Seasonal variations in the population of Vespidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) of Swat Pakistan (original) (raw)

Vespine Wasps (Vespidae: Hymenoptera) of Swat Khyber

A taxonomic survey of the vespine wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) was carried out from May, 2014 to October, 2016. During the study, a total of 798 specimens belonging to the subfamily Vespinae were captured representing 5 species under two genera, Vespa tropica, Vespa velutina, Vespa orientalis, Vespa mandarinia and Vespula flaviceps. The three species, Vespa tropica, Vespa orientalis and Vespa mandarinia are for the first time reported from the study area.

Species richness and diversity of Vespidae (Insecta:Hymenoptera) of Swat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan


Keeping in view the agricultural importance, Vespidae is an important family of the order Hymenoptera (Insecta). The objective of the study was to find out the number of species of the family and to mark the distribution of the species of the family Vespidae in various locations of the study area. The wasps were collected with the help of hand net through active search, killed with insecticide and preserved in insect boxes having naphthalene balls as preservatives. Species richness were calculated using Margalef and Menhinick indices while species diversity was calculated using Simpson diversity index. The most abundant subfamily was Polistinae with 65% abundance while the least abundant was the Eumeninae with 2% abundance. However, the most diverse and species rich subfamily is Eumeninae with a Simpson (1-D) value of 0.803, Menhinick and Margalef indices values of 1.540 and 2.543, respectively. Among the seven tehsils, Kabal is the most species rich and diverse having Margalef value 2.408, Menhinick Value 0.514 and Simpson (1-D) value 0.777 while Bahrain is the least species rich and having no diversity. The Margalef, Menhinick and Simpson (1-D) values for tehsil Bahrain are 0, 0.333, and 0, respectively. The Polistinae is the dominant subfamily in the area and can be used as biocontrol agent for various pests of agricultural importance.

Solitary Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) of Swat Pakistan, with two species newly reported from the country and three unidentified species

A taxonomic survey of the solitary wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) was carried out from April, 2014 to November, 2016. During the study, a total of 51 specimens were captured representing four genera, Antepipona, Antodynerus, Delta and Rhynchium and eleven species. Eight of these species were identified as, Delta dimidiatepenne, Delta esuriens, Antepipona deflenda, Antepipona sibilans, Antodynerus flavescens, Rhynchium bruneum, Rhynchium carnaticum, and Rhynchium quinquecinctum while three species were identified up to genus level, Rhynchium, with the help of available literature but species not confirmed and may be new to science. Two species, Antepipona deflenda, and Rhynchium carnaticum are new for Pakistan while four species Antepipona sibilans, Antodynerus flavescens, Rhynchium bruneum and Rhynchium quinquecinctum are new to Swat.

The social wasp fauna of Pakistan (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)

A b s t r a c t : The author presents new data on some social wasps of the subfamilies Vespinae and Polistinae from Pakistan. The findings of Vespula flaviceps (SMITH 1858), Polistes (Polistes) biglumis LINNAEUS 1758, Polistes (Polistes) gallicus (LINNÉ 1767), and Polistes (Polistella) quadricingulatus GUSENLEITNER 2006 represent new records for Pakistan. Vespula flaviceps reaches the west limit of its distribution in Pakistan. K e y w o r d s : Vespinae, Polistinae, Pakistan, distribution, new records.

Taxonomic study of polistinae species (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of Dir, Pakistan

The objective of the present study was to find out the fauna of the social wasps of the subfamily Polistinae of Dir Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa Pakistan. Dir is situated in the North of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa at an elevation of 1420 meters with an altitude of 35.1977° N and latitude 71.8749° E. A total of 248 specimens were collected from the study area from April, 2015 to November, 2017. The specimens represented eight species under two genera, Polistes and Ropalidia. The genus Polistes was represented in the area by six species Polistes indicus, P. olivaceous, P. stigma, P. wattii, P. rothneyi and Polistes flavus while the genus Ropalida was represented by two species R. brevata and R. cyathiformis. Among these P. olivaceous, P. wattii, P. flavus and R. brevata were new record for Dir. It was also observed that Polistes wattii was the most abundant species in the area while P. olivaceous and P. rothneyi were widely distributed in the area. All these wasps were found predators on various fruit crops pests and play a pollinating role in the area.

Vespidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) of Multan Region, Pakistan

Oriental Insects, 2022

A total 14 species from 10 genera belonging to three subfamilies: Eumeninae, Polistinae and Vespinae are listed from the Multan region of Pakistan. The subfamily Eumeninae is represented by 11 species in eight genera, while there are two species of genus Polistes belonging to the subfamily Polistinae and one species of the genus Vespa belonging to subfamily Vespinae. Among these Allorhynchium argentatum, Antepipona ceylonica, Delta esuriens esuriens, Delta pyriforme pyriforme, Odynerus reniformis, Xenorhynchium nitidulum, Polistes indicus, Polistes wattii and Vespa orientalis are recorded for the first time from Multan region. Genus Odynerus and two species: Antepipona ceylonica, and Odynerus reniformis are new records from Pakistan.

Vespidae (Hymenoptera) of the Pothwar region of Punjab, Pakistan

Zootaxa, 2015

Six genera and nine species of Eumeninae (Eumenes punctatus de Saussure, E. papillarius (Christ), Delta dimidiatipenne (de Saussure), D. p. pyriforme (Fabricius), D. esuriens (Fabricius), Rhynchium brunneum (Fabricius), Anterhynchium abdominale (Illiger), Antepipona sibilans (Cameron), Allorhynchium argentatum (Fabricius)) , two genera and six species of Polistinae (Polistes wattii (Cameron), P. olivaceus (De Geer), P. rothneyi carletoni van der Vecht, P. indicus Stolfa), Ropalidia brevita Das & Gupta, R. cyathiformis (Fabricius), and one genus and four species of Vespinae (Vespa basalis Smith, V, orientalis Linnaeus, V, tropica (Linnaeus), V. velutina Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau) are recorded from Pothwar region. Eumenes punctatus and E. papillarius are newly recorded from Pakistan. An illustrated keys to subfamilies, genera and species are given.

Taxonomic studies on Vespid wasps(Hymenoptera:Vespoidea:Vespidae) of Dumna Nature Park,Jabalpur,Madhya Pradesh

Record of Zoological Survey of India, 2017

The diversity of wasps of the family Vespidae from Dumna Nature Park, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh is studied. It consists of 20 species with an additional subspecies belonging to 11 genera under 3 subfamilies. Out of these, 13 species and an additional subspecies are newly recorded here from Madhya Pradesh. The parasitic association of strepsipteran insects are also reported for the first time in the genus Delta. Abbreviations used for the terms: H = Head; M = Mesosoma; OOL = Ocellocular length; POL = Posterior ocellar length; S = Abdominal sterna; T = Abdominal terga.

Faunistic study of vespid wasps in Zanjan Province (Northwest of Iran) with some ecological measures


The order Hymenoptera, with more than 115000 described species, comprise about 10% of the species diversity of the planet. Vespidae, one of the major families of this order, plays an important role in biological control of plant pests. In the present study, a faunistic investigation with estimation of some ecological indices of interspecific associations of vespid wasps was carried out in the northern part of Zanjan province (NW of Iran). The specimens were identified using available keys, and final identification confirmed by Dr. Josef Gusenleitner from Austria which resulted into 23 species as follow identically would according: