Who Was Malinche? (original) (raw)
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Doğru, F. (2023) Tarihî ve Edebî Figür Olarak Malinçe (Doña Marina) ve Temsilleri, İstanbul Üniversitesi. Yüksek lisans tezi., 2023
This thesis aims to introduce the character of Malinche (Doña Marina), who played an important role in the Conquest of Mexico by Spaniards in 1519-1521. Malinche (Doña Marina) is a versatile character named in many ways such as Marina and Malinalli. In addition to being a translator and mediator between Spaniards and Mexicans, she is also known as the mother of mestizo (mestijaze) and she has an important role in the formation of Mexican identity. Malinche, mentioned in historical sources, has also been a literary figure in theatre, poetry, story and novels and she has been the subject of many works. The scope of the thesis is determined as her representations, her role in the formation of Mexican identity and the perception as literary figure after the introduction of Malinche as a historical figure. After introducing Malinche as an historical figure, the literary texts on which Malinche represented as a protagonist will be examined and the panorama of Malinche as literary figure will be presented. I expect that this study about Malinche, who has been mentioned both in Mexican history and literature, and in Spanish sources, will be useful for those interested in the subject. I assume that it will an informative work to introduce Malinche to Turkish readers and literature.