MDL: a module description language for chained heterogeneous modular robots (original) (raw)

A Software Architecture For Modular Robotic Systems

Jurnal Teknologi, 1994

Research is described which is leading to the specification and development of a motion simulation and design environment for modular robotic systems which enables the implementation of widely applicable software processes for machine control. Current investigation is focused on defining models of application tasks in modular robotic systems. This work is based on the Real-time Control System (RCS) reference architecture proposed by researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) which was designed to support motion planning and implementation. However, this architecture is modified in such a way that it supports the concept of multitasking and inter-process communication. The emphasis of work is on the hierarchical structuring of solutions, this to enable the design and control of distributed motion elements. Also discussed in this paper is a strategy for achieving sensor-based modularization of modular robotic systems in a manner which facilitates fast and...

Development of Functional Units of a Heterogeneous Modular Mobile Robot

Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technological Conference Extreme Robotics , 2016

We consider the modular principle for the construction of functional units of mobile robots. The main ideas of this concept and the general structure of the heterogeneous robot are presented. Basic functions of the robot are used to determine the minimum set of functional modules. For one of the simple configurations of the modular robot (the service mobile robot), we develop a motion module that is one of the main modules of the mobile robot. We present the design of this motion module and the result of a mathematical model of its control system. The control system combines the tactical level (for the construction of motion sub-targets and intermediate trajectories) and the execution level. The execution level of control is implemented on the basis of the system of slave control loops. Introduction Normally, the design of robotic systems (RS) is accompanied by information about the purpose of the device. Accordingly, all the constructive and program decisions made during the design focus on the achievement of the specific purpose by the final device. Because of this, when the scope of application of the RS is changed, the designer has to revise in a varying degree the device construct ensuring its full compliance with the given purpose. One of the modern approaches to robotic design (and to machinery in general) is to divide the device structure into individual functional components. Each component is responsible for some part of the robot functionality. This unit or module normally has a simpler structure because it is responsible for a single function only. As one of many components of the robot, the module can be easily replaced by a similar or more advanced module. Then, there is no need to redesign the robot: it will suffice merely to replace it by particular functional units. Therefore, the modular robots can provide higher economic efficiency.

Analyzing Modular Robotic Systems

This paper surveys modular robot systems, which consist of multiple modules and aim to create versatile, robust, and low cost systems. The modularity allows these robots to self-assemble, self-reconfigure, self-repair, and self-replicate. Therefore, the surveyed research covered the previous characteristics along with evolutionary robotics and 3D printed robots. These fields are interdisciplinary, so we organize the implemented systems according to the main feature in each one. The primary motivation for this is to categorize modular robots according to their main function and to discover the similarities and differences of implementing each system.