Nalar Konstitusi Dalam Wacana Reformulasi GBHN (original) (raw)
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Constitutional Court who was born as one of the reforms agenda in the continued process of judicial power itself into an independent institution that is at the forefront in guarding the constitution. As an agency that handles matters constitutional, posisiny is clearly confronted with the vortex power of the oligarchs who seemed never be separated from the Indonesian constitutional journey. Struggle not only with critics but also systemic critique of scientific laws, which the agency is expected to not thick with legalistic positivism absolutizing the workings of the law and the constitution. Besides, what is the most feared and to be consequences if the judges are in crisis Weltanschauung. This is where the need to check the perspective that not only cast a normative critique, but also reflective criticism, as an affirmation of the political and dismantle structural hegemony explore perspectives on the human being as the central value of justice.
Wacana Menghidupkan Kembali GBHN dalam Sistem Presidensil Indonesia
Jurnal Penelitian Hukum De Jure, 2017
This research examine the discourse of reviving the Directive Principle of State Policies (DPSP) as a national development planning guideline that is often contrary with a presidential system. The problem research, first what is the legal form of DPSP that does not conflict with the presidential system? Second, what are the legal implications of DPSP violations by the President according the presidential system? By using normative legal research methods, this research concluded that DPSP is not always in conflict with presidential system by placing it in the constitution. The legal form DPSP in the constitution makes national development planning not only the preident domain, but result of mutual agreement in accordance with the social basis of the pluralistic Indonesian society. The DPSP violations cannot have implications for dismissal of the President, because DPSP is still a morally binding guide. The legal system for evaluating DPSP violations can be through the MPR by ordering the House of Representatives to effectively use parliamentary budgetary rights or the Constitutional Court with judicial review or constitutional complaint. The Revive of DPSP can be done by amendment the 1945 Constitution by the MPR.
Reformulasi Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara (GBHN) Dan Amandemen Ulang Undang-Undang Dasar
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Wacana reformulasi GBHN dan pengembalian kewenangan MPR untuk membuat ketetapan, kembali menguat pasca-Kongres V PDI-P (2019). Kongres tersebut menghasilkan 23 rekomendasi yang berisi sikap dan kebijakan partai serta usulan untuk pemerintahan Jokowi-Ma'ruf 2019-2024. Kajian ini bertujuan memetakan proses politik wacana reformulasi GBHN dan Posisi MPR pasca-amandemen UUD 1945. Hasil kajian ini menemukan fakta sebagai market leader dalam penataan sistem ketatanegaraan dengan memperkuat MPR dan menetapkan haluan negara, PDI-P kurang piawai mengelola situasi politik. PDI-P yang memperjuangkan agenda terbatas dalam amandemen, harus menenggang agenda lain. Saat ini kuasa ada di pimpinan PDI-P dan presiden, selain itu juga bergantung pada respon pemilik saham besar lain atas republik ini, yakni para ketua umum partai yang punya wakil di DPR/MPR.
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Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education, 2020
Perubahan konstitusi merupakan salah satu cara terpenting yang dilakukan oleh beberapa rezim transisi untuk mendirikan pemerintahan yang demokratis. Indonesia menghadai momen kritis dalam mengelola transisi politik setelah rezim otoriter Orde baru selama 32 (tiga puluh dua) tahun menuju reformasi yang demokratis. Dalam penelitian jurnal ini perumusan yang dibahas adalah : bagaimana kedudukan konstitusi yang lama terhadap konstruksi hukum rezim yang baru pada masa transisi politik reformasi di Indonesia dan dampak dari perubahan konstitusi dalam transisi orde baru menuju reformasi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, menganalisis dan memahami posisi ideal kedudukan konstitusi yang lama terhadap konstruksi hukum rezim yang baru dalam transisi politik menuju demokrasi dan dampak perubahan konstitusi pada transisi orde baru menuju reformasi di Indonesia pada masa kini. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pada masa transisi orde baru menuju reformasi, tidak terjadi ...
Reformasi Konstitusi dalam Transisi Menuju Demokrasi
Constitutional reform is one of the most important ways undertaken by some transitional regime for establish a democratic government. This kind of reform has many models. In Spain it is called reforma pactada-ruptura involving "negotiation" among elite, and a "rupture" from the previous regime whose legacy cannot be maintained any longer. The similar model, with different stressing, also took place in Taiwan. As Indonesia is now facing its critical moment in managing political transition following a thirty-two year authoritarian regime of New Order, a comparative study is valuable in giving inspiration on what route should be pondered. One important political decision to be taken is to reform constitution, namely the UUD 1945. Since its broad and open-to-interpretation character and its executive-heavy. the constitution is easily manipulated. Yet, the constitutional reform idea has been critical as its suspiced by certain groups with its concern on the total changing of the law, and also because the law has been merely a sacred text which left no chance to be reformed. This article suggest that the constitutional reform is possible, it is even a must, as long it is still in the path of the preambule as other country cases had shown how significant the constitutional reform for the process of democratization