Self-amplified Amazon forest loss due to vegetation-atmosphere feedbacks (original) (raw)

Feedback between drought and deforestation in the Amazon


Deforestation and drought are among the greatest environmental pressures on the Amazon rainforest, possibly destabilizing the forest-climate system. Deforestation in the Amazon reduces rainfall regionally, while this deforestation itself has been reported to be facilitated by droughts. Here we quantify the interactions between drought and deforestation spatially across the Amazon during the early 21st century. First, we relate observed fluctuations in deforestation rates to dry-season intensity; second, we determine the effect of conversion of forest to cropland on evapotranspiration; and third, we simulate the subsequent downwind reductions in rainfall due to decreased atmospheric water input. We find large variability in the response of deforestation to dry-season intensity, with a significant but small average increase in deforestation rates with a more intense dry season: with every mm of water deficit, deforestation tends to increase by 0.13% per year. Deforestation, in turn, h...

Amazon forest response to repeated droughts

The Amazon Basin has experienced more variable climate over the last decade, with a severe and widespread drought in 2005 causing large basin-wide losses of biomass. A drought of similar climatological magnitude occurred again in 2010; however, there has been no basin-wide ground-based evaluation of effects on vegetation. We examine to what extent the 2010 drought affected forest dynamics using ground-based observations of mortality and growth from an extensive forest plot network. We find that during the 2010 drought interval, forests did not gain biomass (net change: À0.43 Mg ha À1 , confidence interval (CI): À1.11, 0.19, n = 97), regardless of whether forests experienced precipitation deficit anomalies. This contrasted with a long-term biomass sink during the baseline pre-2010 drought period (1998 to pre-2010) of 1.33 Mg ha À1 yr À1 (CI: 0.90, 1.74, p < 0.01). The resulting net impact of the 2010 drought (i.e., reversal of the baseline net sink) was À1.95 Mg ha À1 yr À1 (CI:À2.77, À1.18; p < 0.001). This net biomass impact was driven by an increase in biomass mortality (1.45 Mg ha À1 yr À1 CI: 0.66, 2.25, p < 0.001) and a decline in biomass productivity (À0.50 Mg ha À1 yr À1 , CI:À0.78, À0.31; p < 0.001).

Constraining Amazonian land surface temperature sensitivity to precipitation and the probability of forest dieback

npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 2021

The complete or partial collapse of the forests of Amazonia is consistently named as one of the top ten possible tipping points of Planet Earth in a changing climate. However, apart from a few observational studies that showed increased mortality after the severe droughts of 2005 and 2010, the evidence for such collapse depends primarily on modelling. Such studies are notoriously deficient at predicting the rainfall in the Amazon basin and how the vegetation interacts with the rainfall is poorly represented. Here, we use long-term surface-based observations of the air temperature and rainfall in Amazonia to provide a constraint on the modelled sensitivity of temperature to changes in precipitation. This emergent constraint also allows us to significantly constrain the likelihood of a forest collapse or dieback. We conclude that Amazon dieback under IPCC scenario RCP8.5 (crossing the tipping point) is not likely to occur in the twenty-first century.

Quantifying the spatial extent and intensity of recent extreme drought events in the Amazon rainforest and their impacts on the carbon cycle

Over the last decades, the Amazon rainforest was hit by multiple severe drought events. Here we assess the severity and spatial extent of the extreme drought years 2005, 2010, and 2015/2016 in the Amazon region and their impacts on the carbon cycle. As an indicator of drought stress in the Amazon rainforest, we use the widely applied maximum cumulative water deficit (ΔMCWD). Evaluating an ensemble of ten state-of-the-art precipitation datasets for the Amazon region, we find that the spatial extent of the drought in 2005 ranges from 2.8 to 4.2 (mean = 3.2) million km² (46-71% of the Amazon basin, mean = 53%) where ΔMCWD indicates at least moderate drought conditions (ΔMCWD anomaly < 25 mm). In 2010, the affected area was about 16% larger, ranging from 3.1 up to 4.6 (mean = 3.7) million km² (52-78%, mean = 63%). In 2016, the mean area affected by drought stress was similar to 2005 (mean = 3.2 million km²; 55% of the Amazon basin), but the general disagreement between data sets was larger, ranging from 2.4 up to 4.1 million km² (40-70%). In addition, we compare differences and similarities among datasets using the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (scPDSI) and a rainfall anomaly index (RAI). We find that scPDSI shows a much stronger, and RAI a much weaker drought impact in terms of extent and severity for 2016 compared to ΔMCWD. Using an empirical ΔMCWD-mortality relationship, we calculate biomass losses of the three drought events. We show that eight of ten datasets agree on biomass losses of about 1.8 PgC for the drought years 2005 and 2010, indicating that the more intense drought in 2005 equals a larger total area of the 2010 drought regarding biomass loss. For the 2015/2016 drought event, datasets show a large variability of biomass loss induced by drought stress ranging from 1.3 to 2.7 PgC with a mean loss of 1.8 PgC. Disagreement across datasets increased, (1) when comparing the total area of more severe and extreme drought signals and (2) when comparing spatial drought location across datasets. Generally, only half of the datasets agreed on the location of a drought event. We conclude that for deriving impacts of droughts to the Amazon Basin based on precipitation, an ensemble of datasets should be considered. This is especially relevant when assessing the impact of drought on the Amazon rainforest and its carbon cycle.

Persistent effects of a severe drought on Amazonian forest canopy


Recent Amazonian droughts have drawn attention to the vulnerability of tropical forests to climate perturbations. Satellite and in situ observations have shown an increase in fire occurrence during drought years and tree mortality following severe droughts, but to date there has been no assessment of long-term impacts of these droughts across landscapes in Amazonia. Here, we use satellite microwave observations of rainfall and canopy backscatter to show that more than 70 million hectares of forest in western Amazonia experienced a strong water deficit during the dry season of 2005 and a closely corresponding decline in canopy structure and moisture. Remarkably, and despite the gradual recovery in total rainfall in subsequent years, the decrease in canopy backscatter persisted until the next major drought, in 2010. The decline in backscatter is attributed to changes in structure and water content associated with the forest upper canopy. The persistence of low backscatter supports the slow recovery (>4 y) of forest canopy structure after the severe drought in 2005. The result suggests that the occurrence of droughts in Amazonia at 5-10 y frequency may lead to persistent alteration of the forest canopy. radar | canopy water content | rainforest | QSCAT | canopy disturbance

Ecosystem heterogeneity and diversity mitigate Amazon forest resilience to frequent extreme droughts

The New phytologist, 2018

The impact of increases in drought frequency on the Amazon forest's composition, structure and functioning remain uncertain. We used a process- and individual-based ecosystem model (ED2) to quantify the forest's vulnerability to increased drought recurrence. We generated meteorologically realistic, drier-than-observed rainfall scenarios for two Amazon forest sites, Paracou (wetter) and Tapajós (drier), to evaluate the impacts of more frequent droughts on forest biomass, structure and composition. The wet site was insensitive to the tested scenarios, whereas at the dry site biomass declined when average rainfall reduction exceeded 15%, due to high mortality of large-sized evergreen trees. Biomass losses persisted when year-long drought recurrence was shorter than 2-7 yr, depending upon soil texture and leaf phenology. From the site-level scenario results, we developed regionally applicable metrics to quantify the Amazon forest's climatological proximity to rainfall regime...

Exploring the likelihood and mechanism of a climate-change-induced dieback of the Amazon rainforest

Proceedings of the …, 2009

We examine the evidence for the possibility that 21st-century climate change may cause a large-scale ''dieback'' or degradation of Amazonian rainforest. We employ a new framework for evaluating the rainfall regime of tropical forests and from this deduce precipitation-based boundaries for current forest viability. We then examine climate simulations by 19 global climate models (GCMs) in this context and find that most tend to underestimate current rainfall. GCMs also vary greatly in their projections of future climate change in Amazonia. We attempt to take into account the differences between GCM-simulated and observed rainfall regimes in the 20th century. Our analysis suggests that dry-season water stress is likely to increase in E. Amazonia over the 21st century, but the region tends toward a climate more appropriate to seasonal forest than to savanna. These seasonal forests may be resilient to seasonal drought but are likely to face intensified water stress caused by higher temperatures and to be vulnerable to fires, which are at present naturally rare in much of Amazonia. The spread of fire ignition associated with advancing deforestation, logging, and fragmentation may act as nucleation points that trigger the transition of these seasonal forests into fire-dominated, low biomass forests. Conversely, deliberate limitation of deforestation and fire may be an effective intervention to maintain Amazonian forest resilience in the face of imposed 21st-century climate change. This ⅐⅐⅐ may be enough to navigate E.

Is the Amazon Forest a Sitting Duck for Climate Change? Models Need yet to Capture the Complex Mutual Conditioning between Vegetation and Rainfall

There is much evidence indicating that South America east of the Andes may have had a relatively stable climate, free of ice cap or desertification forest shut-downs for at least 25 thousand years (Baker et al 2001, Colinvaux & Oliveira 2000, Colinvaux et al 2000), and possibly for much longer (Hooghiemstra et al 2002). The extraordinary diversity of life forms found in its three most extensive biomes, Amazon and Atlantic forests and the savannas, supports the indication of long term climate stability (Hooghiemstra et al 2002). The South American mega fauna, relatively devoid of four footed grazing herbivores when compared to the African or North American ones, indicates that for sufficiently long periods South America might have had relatively small areas of savanna (Vivo & Carmignotto 2004). There is biological evidence as well that Atlantic and Amazon forests have been connected (Costa 2003). However, whether South America enjoyed a continuous forest cover over millions of years ...

Vulnerability of Amazonian forests to repeated droughts

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2018

Extreme droughts have been recurrent in the Amazon over the past decades, causing socio-economic and environmental impacts. Here, we investigate the vulnerability of Amazonian forests, both undisturbed and human-modified, to repeated droughts. We defined vulnerability as a measure of (i) exposure, which is the degree to which these ecosystems were exposed to droughts, and (ii) its sensitivity, measured as the degree to which the drought has affected remote sensing-derived forest greenness. The exposure was calculated by assessing the meteorological drought, using the standardized precipitation index (SPI) and the maximum cumulative water deficit (MCWD), which is related to vegetation water stress, from 1981 to 2016. The sensitivity was assessed based on the enhanced vegetation index anomalies (AEVI), derived from the newly available Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)/Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction algorithm (MAIAC) product, from 2003 to 2016,...