Segons Consentius, l'any 419, el bisbe de Tarragona, Titianus, era anomenat metropolitanus. Al cap d'un segle, vora la implantació d'aquesta institució eclesiàstica en algunes seus, apareixen, els vicaris papals. Una historiografia espanyola recent ha considerat que aquests vicaris ho eren a títol personal i no en atenció a la seu que regien, com seria el cas de Ioannes episcopus Illicitanus (d'Elx) (516), segons llegim en una carta del papa Hormisdas. Una revisió de tipus cronològic mostra que, fins a l'any 633, no consta cap bisbe d'Elx. En el segle XVIII encetaren la revisió textual de la carta, que mostra com la intitulació del bisbe Ioannes fou manipulada per a enlairar el de Toledo. D'aquí que, seguint P. B. Gams, hàgim de reconèixer Ioannes episcopus Tarraconensis (516), i no l'Illicitanus, com a vicari papal i promotor de diversos concilis. Paraules clau: Joan metropolità de Tarragona, Vicari papal, Hormisdas, Cisme d'Accaci, Elx. Abstract According to Consentius, in the year 419 the bishop of Tarragona, Titianus, was appointed as metropolitanus. A century later, alongside the introduction of this figure in some cathedrals, papal vicars appeared. In several recent Spanish historical studies, it is thought that these vicars were appointed in a personal capacity and not on the basis of the cathedral that they supervised. This would be the case of Ioannes episcopus Illicitanus (of Elche) (516), as can be read in a letter from Pope Hormisdas. However, a chronological review offers proof that there is no record of a bishop of Elche before the RCatT 38/2 (2013) 545-588 © Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya ISSN: 0210-5551 (187) 545 RCatT 38/2 (2013) 545-588 year 633. In the 18th century, a textual review of the letter was undertaken, showing that the appointment of Bishop Ioannes was manipulated in order to promote the bishop of Toledo. Thus, according to P. B. Gams, we should really recognize Ioannes episcopus Tarraconensis (516) and not Illicitanus as the papal vicar and the driving force behind different councils.