Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a planning tool to identify, predict and evaluate potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures in the early stages of proposed projects. Although EIA has been implemented in Malaysia for over 25 years, the EIA practices have yet to achieve the parameters of effective environmental management and sustainable development. Hence, this research aims to improve the EIA process in Malaysia. Three objectives were utilised in this research which are to recognise the fundamentals of EIA process and procedures applied in Malaysia, to analyse the issues in relation to the EIA preparation and submission conducted in Malaysia and to propose a set of recommendations to further improve the current EIA process in Malaysia. Mixed methods approach was embarked composed of qualitative instruments via document review and semi-structured interviews and quantitative instrument utilising questionnaire survey. Key issues on the EIA process in Malaysia were gathered from qualitative data collected. Analysis of data collected resulted to recommendations on the key issues regarding EIA. 25 proposed recommendations to improve the EIA process were contextualised and validated via questionnaire survey. Ergo, this research established an improved EIA process in Malaysia towards sustainable development to ameliorate the EIA practices in Malaysia.

An Assessment of Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA) in Malaysia

SHS Web of Conferences

The effectiveness of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in evaluating the planning project is a debatable issue among academics and practitioners, since EIA has been claimed to be unable to eliminate the environmental issues. Focusing only on technical improvements is not sufficient for rectifying the problems of EIA; the process of EIA should be clearly identified instead to maximise the effective use of EIA. It is important to note that the effective use of EIA, particularly on process-related issues could significantly minimise bad environmental effects. In summary, this study aims to explore and identify the effectiveness of EIA in the planning process and barriers to evaluate the environmental performance in Malaysia. The findings of this study could be a baseline for organisation to minimize emission, avoid the risk of prosecution and fines arising from potential environment breaches and cost reduction within the organisation.

A case study on an environmental impact assessment in Malaysia


The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure in Malaysia has been developed primarily as an aid to the environmental planning of new or existing development projects. The pollution control which have been promoted for quite some time in Malaysia is essentially a curative process where else the implementation of the mandatory EIA procedures is more of a preventive measure to avoid costly mistakes in planning and development. All activities listed under the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 1987 have to undergo an EIA before commencement of work. This paper describes the EIA process in Malaysia with a particular reference to a proposed new road which has undergone an EIA study. The EIA procedure as outlined in the Environmental Quality Act, Malaysia (1974) is discussed and several aspects of the EIA process is highlighted.

Case study on an environmental impact assessment in Malaysia

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Environmental Engineering Education and Training, EEET'96, 1996

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure in Malaysia has been developed primarily as an aid to the environmental planning of new or existing development projects. The pollution control which have been promoted for quite some time in Malaysia is essentially a curative process where else the implementation of the mandatory EIA procedures is more of a preventive measure to avoid costly mistakes in planning and development. All activities listed under the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 1987 have to undergo an EIA before commencement of work. This paper describes the EIA process in Malaysia with a particular reference to a proposed new road which has undergone an EIA study. The EIA procedure as outlined in the Environmental Quality Act, Malaysia (1974) is discussed and several aspects of the EIA process is highlighted.

A Case Study Of The Environmental Impact Assessment Legislations In Sarawak, Malaysia

Asia Pacific Journal of Energy and Environment

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a planning tool used to identify, predict, evaluate and mitigate the environmental effects of development projects. In Sarawak, EIA is governed by the both the State and the Federal EIA Orders. This leads to ambivalence in determining the legislation under which a prescribed activity demanding an EIA falls. This case study aims to investigate the implications associated with the coexistence of both EIA Orders in the state of Sarawak from the viewpoints of practicing environmental consultants. The case study reviews the EIA legislations governing EIA practices in the State and includes a qualitative survey involving practicing EIA consultants to gather feedback on the implications associated with the EIA practices and recommendations to resolve the problems identified. The study shows that even though a prescribed activity is defined by the EIA legislations, different stages of the prescribed activity eventually become prescribed activities on...

Environmental assessment in Malaysia: a means to an end or a new beginning

Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2004

This paper reviews the current framework for, and practical application of, environmental impact assessment (EIA) in Malaysia and assesses the progress made towards adoption of strategic environmental assessment (SEA). EIA legislation was first introduced in 1987 and much progress has been made in enforcing compliance with the requirements. More recent moves towards devolution of EIA control to the states are an indicator of the influence that EIA is making, although there are still many practical constraints to be overcome. Even more recently, Malaysia has used SEA for area-wide schemes: the potential for this take up is evaluated. Despite many problems, the EIA process continues to function and evidence of an emerging commitment to SEA bodes well for the future.

The Dilemma of Environmental Impact Assessment in Sarawak, Malaysia

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 2019

In the Malaysian state of Sarawak, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is governed by both the State and the Federal EIA laws. This leads to ambivalence in determining the legislation under which a prescribed activity demanding an EIA falls. Even though a prescribed activity is defined by the EIA legislation, different stages of the prescribed activity eventually become prescribed activities on their own, which demand fulfillment of different EIA legislation. Unclear demarcation of EIA jurisdiction and different requirements on the scope of an EIA particularly for earthworks also stir doubts among environmental consultants. Consultation, involvement and effective communication among the State and Federal environmental authorities are crucial to minimize uncertainty resulted from co-implementation of both the EIA legislation.

An Integrated Holistic Approach to Improving the Theory of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (Esia) for Urban Planning Development in Malaysia

Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management

All environmental legislation, laws, and regulations must be followed by the construction industry in Malaysia. Before starting a new project, the relevant project must undergo two major assessments namely the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) and the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) (SIA). The goal of this study is to evaluate the theoretical framework of EIA and SIA current practice/implementation for construction project approval by Malaysian authorities and recommend suitable holistic approach in ESIA theoretical framework for approving system. The collected data from 175 respondents via structured questionnaire survey and analyzed using SPSS Software, are then used to create and recommend an appropriate ESIA framework for adaptation. Overall, the study aims to improve Malaysia's approval system by recommending an integrated holistic approach to project approval based on ESIA theoretical framework, in accordance with environmental legislation, laws, and regulations. Besides,...