Problems of Etymology (original) (raw)

Modern Hebrew Consonant Clusters

l'l lt\l'l:(.'l'lVI15 ()N I-ANGUAGE \ \ I ) I,AN(;UN(;E I)EVELOPMENT l'\ ll( )N( )l{ ( )l I(tllll A. I}lrlt MAN I r rl',ktN t{A\ril ) ANt) ItAVA llAt-z.EL,v sFtyl_l)Kl{oT 'ir,,i \\ | |l \( \l)l l\ll( , r,tlr ltl ll()\lr)l.l l,t lltl.lSl I llltS 'l()Nl)()N l. Nl()l)lrl{N lll:l}l{liW (l()NS()NANT CLUSTERS ( )ll \ li( )l )lL l(,l I I \( I l\\'.'\li,z.WAl l) lltr ll.ttt I juttt ttl, l!,uu,tt (),trt, I:ru1 | \ I I{( )t )tJ(; I l()N ( ,'r\(rr),ult t'lrrsters ur-c 1)ilrt of tltc phorrotrctic strurctrlre of r lllr)lrulgc. Evcrv llnqu:rqc lrr', r r'r(.rrrr Iltont'tic' restri(ti()rs ()n possible c()lnbinrtions of c()r)sol):lnts in initilrl, ', , ,lr.rl .rrrrl tirr.rl positiort. 'f lrc rcsrriction orr thc occurrence of iclcrrric.rl colls()n:rnts r r r , lrrrlr'r \( r'n)\ t() bt' turivers:rl tnrl uus firltttrtl:ttccl is the ()bliq;rtory Oorrtour l'rrrr, r1,lq (( )( l') lrv Mt(lrrltlrr, (l9Ul. l9tt(r. This principlc pmhibits rhc crerriorr of' rs rrl rrlttttrt.rl ('()ns()r)ilr)t\. Motlcrrr Hcbrcu,(MH) is r)o c-\ccptioli,:rntl it hrllou,s .Lrr{ l)lrr(il)l(.Ilo*t'r,t'r',:cr,'et'ul otlrcrgel)cr:lliz:ltionscletcrnrine thcpreventionoi ,,r,r )r.u)( , lttrtt't's irt rvortl It'xt'rttcs in cither-irrflcr'tcd or t'lcrivecl fbrtns. Scverll tlctors \ll I I'r,rlrrlrrt (()n\()n.lilt\ firrrrt tlt't'rrrrirrq irr clustcrs: lrist<tricul "lluttLlrllls", clustcf ,i rlt,,lr il) lltt rrortl. ltlr,rrrr'tr, fi'.rtrrlcs ()t tl)c ('()r)s()D;lr)ts, Il)()rph(lloqical c:ltc!a()rics. ,,r,1,'1 11'111 .r)(l \\()nl tt'rgistt'r. llre [l:tp('r-c\.ll)rir)L'\tltctlrcoleticll rclcvlltce ofrvort.l rr rl 1 1,, (lrr' trot Ilroloqir'.rl .rrttl plrorroloqic.rl Ir(x'csses irtvolvccl irt cottsonarrt clustcr ,,irr,, rrr \llL