Pemanfaatan Data Citra MODIS NRT Untuk Analisis Kejadian Banjir di Pulau Jawa Bagian Barat (Studi Kasus: Maret 2016) (original) (raw)
Floods in the western part of Java Island area, including the Jakarta City, Bandung, Sumedang and Garut Regency is the most extreme incident like the incident in 2007. In 2016, flood occurred in March that caused the Citarum river overflowed. The overflowed of the Citarum river resulted in 15 regions in Bandung Regency were flooded (BNPB) and as many as 5,900 heads of households consisting of 24,000 inhabitants affected by the floods and more than 3,000 people displaced (BPBD Bandung). With this background, further analysis related to floods, especially from remote sensing is needed. This study was conducted to analyze the incidence of flooding in the western part of Java Island on March 12-13, 2016 with atmospheric parameters. The data used is the MODIS Near Real Time (NRT) Global Flood Mapping data with a resolution of 250m and daily rainfallsatellite data with GSMaP and reanalysis data from CHIRPS for the analysis of rainfall intensity during a flood. While the software used areQGIS, Google Earth, and GrADS. Observations flood MODIS image folder averaging 2 days (March, 12-13 2016) shows the floods are marked with red color found in Jakarta, Bandung, and partly in the area of Garut, Subang, Sumedang and Cirebon. MODIS image analysis in accordance with the spatial distribution of rainfall intensity averaging 2 days of GSMaP, which shows rainfall in these areas ranged from 20-80 mm/day were classified in the category of moderate to heavy rainfall by BMKG. Thus, the results of this study show that MODIS NRT imagery is good enough to analyze the flooding event in the western part of Java Island on March 2016. Keywords: Floods, CHIRPS, GSMaP, MODIS