Perception of Affordances and Experience of Presence in Virtual Reality (original) (raw)
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Virtual reality (VR) creates a sensory and psychological experience for users as an alternative to reality. More than just one technology, VR is an ever-growing set of tools and techniques that can be used to create the psychological sensation of being in an alternate space. Underpinning the techniques used to create compelling virtual environments is the basic observation that information is fated for processing by a human sensory and perceptual system that has evolved to interact with regularities occurring in the physical world . The more one can provide the system with sensory inputs that simulate and effectively mimic those encountered in nature, the more convincing the resulting perceptual and cognitive experience will be for the user. The ultimate goal of designers and users of VR environments is a computer-generated simulation that is indistinguishable to the user from its real-world equivalent. Reaching toward this goal has already enabled us to realize some of VR's potential for use in training, engineering, scientific research, and for providing uniquely gratifying entertainment experiences .
2 Media Presence and Inner Presence: The Sense of Presence in Virtual Reality Technologies
Presence is widely accepted as the key concept to be considered in any research involving human interaction with Virtual Reality (VR). Since its original description, the concept of presence has developed over the past decade to be considered by many researchers as the essence of any experience in a virtual environment. The VR generating systems comprise two main parts: a technological component and a psychological experience. The different relevance given to them produced two different but coexisting visions of presence: the rationalist and the psychological/ecological points of view. The rationalist point of view considers a VR system as a collection of specific machines with the necessity of the inclusion of the concept of presence. The researchers agreeing with this approach describe the sense of presence as a function of the experience of a given medium (Media Presence). The main result of this approach is the definition of presence as the perceptual illusion of non-mediation produced by means of the disappearance of the medium from the conscious attention of the subject. At the other extreme, there is the psychological or ecological perspective (Inner Presence). Specifically, this perspective considers presence as a neuropsychological phenomenon, evolved from the interplay of our biological and cultural inheritance, whose goal is the control of the human activity. Given its key role and the rate at which new approaches to understanding and examining presence are appearing, this chapter draws together current research on presence to provide an up to date overview of the most widely accepted approaches to its understanding and measurement.
The Perception of Space in Virtual Reality, Correlation Between Affordances and Spatial Presence
Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Objetivo: explorar la correlación entre dos conceptos en el estudio de la percepción corporizada de la Realidad Virtual (RV), oportunidades de acción (affordances) y presencia espacial.Diseño metodológico: se revisó la literatura sobre la presencia espacial y las affordances desde la fenomenología y la neurociencia cognitiva. Después se realizó un experimento con 30 participantes utilizando la Escala de Experiencia de Presencia Espacial (SPES) propuesta por Hartmann et al. (2016). Cada participante probó 5 simulaciones de RV y contestó 5 cuestionarios basado en la SPES. Este estudio propone un modelo para la clasificación de tipos y subtipos de affordances en realidad virtual.Resultados: la comparación de medias entre los puntajes del cuestionario mostró una correlación positiva entre las posibilidades de acción y la intensidad de la presencia espacial. Los datos sugieren que las posibilidades de acción motora (de navegación, orientadas a una meta y de agarre manual) intensifican la...
How we experience immersive virtual environments: the concept of presence and its measurement
Anuario de psicología, 2009
This paper reviews the concept of presence in immersive virtual environments, the sense of being there signalled by people acting and responding realistically to virtual situations and events. We argue that presence is a unique phenomenon that must be distinguished from the degree of engagement, involvement in the portrayed environment. We argue that there are three necessary conditions for presence: the (a) consistent low latency sensorimotor loop between sensory data and proprioception; (b) statistical plausibility: images must be statistically plausible in relation to the probability distribution of images over natural scenes. A constraint on this plausibility is the level of immersion; (c) behaviour-response correlations: Presence may be enhanced and maintained over time by appropriate correlations between the state and behaviour of participants and responses within the environment, correlations that show appropriate responses to the activity of the participants. We conclude with a discussion of methods for assessing whether presence occurs, and in particular recommend the approach of comparison with ground truth and give some examples of this.
A comparative study on aspects that influence the sense of presence in virtual environments
Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada, 2013
Resumo: Um dos objetivos e vantagens da Realidade Virtual é a promoção da sensação de "estar lá", de estar presente. As pesquisas existentes focaram em determinar "se" um fator contribui para o senso de presença. Este artigo compara dois sistemas de visualização, avaliando qual dos dois contribui mais para este senso. Dois sistemas de baixo custo e baixa tecnologia foram usados: estereoscopia anáglifa e campo de visão (FOV) largo (50º). O Questionário SUS foi aplicado a 63 participantes para avaliar o senso de presença. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos, num experimento intra-sujeitos seguido de um inter-sujeitos, assistiram a um passeio guiado em um campus universitário virtual. Ambos os sistemas contribuíram para aumentar o senso de presença. O aumento do FOV foi melhor para lembrar do lugar visitado enquanto a estereoscopia foi melhor em tornar o ambiente mais realista. Entretanto, percebeu-se que a estereoscopia anáglifa não pode ser usada sempre. Em termos gerais, os dados mostram que a estereoscopia anáglifa contribui mais que um FOV largo para o senso de presença. Concluímos sugerindo que o primeiro passo para aumentar a imersão de um Ambiente Virtual deva ser o uso de estereoscopia, nem que seja a anáglifa, se for apropriado.
Concepts and Technologies, 2011
In a Virtual Environment (VE), Immersion, defined in technical terms, is capable of producing a sensation of Presence, the sensation of being there (part of the VE), as regards the user (Ijsselsteijn & Riva, 2003). Presence is indeed, historically, at the core of Virtual Reality (VR). Presence has often be conceived as a sign of "ecological validity" of VR devices, also as a sign of potential positive transfer of skills or knowledge learned in a VE to the real world.
A Comparative Study of Sense of Presence of Virtual Reality and Immersive Environments
Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 2016
The study of sense of presence experienced in virtual reality environments has become an important area of research. The continued advancement of immersive technology offers more opportunities to examine how a subject becomes immersed in and interacts with a variety of virtual environments. The primary purpose of this research is to study the sense of presence while interacting with a traditional Virtual Reality Environment (Helmet-based system with a Head-tracking device) and compare it with a virtual reality environment using an Immersive Environment (Spherical-based Visualization environment). Two empirical experiments were investigated in this study, each consisting of thirty-five subjects. A virtual airplane scenario was created and simulated for the participants of both environments. Participants were given several questionnaires after completing the simulation. This study mainly focused on question 9 and 10 of that survey, which dealt with how much the participant felt presen...
Immersion and Emotion: Their Impact on the Sense of Presence
The present study is designed to test the role of immersion and media content in the sense of presence. Specifically, we are interested in the affective valence of the virtual environments. This paper describes an experiment that compares three immersive systems (a PC monitor, a rear projected video wall, and a head-mounted display) and two virtual environments, one involving emotional content and the other not. The purpose of the experiment was to test the interactive role of these two media characteristics (form and content). Scores on two self-report presence measurements were compared among six groups of 10 people each. The results suggest that both immersion and affective content have an impact on presence. However, immersion was more relevant for non-emotional environments than for emotional ones.
Research on Presence in Virtual Reality: A Survey
CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2001
Virtual Reality (VR) is starting to be used in psychological therapy around the world. However, a thorough understanding of the reason why VR is effective and what effect it has on the human psyche is still missing. Most research on this subject is related to the concept of presence. This paper gives an up-to-date overview of research in this diverse field. It starts with the most prevailing definitions and theories on presence, most of which attribute special roles for the mental process of attention and for mental models of the virtual space. A review of the phenomena thought to be effected by presence shows that there is still a strong need for research on this subject because little conclusive evidence exists regarding the relationship between presence and phenoma such as emotional responses to virtual stimuli. An investigation shows there has been substantial research for developing methods for measuring presence and research regarding factors that contribute to presence. Knowledge of these contributing factors can play a vital role in development of new VR applications, but key knowledge elements in this area are still missing.