Names for muonium and hydrogen atoms and their ions(IUPAC Recommendations 2001) (original) (raw)

2001, Pure and Applied Chemistry

Cold Muonium Negative Ion Production


A new, efficient method to produce cold negative muon ions is proposed. The muonium atom is made up of an antimuon and an electron and is given the chemical symbol Mu. A second electron with binding energy or electron affinity of 0.75 eV makes the Muion, which is in many ways almost identical to the Hion that is used for charge-exchange injection into most proton particle accelerators. Muonium negative ions were observed in 1987 [1,2] by interaction of muons with a foil. Using the foil charge-exchange approach, the efficiency of transformation of muons to negative muonium ions has been very low ~10. However, by using a hot tungsten or palladium single crystal foil treated by cesium deposition, the production efficiency can be improved up to 50%. The process described here has surface muons focused onto a tungsten or palladium single crystal foil (that can be heated up to 2000 Celsius) and partially covered by a cesium layer up to minimal work function. The negative muon ions can be ...

A Review of Life Science Studies with Muons


Positive muon is a spin half elementary particle lies in the second generation leptons in standard model of particles. It has been used as a sensitive magnetic (spin) probe for study of life and materials. Due to its special characteristics – 100% polarization and asymmetric decay to positron, it provides information about local electronic and spin states of material in which it stops. The asymmetry, relaxation of muon and its charge states in materials provide information about the interested phenomena. For life sciences study, muon can probe the dynamics of electron, proton, ions, H, O2, reaction dynamics, catalytic processes, concentration of molecules, magnetic behaviors, etc. in the biosamples. Here, the applications of positive muon to understand the life related phenomena are reviewed.


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