Hegemonial Evaluation of Importance of Women Education and their Socio Economic Development in Fika Local Government Area , Yobe State, Nigeria

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2019

The paper discussed the importance of women education and the socio economic development in Fika local government area of Yobe state, Nigeria. The paper focused on the concept of women education, the concept of socio-economic development and the importance of women education in socio-economic development. This study employed quantitative approach with descriptive correlation design and also the total population of 66901 and the sample size of 382 respondents while questionnaire and interview guide were used as research instruments to collect required data.The study also used sample of 382 respondents, frequency and percentage techniques, means and standard deviation and finally, Pearson linear correlation co-efficient (PLCC) to establish the relationship between women education and the element of socio economic development in Fika local government area of Yobe state. The findings of this study revealed that there is positive and very significant relationship between women educ...


Katsina-Ala Multidisciplinary Journal, 2016

This study examined women education and their socioeconomic status in Benue State. Data for this study were obtained from female secondary school teachers in all the three Senatorial Districts comprising the 23 local council areas in Benue State. Eighteen (18) secondary schools, six from each of the Senatorial Zones were systematically sampled as study locations. Two hundred and sixteen (216) respondents were sampled from the study locations. These were completed and received from three (3) sets of respondents; Nigeria Certificate in Education and National Diploma Certificate holders, Bachelor's degrees and Higher National Diploma Certificate holders; and master's Degree certificate holders, all among female secondary school teachers in Benue State in the ratio of 1:2:3,respectively.Data were analyzed using tables of simple percentages while hypotheses were tested using Chi-square, X 2 at 2 degrees of freedom and 0.05 percent level of significance. Findings showed that about four fifth (72%) of the women were aware that education enhances their socioeconomic development, while 90% of the respondents affirmed that education has significantly reduced poverty among them. Further findings identified various perceived factors hindering women's educational attainment to include cultural and traditional beliefs, religious views, preference for a male child, and discrimination against womanhood amongst others. The study recommended among others that education of women and the girl child should be given particular attention and all forms of cultural and religious discriminations should be discouraged.


Despite efforts made by the Government to provide equal educational opportunities for all citizens, the level of women participation in education is still low. This paper is an attempt to examine the issue of gender inequality in education with a view to finding out what can be done to redress the imbalance. Purposive sampling method was used to draw sample from the population, simple percentages was used to test the demographic and responses of the respondents. The paper proposes value reorientation of Nigerian towards women education as a necessary step towards gender parity in education. The paper also identifies attitude of parents, traditional practices, socioeconomic of parents and general illiteracy rate in Maiduguri Metropolis as some of the factors militating against women. Again, the paper made recommendation among other that there should be value reorientation and government to mount severe campaign on education of women.

Underscoring the Relationship Between Education for Women and National Development in Nigeria

SAGE Open, 2022

This study assessed the impact of education for women at all levels (primary, secondary, and tertiary) on economic development and child welfare in Nigeria. The choice of these two domains was to give a thorough assessment economic impact of women's education. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) was used to test for the stationarity of variables. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound test with the aid of data obtained from World Bank indicators was employed for the analysis. The analysis revealed that the more women with secondary and tertiary education, the better the economic growth and child welfare in Nigeria. Hence, the paper concluded that the government should make and implement appropriate policies to boost women's education enrolment at all levels.


The study investigated the role of women education in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design, four (4) research questions and population of 2,351 respondents were adopted. Purposive sampling technique guided the study in selecting sample size of five hundred (500) respondents which represents 21.3% of the targeted population. Structured questionnaire was employed in data collection while Arithmetic mean (X) statistic was used to analyze the data. The study found among other things that challenges of women education in urban areas in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State includes: insecurity and sexual harassment from male peers; sex differentiation in occupational choice; inaccessibility of some settlement such as the riverine areas; cultural and religious factors, such as early marriages, and economic factors: such as costs of acquiring education as a tool for national development. Also, the role of women education in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State include: economic role for sustainable development; political role for sustainable development; family role for sustainable development; religious role for sustainable development, and educational role for sustainable development. It was concluded that efforts to improve female education in Nigeria needs to go beyond rhetoric and should involve policies and programs with measurable results.

Determination of factors that hinders girl-child Education in Kware local government, Sokoto State, Nigeria

This study aims to find out the factors hindering girl-child Education in Kware local government Sokoto Nigeria and the possible solutions. A total of 150 parents with girls of school-going age were selected from the twenty five thousand (25,000) study population, using a multi-stage cluster sampling method. A self-designed questionnaire was used to obtain data from the selected respondents. A reliability index score of 0.85 was obtained through test retest. Descriptive statistics was employed in analyzing the data. Problems hindering girl-child education as revealed by the study include; the perception of parents that girl-child education was against their religion and culture, poverty, co-education, parents' lack of education, hawking amongst girls, early marriage and demand for girls' labour at home. The study finally recommended that there should be more awareness campaign for improvement in girl-child education that will involve both traditional and religious leaders as they exert great influence upon their people.



Education plays great role in empowering women to contribute to development, but the barriers of culture of exclusion driven by ideologies of patriarchy has brought about the slow pace in attaining development in many communities across Africa. This descriptive research sought to examine the roles of education in empowering women to contribute to the development of Oron Federal Constituency of Akwa Ibom State. Women in Development Theory (WID) was adopted as theoretical guide. A total of 393 study participant were engaged as sample size from the 5 local government areas of the constituency. Both primary and secondary data were analysed by the researcher. Primary data were gathered through the use of questionnaire and were analysed descriptively using of frequency tables. Findings of the study shown that more female pupils are enrolled in the 107 primary school which implies high level of female education, women engage in various programmes like educational intervention, health care intervention, community development levy toward the development of the constituency, and factors like cultural belief, poverty, family roles and early marriage constitute barriers to women participation in development. Based on these findings, the researchers among others recommended that cultural practice of women exclusion should be abolished among the people of Oron Federal Constituency and Akwa Ibom State as a whole.

Role of Education in Promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment: Implication for Social Justice and Development in Nigeria

Journal of Education and Practice, 2018

Equal educational opportunities for all have been the major concern of well-meaning individuals all over the world. As a result, governments and non-governmental agencies are poised to propagate the gospel through policy provision, advocacy, etc., which encourage participants to appreciate the need to receive functional education at different levels of education. In Nigeria, efforts that will encourage better participation and invariably lead to national development was put in place through the review of the Nigeria’s National Policy on Education (FGN 2013). The changes in this policy document became imperative as a result of the demands from international bodies such as United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Education for All (EFA), and other interested citizens, etc. This study examined the role of education in promoting gender equality and women empowerment using critical indicators such as enrolment and graduation rate at the primary, secondary and open and dist...


Women are very instrumental to nation building, yet very vulnerable and marginalized in several sectors of the society including education which is a tool to contribute to the social, political and economic development of society. The aim of this study is to examine the changes that have taken place in gender education among Igbo people of Nigeria's SouthEastern region. This is with a view to x-ray the extent at which gender education has affected nation-building in Igbo society. Girls suffer from denial and discrimination in all aspects of life like employment, education. The concepts of gender and education are better understood in the relative terms in historical epochs. This is because gender and education mean different things to different people at each historical development brackets in human society.