Ottoman Administrative Priorities: Maximisation in the Province of Karahisar-i $ arki (original) (raw)

The Ottoman Tahrir Defters as a Source for Historical Geography

Belleten, 2008

From its early days, the Ottoman Empire produed large amounts of docuınents, all of which are primary sources for historical research. The most important amongst these groups of documents is without doubt tahrir defters, which can be categorized into three groups: (i) mufassal/detailed (ii) icmal/summarative, and (iii) evkaf/pious foundations tahrir defters. These three groups of documents have been the subject of study for many Turkish and foreign historians. Unfortunately, with very few exceptions, historical geographers have hardly engaged in these defters in their studies. The statistical data found in them are quite diverse, detailed and suitable for establishing spatial distribution, an extremely important aspect of geographical research. Thcse defters provide very rich data on human geography, though they have insufficient information regarding physical geography. As these defters were prepared for the timar system, the Ottoman timar system, it is quite natural to find data f...

The Ottoman Tahrir Defterleri and Agricultural Productivity

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 1997

Forty years have passed since the 'international debut' of the Ottoman tahrir defterleri (provincial tax registers) in the early 1950s, a debut marked by the first publications, in a westem language, of Ömer LOtfi Barkan's pioneering studies using this source. This debut closely followed the appearance of Femand Braudel's seminal La Mediterranee et le monde mediterraneen a l'epoque de Philippe ll, fırst published in 1949, which raised to ever-greater heights the standard of the Annates school and inspired, at the same time, a new generation of Onoman historians. 1 From this time on was forged the link between investigations into the Ottoman tahrir defterleri and the Annales' approach to history. Braudel acknowledged the research potential of the Ottoman tahrir defterleri in the second edition of his Mediterranee, in 1966, asa result of his contact with the work of Barkan, who would become the doyen of Ottoman ı This 'coincidence' in the publicaıion daıes of Braudel's Mlditerranee and the anicles of Barkan has also been noted recently by Colin Hcywood, in "CRJTICAL STUDIES Bctween hisı myth and 'mythohistory': the limits of Ottoınan history, Byzanrine and Modem Greek Studies 12 (1988), pp. 337-38. Notc that Barkan's studies (in Turkish) using the Ottoman tahrirs go back to the Iate 1930s, and they appeared with some frequency throughout the 1940s, before hi s 'international dcbuı' in the 1950s. For the corpus of Barkan's work, see the bibliographies of Arnnon Cohen and Bemard Lewis,

Forces and Resources. Remarks on the Failing Regional State of Sultanshah b. Il Arslan Khwarazmshah

Jan Bemmann, Michael Schmauder (eds.): Complexity of Interaction along the Eurasian Steppe Zone in the First Millennium C.E. Bonn (Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) 2015, 597-622, 2015

A well-known Persian metaphor for the unpredictability of political careers is the Wheel of Fortune. You are a king today, a beggar tomorrow, and we are all bound to the Wheel which turns around like the celestial bodies turn around us in the eternal Sky. The cosmic parallel to earthly events is of course intended. Indeed, empires are made and unmade so quickly that their rise and fall takes no more than a wink of the eye not only sub specie aeternitatis, but also in a more human measure of time. There does not seem to be a good explanation for the sometimes extraordinary speed with which empires or more modest states appear and disappear on the political scene. This paper 1 does not propose a solution, but it proposes a look at one or two factors which may be at work in this process: the significance of local rule and local support for the building of larger states, regional or imperial, and the significance of access to the human resources of the great steppe. A larger question emerges from the case study -the question about the links between a lord and a vassal. These are not discussed here, but for the sake of convenience the terminology of lordship and vassality is used, albeit with the caveat that these terms may not mean the same thing in 12th century Ḫurāsān as in contemporary France or England. The paper itself is a case study of the regional state founded by Sulṭānšāh b. Il Arslan Ḫwārazmšāh (r. 1172-1193) in northern Ḫurāsān.

The Introductıon of the Kastamonu Sharia Registry No.2 Dated 1673-1677 (h. 1084-1087) and Some Determinations Regarding the Economic and Social Structure

Afro Eurasian Studies

Şerʻiyye kelimesinin anlamına bakıldığında İslâm Dini'nin esaslarına ve bu dinin emrettiği dünya nizamına uygun olan kurallar akla gelmektedir. İslâm hukukunu bir yaşam biçimi olarak benimseyen Osmanlı Devleti'nin en önemli yargı organı Şerʻiyye mahkemeleridir. Mahkemelerde tutulan kayıtlar incelendiğinde devlet ve toplumu ilgilendiren çeşitli türden belgelere rastlamak ve ilgili alanda bilgi sahibi olmak mümkündür. Dolayısıyla Osmalı taşra tarihi yazımında en temel arşiv belgeleri hüviyetine sahip Şerʽiyye sicilleri, bu sahada çalışma yapacakların müracaat etmeleri gereken en temel kaynaklar arasındadır. Bir bölgenin ya da şehrin sosyal dokusu, eğitimi, kültürel yapısı veya insanına dair her şey Şerʻiyye sicilleri esas alınmak suretiyle tam olarak anlaşılabilir. Zira söz konusu vesikalar bir zamanların tanığı olan sıradan insanların gündelik yaşamlarına dair toplumsal münasebetleri yansıttığı gibi devlete karşı yükümlülüklerini ve bu konuda oynadıkları rolü de tarihsel açıdan ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışmada genel manada Osmanlı taşrasının hukuk sistemi ve bu sistemin yürütücüsü olan Kadılık Müessesesi hakkında özet bilgiler verilmiş ve 2 Numaralı Kastamonu Şerʻiyye Sicili konusuna göre tasnif edilerek tanıtılmaya çalışılmıştır.