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Land development is very important for social and economic of the country. The study of flood risk is also significant for land development. The prediction of flood risk areas and potential impact is important for spatial planning in the future and for solving the problems in the area that has been developed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of flood risk area using rainfall return period of 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years. The Lam Takong river basin is the case study for MIKE FLOOD modelling which the water level and discharge from MIKE 11 and MIKE 21 were analysed. The result revealed that the maximum flood levels for return period 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 year were 1.37, 1.54, 1.83, 1.92 and 2.66 m., respectively.The maximum discharge of flooding in 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 year is 174.20, 178.20,180.00, 251.80, and 299.10 m3/s, respectively. The flood affected areas for return period 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 year were 87.25, 93.19, 135.31, 151.75, และ 206.38 km2, respec...

Rate of Return on Education in Thailand 4.0

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2019

ทคดยอ บทความนสรางแรงจงใจใหผปกครองตระหนกถงความคมคาของการลงทนทางการศกษาในยคไทยแลนด 4.0 โดยมวตถประสงคเพอคำนวณอตราผลตอบแทนทางการศกษาดวยวธสวนลด (Elaborated Method) ระหวางการสำเรจมธยมศกษาตอนตน (ภาคบงคบ) กบการสำเรจมธยมศกษาตอนปลายสายอาชวศกษาและสายสามญ กลมตวอยางเปนแรงงานหนมสาวมอายระหวาง 15-45 ป โดยใชขอมลจากการสำรวจแรงงานและการมงานทำ (Labor Force Survey) สำนกงานสถตแหงชาตป พ.ศ. 2558 พบวา แรงงานชายและหญงทจบ ม.3 และตดสนใจศกษาตอ ม.6 จะมอตราผลตอบแทนภายในของการลงทนการศกษาลดลงรอยละ 5.5 และ 3.5 ตามลำดบ และแรงงานชายและหญงทจบ ม.3 และตดสนใจศกษาตอ ปวช.3 จะมอตราผลตอบแทนเพมขนรอยละ 9.5 และ 7.5 ตามลำดบ ดงนนพอแมควรตดสนใจใหบตรศกษาตอสายอาชวศกษา (ปวช.) จะคมคามากกวาสายสามญ (ม.6) สำหรบสถาบนอาชวศกษาควรเพมสดสวนผเรยนอาชวศกษาและผลตแรงงานสอดคลองกบความตองการสถานประกอบการและนโยบายไทยแลนด 4.0 คำสำคญ: อตราผลตอบแทนทางการศกษา อาชวศกษา สามญศกษา ไทยแลนด 4.0 ABSTRACT This article motivates parents to realize the value of educational investment in the Thai era. 4.0. The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of return o...

คุ้มหลวงและเวียงแก้วของเจ้าเชียงใหม่ในสมัยรัชกาลที่ 5 : เรื่องราวที่ไม่ถูกเล่าถึงในพงศาวดารสยาม และร่องรอยที่พบในหลักฐานอื่น King of Chiang Mai’s “Khum Luang”/“Wiang Khaew” in the era of King Chulalongkorn

หน้าจั่ว ว่าด้วยประวัติศาสตร์สถาปัตยกรรมและสถาปัตยกรรมไทย, 2013

The aim of this article is to study the story of Khum Luang/ Wieng Khaew, the palace of King of Chiang Mai, from Siam chronicles, which were written after the annexation of Chaing Mai by Siam in the era of King Chulalongkorn. Besides the chronicles, other sources like archival documents, memoirs and oral history should also be studied alongside with the concept of internal colonialism. The main thai-chronicle of lanna-history, the Yonok Historical Annual, written by Phraya Prachakitkorrajak (Cham-Bunnag), aimed to tell the story of building the Siam-state with Bangkok as a center. As one stage of establishing the Thai-state, the Yonok Historical Annual talks about the renovation of Chiang Mai, the center of Lanna, that took place after the short occupation of the Burmeses. The chronicle states that, King Kawila drove back the people to the city and ordered the establishing of the city pillar. In telling these, the chronicle doesn't mention Khum Luang/Wiang Khaew, which refer to a palace of the King of Chiang Mai and thus the governmentcenter of Lanna. Controversially, both royal houses were mentioned in several memoirs of foreigners in Lanna and in oral history as a place as big importance, which decorated in western styles in the time of colonialism. Moreover, the Siam archival documents show that, after the annexation of Lanna, Khum Luang and Wiang Khaew were rebuilt into places with positive meaning-such as, town hall and school-and negative meaning-such as, a prison. Rebuilding the palace into a prison means a degradation of a palace. Furthermore, it also shows the influence of Siamese government in Bangkok over the colonized Lanna, since the Siamese government could do what it saw fit.

An engineering feasibility study of lam chi long small hydropower project

Engineering and Applied Science Research, 2012

This article presents an engineering feasibility study of Lam Chi Long small run-of-river hydropower project. The study was started by data collection, creating a longitudinal profile of the river, and locating a proper site of intake and 3 alternative sites of power plant. The meeting of the villagers, the local administration officials, and stakeholders was then organized in the project area. The meeting aimed to allow them to consider the project possibility and their cooperation. The natural stream discharge at the intake site, the design and the effective discharge were then calculated. There were 3 alternative values of the design discharge i.e. equal to the minimum flow, and to 50% and

Reducing Losses Through Defect and Impact Analysis in Waste Electrical Power Generation : Case Study of A Waste Electrical Power Plant, Khon Kaen Province


This research aimed to study the loss in energy from waste process, analyze causes, and provide a guideline to reduce the loss by analyzing defects and effects. This study was based on 20 key informants from the waste electrical power plant in Khon Kaen, as a case study. The data were analyzed with Process Flow Chart, Pareto chart, Risk Assessment, Cause and Effect matrix, Defect and Impact Analysis (FMEA), and Relationship Diagrams. The results showed the loss in the energy from waste process came from the stoppage of waste incineration. The study found that the reverse and forward stepping grate machine was a cause of the loss. As a result of the analysis, the loss reduction by analyzing the defects and the impact, it suggested increasing frequency of monitoring the distance (GAP) of the Grate Bar, installation thermometer under the continuous combustion chamber, and checking cleaning fan system every two hours . These guidelines could reduce loss in the energy from waste proce...

สตริงออร์เคสตราและฟลูต : ความสัมพันธ์ทางการทูตครบรอบ 60 ปี ระหว่างประเทศไทยและเกาหลีใต้

Rangsit Music Journal, 2020

Musical composition “String Orchestra and Flute” composed to celebrate the Korea-Thailand sixtieth anniversary of the diplomatic relations. The composition conveys different cultural aspects of the two countries. Compositional materials are based on Thai rhythmic pattern, Thai melody—Kangkaw Kin Kluay—and Korean musical modes, especially P’yŏngjo, Kyemyŏnjo, and Oeumgae (Five Notes System). The main motive is a collection of E, F, and A or set of (015) derived from 60th anniversary. This neotonal composition comprised motivic development, variation in fragmentation, and quartal/quintal chord.

หอยทะเลฝาเดียวของไทย (Marine gastropods of Thailand)


Marine Gastropods of Thailand Andaman Coastal Research Station for Development (ACRSD) Andaman Coastal Research Station for Development (ACRSD) หอยเป๋ าฮื ้ อ Donkey's ear abalone Haliotis ovina หอยงอบดาว Limpet Patelloida saccharina หอยหมวกจี น Rayed wheel limpet Cellana testudinaria หอยก้ นแหลม Top shell Monodonta labio หอยนมสาว Top shell Trochus sp. หอยนมสาว Top shell Trochus maculatus หอยนมสาว Top shell Trochus sp. หอยทั บทิ ม Button top Umbonium vestiarium หอยตาวั วน ้ าลึ ก Tapestry turban shell Turbo petholatus หอยตาวั ว Turban shell Turbo sp. ฝาปิ ดเปลื อกของหอยตาวั ว Operculum of Turbinidae หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita belteata หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita albicilla หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita polita หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita polita หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita polita หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita polita Vittina coromandeliana Vittina sp. Vittina sp. หอยจุ ๊ บแจง Horn snail Cerithidea quadrata หอยเจดี ย์ Turritella snail Turritella duplicata หอยขี ้ กา Telescope snail Telescopium telescopium หอยมวนพลู Screw shell Terebra sp. หอยหู Ear cassidula Cassidula cf. aurisfelis หอยปากเบี ้ ยวลาย Banded mangrove helmet snail Cassidula nucleus หอยนน Judas ear cassidula Ellobium aurisjudae หอยงอบ Calyptraea sp.



This study aims to conduct economics and environmental cost-benefit analysis of conservation economic cropping system on slopping area in DuPhong village, DuPhong Sub-District, Suntisook District, Nan Province. Cooperative design of 5 measures for conservative economic cropping on the sloping land was done by researchers and representatives of local farmers. 103 respondents of the target were asked to collect the information used to analyze the economic environment costs and benefits of conservation economic cropping systems, thereafter the net present value under the period of 20 years were obtained. In this study, cost-benefit analysis was conducted during the implementation of conservative economic cropping systems. Furthermore,