development and Change, 1999
Since early 1990s the country has taken recourse to Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), economic liberalization and globalization measures to solve the problem of low economic growth, surmounting external debt burden and balance of payment crisis. These measures popularly known as NEP (New Economic Policy) put emphasis on the primacy of the market economy and lo that effect the role of the Statein shaping the economy and society is progressively curtailed. However, whether such strategy of development will be helpful in reducing socioeconomic disparities between place and people in a pluralistic and multi-ethnic society laden with particularistic and ascriptive values of the hierarchical caste system is doubtful. Thus, analyzing the trend of inter-Statelevel development disparities in Post-Independent India and the flow of capital investment lo different States during post liberalization years, the present paper apprehends that disparities between place and people will accentuate further, if necessary corrective measures are not taken by the State to eliminate market distortions.
Performance of the States of Northeast India: A Comparative Analysis of Post and Pre Reforms Periods
This paper is an attempt to make a comparative analysis of economic performance of India’s Northeastern States during pre and post reform periods. Our results show that all the states of northeast India except Tripura experienced deceleration of SDP growth during the post-reforms period. However, the performance of the States in terms of PCI growth is, much impressive during the same period. Our study also reveals that the economies of northeast India has undergone a structural change which is characterised by increased share of service sector. Finally, no unambiguity has been observed regarding the sectoral contribution to growth acceleration/deceleration among the state economies. However, taking the seven states as a whole, the contribution by the tertiary sector overwhelms the contribution by the other sectors. Performance of the States of Northeast India: A Comparative Analysis of Post and Pre Reforms Periods. Available from:\_P...