Lion Among Painters: Chinese Master Chang Dai-chien (original) (raw)

1998, Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales

Edgar Cayce Sketch - the famous documented psychic - active roughly from 1925 through 1945, Thousands embrace the spiritual insights of Cayce', "The spirit is life. The mind is the builder. Mind is indeed the Builder - what is held in the act of mental vision becomes a reality

I should highlight that this is not a biography or a documentary but a sketch of some highlights of Edgar Cayce's work. One aspect that I still need to add is the role f Edgar Cayce as a "Spiritual Leader." That section still needs to be written and is very important to understanding Edgar Cayce! I was able to bring out the healing aspect due largely to the work of Linda Caputi and her research into the curse of Epileptics by Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was a documented psychic who was active roughly from 1925 to 1945. Edgar Cayce was phenomenal. He cured eight people of epilepsy in an age and during a time when there were no medicines for epilepsy, much less cures. He spoke in languages he had no conscious knowledge of (an inspirational illustration of speaking in tongues). And as the notable parapsychologist Stephan Schwartz points out, he was remote viewing before remote viewers had come to being. Now, I admit I cherry picked Edgar Cayce and found these illustrations which I believe are the most striking – and thus significant – but in all things the wheat must be separated from the chaff. Edgar Cayce was called the “Sleeping Prophet” because he would answer questions about the future, or the past, or about a person’s illnesses and physiological status while he was in a trance. Cayce gave these unconscious ‘readings’ for people who requested help or had metaphysical questions. He would quickly and easily go into a trance after lying down on a couch and loosening his tie and collar. He would be asked questions while he was in a trance, and his answers would be recorded by his lifelong secretary, Gladys Davis. He turned out to be gifted with an ability to help find cures for people, many of whom were judged by ‘modern’ medicine (modern at the time that is) to be incurable.


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