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There are a number of benefits that can be achieved if information is shared automatically between partner organizations. While inter-organizational systems (IOS) are considered to be well adopted, a number of industries, amongst others the wood industry, lag far behind. This study aims to explain how industry characteristics can contribute to the explanation of this low adoption phenomenon. Based on eleven case studies and 204 survey responses, this mixed method study identifies five industry characteristics and their influence on adoption factors. The identified industry characteristics are organizational size, aged staff, low diffusion of IS, low government support, and heterogeneity in IT infrastructures. A theoretical model is developed integrating the industry characteristics and the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework constructs. This study demonstrates that partner pressure, relative advantage, regulatory environment, and technological readiness significantly influence the adoption of IOS. Thus, this research provides valuable insights and offers guidance for policymakers and practice on factors leading to an improved adoption. As well, we conduct a new research design to identify industry-specific actions to help improve the adoption of IOS.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 2008
The importance of inter-organizational system (IOS) has been increasingly recognized by organizations. However, IOS adoption has proved to be difficult and, at this stage, why this is so is not fully uncovered. In practice, benefits have often remained concentrated, primarily accruing to the dominant party, resulting in low rates of adoption and usage, and often culminating in the failure of the IOS. The main research question is why organizations initiate or join IOS and what factors influence their adoption and use levels. This paper reviews the literature on IOS adoption and proposes a theoretical framework in order to identify the critical factors to capture a complete picture of IOS adoption. With our proposed critical factors, we are able to investigate their relative contributions to IOS adoption decisions. We obtain findings that suggested that there are five groups of factors that significantly affect the adoption and use decision of IOS in the Supply Chain Management (SCM)...
Literature Review of Information Technology Adoption Models at Firm Level
Today, information technology (IT) is universally regarded as an essential tool in enhancing the competitiveness of the economy of a country. There is consensus that IT has significant effects on the productivity of firms. These effects will only be realized if, and when, IT are widely spread and used. It is essential to understand the determinants of IT adoption. Consequently it is necessary to know the theoretical models. There are few reviews in the literature about the comparison of IT adoption models at the individual level, and to the best of our knowledge there are even fewer at the firm level. This review will fill this gap. In this study, we review theories for adoption models at the firm level used in information systems literature and discuss two prominent models: diffusion on innovation (DOI) theory, and the technology, organization, and environment (TOE) framework. The DOI found that individual characteristics, internal characteristics of organizational structure, and external characteristics of the organization are important antecedents to organizational innovativeness. The TOE framework identifies three aspects of an enterprise's context that influence the process by which it adopts and implements a technological innovation: technological context, organizational context, and environmental context. We made a thorough analysis of the TOE framework, analysing the studies that used only this theory and the studies that combine the TOE framework with other theories such as: DOI, institutional theory, and the Iacovou, Benbasat, and Dexter model. The institutional theory helps us to understand the factors that influence the adoption of interorganizational systems (IOSs); it postulates that mimetic, coercive, and normative institutional pressures existing in an institutionalized environment may influence the organization's predisposition toward an IT-based interorganizational system. The Iacovou, Benbasat, and Dexter model, analyses IOSs characteristics that influence firms to adopt IT innovations. It is based on three contexts: perceived benefits, organizational readiness, and external pressure. The analysis of these models takes into account the empirical literature, and the difference between independent and dependent variables. The paper also makes recommendations for future research.
Understanding the Progressive Nature of Inter-Organizational Systems (IOS) Adoption
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Inter-organizational Systems (IOS) cannot be adopted by any organizations in isolation from their trading partner. Their adoption requires cooperation and collaboration between trading partners and, therefore, is reliant on the nature of relationships between the parties involved. For organizations to progress in their IOS adoption, improvement in relationships between trading partners is required before they can adopt a more sophisticated IOS. In addition, through IOS adoption, trading partners can actually improve their relationships overtime. There has been some research that investigates relationships and how organizations progress from one level to the next level of adoption. However, these studies do not clearly define the concepts of relationship, IOS adoption and IOS adoption maturity. Furthermore, they do not adequately justify the exclusion of other variables in defining the relevant concepts and are not theoretically based. This research extends the Kurnia and Johnston (2...
The Impact of Multilevel Contextual Factors on IS Adoption at the Inter-organizational Level
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Inter-organizational information systems (IOIS) offer many potential benefits to organizations, and IOIS adoption has increased in the last few decades. However, IOIS adoption varies significantly across different contexts, and little research has investigated how contextual factors affect IOIS-adoption variances at the inter-organizational (IO) level in depth-particularly from a multilevel perspective. This paper proposes a novel multilevel framework to analyze what combinations of contextual factors at the national, industry, inter-organizational, and organizational levels influence IOIS-adoption variances at the inter-organizational level. We present an in-depth, exploratory case study of the Indonesian grocery industry that identified three inter-organizational configurations between manufacturers, distributors, and retailers with IOIS-adoption variances. We found that the combinations of multilevel contextual factors varied for each configuration and, thus, explain the IOIS-adoption variances we observed at the IO level in a nuanced and holistic way. We argue that our multilevel framework may help scholars avoid contextual fallacy by encouraging them to examine the influence of higher-level factors on IOIS-adoption variances at the IO level and to avoid the atomistic fallacy that results when they make the wrong assumption that IOIS adoption at the organizational level implies adoption at a higher level.
Inter-organizational information systems adoption – a configuration analysis approach
European Journal of Information Systems, 2011
In this article we propose a new complementary approach to investigate Inter-Organizational Information Systems (IOIS) adoption called configuration analysis. We motivate the need for a new approach by the common observation that the structure and the strategy of an IOIS are interdependent and that the IOIS adoptions consequently cluster orderly. For example, an IOIS setup with a powerful customer as a hub and many suppliers as spokes frequently surfaces across diffusion studies. Yet, this fact has not been integrated into existing analyses, and its implications have not been fully developed. We propose that IOIS scholars need to look beyond the single adopting organization in IOIS adoption studies and in contrast consider adoption units what we call an adoption configuration. Each such configuration can be further characterized along the following dimensions: (1) vision, (2) key functionality, (3) mode of interaction, (4) structure and (5) mode of appropriation. In addition, these dimensions do not co-vary independently. For example, a particular organizing vision assumes a specific inter-organizational structure. A typology of IOIS configurations for adoption analysis is laid out consisting of dyadic, hub and spoke, industry and community configurations. Specific forms or adoption analysis are suggested for each type of configuration. Overall, configuration analysis redirects IOIS adoption studies both at the theoretical and the methodological level, and a corresponding research agenda is sketched.
Motivations for Inter-Organisational Systems Adoption: A Framework and Initial Case Study
Despite the potential of inter-organisational systems (IOS) to improve organisational effectiveness, their uptake is slow. Many studies have investigated the slow diffusion of IOS and have identified some success factors. We however argue that adoption of IOS is also contingent upon the motivations of organisations. In this paper, we present a framework that proposes four generic types of IOS adopters, identifies the actions that are likely to be undertaken by these adopters, and predicts the possible outcomes. We also demonstrate a case of a "Passive IOS Follower" adopter and argue that the activities undertaken by this organisation to adopt EDI are consistent with our predictions, thus providing evidence in support of part of the framework.
A Theory of Industry-Level Activity for Understanding the Adoption of Interorganizational Systems
European Journal of Information Systems, 2000
Increasingly we wish to ask and research questions about the adoption of interorganizational systems and electronic commerce at the industry level but are hampered by the lack of a theory of concerted purposeful action at this large level of analysis. In this paper we give the outlines of such a theory and indicate the uses to which it can be put. Particular attention is paid to how the routine day-to-day activities of the firms and support organizations that make up an industry group can be coordinated in such a way that we can speak of an industry as engaged in purposeful activity. We contend that only through a deep understanding of the possibilities and nature of routine coordinated activity at this level can issues concerning promotion, implementation and adoption of interorganizational systems by whole industries be properly framed.
The adoption of inter-organisational system (IOS) has become important for many organisations because of its many benefits, which can be categorised into operational, managerial and strategic benefits. While some organisations have gained many benefits, some have experienced very limited benefits from IOS adoption. Existing studies have identified a number of factors affecting the achievement of IOS benefits. This is a research-in-progress study that is aimed at assessing the relevance of factors identified from the literature in explaining the benefits obtained by Australian organizations from IOS adoption, using four case studies conducted with two pharmaceutical and two grocery manufacturing companies.
Interorganizational systems (IOS) adoption requires cooperation and collaboration between trading partners and, therefore, is reliant on the nature of their relationships. There has been some research that examines the match between the different types of relationships and different types of IOS adoption and how IOS adoption moves from a simple system to a more sophisticated system. However, these studies do not precisely define the important constructs needed to understand this adoption progression, which makes them difficult to be used for empirical research. This research introduces a new model, which is called "IOS Adoption Maturity" model, to explicitly illustrate how organizations progress from one level of IOS adoption to the next level. Based on the previous studies, we define three important constructs (IO relationship intimacy, IOS sophistication and IOS adoption maturity) in the model. With this model, the dynamics of IOS adoption progression can be better examined empirically.