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Investigation of aggression levels of anatolian and vocational high school students
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado (Management and Administrative Professional Review)
In this study, it is aimed to examine the aggression levels of high school students studying in Anatolian and Vocational High Schools and competing in teams according to some parameters. Aggression scale was applied to 296 students in total. Student-t test, one-way Anova and LSD tests were used to determine the differences in branches. The differences between the aggression scale scores of the students according to gender and age were not statistically significant (p>0.05). In the comparison of aggression levels in Anatolian and Vocational High Schools, there was a significant difference in the assertiveness sub-dimension (p<0.05), while the difference in destructive aggression, passive aggression and total aggression scores was insignificant (p>0.05). The differences in destructive aggression, assertiveness, passive aggression sub-dimensions and total aggression scores were found to be statistically significant (p<0.05 and p<0.001). Conclusion: It was concluded that ...
The aim of this research was to investigate the state of trait anger-anger expression and friendship commitment levels depending on the fact whether 2 nd -stage-students in primary schools played sports or not. Personal Information Form, Trait Anger-Anger Expression Scales and Inventory of Peer Attachment were used in order to collect the data. The population of the research was consisted of the students who studied in 2 nd stage of 40 primary state schools that belonged to National Education Directorate of Hatay Province between 2009-2010 academic year. Sample group was made up by 853 students of 21 primary schools who were selected from the population (262 boy students and 149 girl students who played sports as registered players; 233 boy students and 209 girl students who did not play sports.). To sum up; the comparison of the scores of trait anger and external anger of the participant students who played sports yielded a statistically significant difference in terms of sex varia...
Investigation of Aggression Levels of University Students (Kocaeli University Case)
Asian Journal of Education and Training
The aim of this study was to investigate the aggression levels of university students in different departments in terms of sport and other variables. The population of the study consists of university students studying at Kocaeli University; the sample group consists of a total of 700 students, 378 male and 322 female, studying in the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Communication and Faculty of Education of Kocaeli University. A screening model was used in this survey. A Personal Information form developed by the investigator and a Turkish-adapted Buss-perry aggression scale was utilized to determine the aggressive attitudes of the individuals. The frequency distribution specified the demographic features and analyzed the data; the T-test examined the relationship between the two independent variables; Anova Variance was used to review the connections between more than one variable. Finally, the significance level is accepted as p<0.05. According to the findings of the research, there are statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in terms of gender, family structure, school department, family attitude, mother still living, sporting situation, kind of sport performed, reason for involvement in sport, cigarettealcohol abuse and income level. We can state that sport positively affects the aggression levels of university students. Sport also varies by the gender variable, and males are more aggressive than females. It can also be pointed out that aggression varies by the school department, family attitude, cigarette-alcohol abuse, mother still living, reason for playing sport and income level.
Contributing Factors to Aggressive Behaviors in High School Students in Turkey
The Journal of School Nursing, 2011
Violence among young people is an important public health topic as a universal problem. One of the recent issues concerning both the media and parents is the aggressive behavior among the high school students in Istanbul and the worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the types and rates of aggressive behavior and the contributing factors to this behavior among high school students. Sample was composed of 805 students of 14-18 ages attending five high schools in Istanbul. The most common aggressive behavior among the students was found to be ''beating others,'' 34.5% (n ¼ 278). Past experiences of violence of high school students (direct exposure to violence/witnessing violence/exposure to/witnessing attack with knife/gun) were determined as the most contributing factor to aggressive behavior. The present study investigated the nature of violent behaviors and associations between violent behaviors and contributing factors among high school students from Turkey.
The Epidemiology of Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Anger in Turkish High School Students
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 2014
Aims: Depression, anxiety, stress and outward anger expression are important global public health problems of today. These issues are also important in school health. Study Design: Cross-sectional, descriptive. Place and Duration of Study: Urban area, public high schools. Duration o f the study was 6 months Methodology: In this study which was based on self-reporting we wanted to evaluate the different dimensions of anger and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in a group of Turkish students in grades 9-12. Participation to the study was voluntarily and anonymously. Data regarding socio-demographic characteristics were collected by questionnaires. Depression-Anxiety and Stress Scale-42 (DASS-42) and Multi Dimensional Anger Scale (MDAS) were used. Results: Students had mild depression, anxiety and stress levels in general. Female students' depression, anxiety and stress levels were found to be higher than male students. Female students reported more anger symptoms. Being belittled, transgressed 1154 against and criticized were found to be important anger eliciting situations. Among male students, aggressive behaviors were higher than females whereas calm and anxious behaviors were higher among female students. In terms of interpersonal anger passiveaggressive and inwards directed reactions were found to be higher among female students. There was no significant difference according to gender for being revengeful and being indifferent. Conclusion: Programs of anger management are needed together with those of reducing depression, anxiety and stress.
The purpose of this study is to determine the significance of the effects of students’ peer bullying on variables of academic success and disciplinary status of students at the second stage of the primary schools; and to analyze prediction degree of predictor variables of age and number of siblings regarding peer bullying. The study was conducted with the participation of students studying at 6th, 7th, and 8th grades of primary schools within city center of the Erzurum province and surrounding towns in Turkey. Data of the study were obtained through Bully and Victim Determining Scale-Child Form. The difference was found in favor of the students who are subjected to bullying. Predictor variables of age and number of siblings were found to predict peer bullying scores of students at a significant level.
Akademisyenlere yönelik şiddetin boyutu, nedenleri ve etkileri
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2021
Introduction: Violence is an important human problem that affects individuals at every educational level of society and has serious consequences, both individually and socially. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the severity of violence against academicians, the type of violence experienced and the factors that affect violence. Material and Method: Target population of the cross-sectional study covers 2666 academicians from a state university in the Central Black Sea region, and from a private university in Istanbul, Turkey. The study that intends to reach the target population was conducted with participation from 350 academicians who agreed to take part in the study from 30.06.2019 to 30.09.2019. Data was analyzed with descriptive analysis and chi-square tests via SPSS 20.0 programme. Statistical significance level is defined as p<0.05. Results: When violence is analyzed according to gender, 69.7% of women and 66.7 % of men reported that they were exposed to violence at least once during their lifetime but there was no statistically significant difference between gender and violence. (p=0.542). It was seen that the individuals between the ages of 41-50 are exposed to violence more than expected and encounter this situation more often than people in other age groups. Conclusion: Gender was not an important factor in terms of being subjected to violence (p = 0.542), but when examined according to the type of violence they experienced, it was found that men were significantly more exposed to physical violence than women (p = 0.001).
Türk PDR Dergisi ( Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal), 2020
The purpose of this research is to reveal men's attitudes towards violence and thoughts about men who use violence. The sample of the study consists of 19 men selected using purposeful sampling according to the maximum diversity method. The data used in this research was obtained through an interview and a semi-structured interview form. Coding based content analysis was used to analyze the data. Some of the findings obtained from the research are: violence is perceived by 79% as more physical. The characteristics of men who implement violence are perceived by 68% as being "unable to control oneself, quick to anger, impatient." The social reasons for violence are seen mostly as "financial problems" (79%), as "psychological reasons" (68%), as "women's hurtful words, provocative behavior", and as "cultural reasons" (49%): "It's necessary to beat someone up out of a sense of decency." The findings obtained from this research are discussed in the context of literature and some suggestions, such as raising awareness about the types and effects of violence...............................................(Bu araştırma, erkeklerin şiddet ile ilgili tutumlarını ve şiddet uygulayan erkekler ile ilgili düşüncelerini derinlemesine ortaya çıkaracak nitel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden maksimum çeşitlilik yöntemine göre seçilen 19 erkek oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada kullanılan veriler yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde kodlamaya dayalı içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, katılımcıların büyüdüğü yere ve anne-baba tutumlarına göre büyük farklılık göstermektedir. Araştırma sonucuna göre elde edilen bazı bulgular şunlardır: Şiddet %79 oranında daha çok fiziksel olarak algılanmaktadır. Şiddet uygulayan erkeklerin kişilik özellikleri olarak en çok %68 oranında ''Kendini kontrol edemeyen, hemen öfkelenen, sabırsız'' olarak algılanmaktır. Şiddetin toplumsal sebebi olarak en çok %79 oranında maddi sıkıntılar, psikolojik sebebi olarak %68 oranında ''Kadınların kalp kırıcı sözleri, tahrik edici davranışları'', kültürel sebebi olarak en çok %49 oranında ''Gerektiğinde dövmenin şart olduğu terbiye anlayışı'' görülmektedir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular alan yazınla ilişkisi çerçevesinde tartışılmış ve şiddetin türleri-etkileri konusunda bilinçlendirme gibi bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur.)
Olumsuz Davraniş Örnekleri̇ Sergi̇leyen Öğrenci̇leri̇n Di̇yalog Kurma Düzeyleri̇ Üzeri̇
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2017
The aim of this study is to determine how dialogues among students exhibit negative behaviours towards their friends in classroom or school and their family members. In this study, observation and interview methods were used to gather required data. To determine how students exhibit negative behaviours in classroom or school in having dialogues with their classmates, unstructured observation method, and also for determining the level of the dialogues with their family members semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from the students. The study group consisted of 32 secondary schools and 68 secondary school students studying in these schools situated in Van province in 2015-2016 academic year. The data acquired from the students' observations and interviews were analysed using content analysis method.The study results showed that generally the economic situations of the students are at middle and poor levels; the fathers are workers, mothers are housewives, living in an elementaryfamily; the level of their dialogues with family members are not at a desired level due to high frequency of such expressions as "As a result of my negative behaviour in the house, I am sometimes beaten up, my dialogue with my mother is good, but not with my father, my dialogue with my brother/sister/older brother/older sister is not good, I am on bad terms with all family members." Students' dialogues with their classmates are problematic, and using an abusive and slang language, these students usually have dialogueswith those alike in nature and tease female students.