mLab: Aplikasi Perangkat Bergerak untuk Mengakses Sistem Informasi Laboratorium berbasis SMS dan J2ME (original) (raw)

Aplikasi SMS Web Untuk Managemen Sistem Informasi Laboratorium

Skirpsi Sarjana Jurusan …, 2009

Paper ini membahas tentang pengembangan sistem SMS Web Application di Laboratorium Telematika, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya. Sistem tersebut dibangun dengan memanfaatkan Gammu sebagai aplikasi SMS Gateway, PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman untuk membuat SMS web application dan MySQL sebagai database server. Layanan-layanan yang dikembangkan pada SMS Web Application ini meliputi : administrator dan user area, autentikasi, SMS Filter dan polling.

Sistem Informasi Manajemen Laboratorium (SIMLAB) (Studi Kasus Laboratorium Progdi Sistem Informasi UMK

Data processing is a routine matter needed by the organization that must be developed properly in order to produce an accurate information. Because of that, it necessary needs equipment to perform these tasks quickly and accurately, that is a computer with data processing advantage in processing, storing, presenting, and analyzing in order to get accurate and fast results. Program Study Laboratory of Informatics System of Muria Kudus University uses computer as a means to carry out activities related to administration and management manually and has not applied a special program in making a report that relates to data processing and inventory. The results of the design will be created by using PHP programming language and MySQL Server as the database that can create application programs in accordance with a user friendly performance.

Sistem informasi inventaris laboratorium program studi ilmu komunikasi universitas muhammadiyah surakarta


The Communication Science Study Program is one of the study program incorporated in the Faculty of Communication and Information of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta which has an important asset for the implementation of the practicum process with a considerable amount. During this time the inventory process still uses manual methods by recording in the book which of course will reducing performance in the recording process. The existence of problems can be overcome by developing an information system that aims to provide convenience to users in the process of recording inventory. The stage in this study include needs analysis, system planning, coding, testing, and implementation. The inventory information system developed is expected to help in the inventory process and can present the required information appropriately. The information system has done two-step of testing where both tests get a good result. Testing using blackbox can show the system is running smoothly as needed...

Sistem Informasi Manajemen Laboratorium Teknik Mesin (Studi Kasus: Universitas Muria Kudus Dengan Notifikasi Whatsapp)

Journal of Information Technology Ampera, 2021

Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik merupakan laboratorium yang disediakan oleh Universitas Muria Kudus bertujuan untuk mendorong mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan kegiatan praktikum khususnya praktikum di jurusan Teknik Mesin. Di laboratorium teknik mesin, dalam lingkup input data, komputer masih digunakan sebagai sarana untuk melaksanakan aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan data pendataan jadwal, pengelolaan inventaris, pendataan hasil riset, pendataan Bahan lab, pendataan peminjaman dan pengembalian barang, dan terkadang masih salah karena pendataan masih terus menerus dan belum ada prosedur khusus yang digunakan untuk membuat laporan terkait pengolahan data dan inventarisasi yang berakibat pada keterlambatan pendataan. Sasaran dari observasi ini adalah penulis ingin membangun system yang berjudul “Sistem Informasi Manajemen Laboratorium Teknik Mesin (Studi Kasus Universitas Muria dengan Notifikasi Whatsapp)” maka dari itu diharapkan Ka.lab, Laboran, dan mahasiswa dengan...

Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Keamanan Laboratorium Menggunakan Komunikasi Long Range (LORA) Berbasis Android


It is undeniable that wireless communication technology is developing very rapidly, especially in an emergency. For example in the laboratory. The laboratory is a place to carry out practical or research activities that are supported by complete laboratory equipment and infrastructure. Therefore, it is not impossible that the complete laboratory equipment becomes an excuse for people with the aim of committing crimes. The most frequent crime in the laboratory is theft, the thieves usually take advantage of the moment when the laboratory personnel are not in the room and they can take valuables in the room without being noticed by the officers freely. Therefore our goal in this research is to improve security for laboratories with wireless communication technology methods. This technology uses a communication system named Lora equipped with ALOHA protocol based on Android to be able to monitor remotely. The test was carried out at a height of 80 cm and this study resulted in the larg...

Perancangan Sistem Informasi Laboratorium (SILAB) Terintegrasi Di Laboratorium Pelatihan Komputer STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Laboratorium merupakan sarana dan tempat untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran yang didalamnya terkait dengan pengembangan pemahaman, keterampilan dan inovasi bidang ilmu pengetahuan. Berbagai aktivitas dilaksanakan di Labor seperti kegiatan praktikum dan administrasi Laboratorium Pelatihan Komputer masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu menggunakan komputer tetapi tidak berbasis pada sistem informasi. Penjadwalan, cetak absensi, pendataan peserta praktikum serta rekap vakasi praktikum masih menggunakan word dan excel. Sehingga seringkali mengalami kesulitan dalam menjadwalkan, merekap data mahasiswa, pencatatan absensi kegiatan praktikum bahkan rekap vakasi mengajar. Hal ini karena tidak terintegrasinya aktivitas praktikum kedalam sebuah sistem. Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas, maka pada makalah ini penulisan akan memamaparkan tahapan dalam pengembangan sebuah sistem informasi laboratorium yang dapat mengintegrasikan aktivitas praktikum, sehingga dapat mempermudah dalam proses ...

Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Klinik Berbasis Client Server


The copyright of recognition for software programmer is needed to improve their productivity. Linux is the right choice of software to use in their fieldwork. The information system is important to help a good service in a laboratory has taken quality competition—the development of technology base on client-servers supporting an expert application maker to get customer satisfaction. The Laboratory information system has developed using gambas 1.014, the databases using MySQL server five, and Linux operating system.