Sub-Watershed Contributions to the Suspended Sediment Yield of Spring Creek Watershed, Alberta (original) (raw)

Freshwater Sediment Issues and Data Requirements in the Atlantic Provinces with Particular Reference to Agriculture

Canadian Water Resources Journal, 1986

The main results of a study carried out to determine the issues and activities in the Atlantic provinces that are associated with freshwater sediments are presented. In addition the types of sediment data required to effectively regulate and manage the streams and rivers in this region are identified after giving consideratron to the appropriate sediment transport processes. Special emphasis is placed on the sediment data needs of the agricultural sector. The research indicated that the majority of the respondents require freshwater sediment data to evaluate the impact of some in-stream or near-stream activity on the water quality as determined by a change in the suspended sediment concentration, The present program of the Water Survey of Canada provides useful information concerning the suspended sediment regime at certain hydrometric stations; however, such data cannot be used to meet the specific needs of many users. Based on the varying needs of the users, the following four classes of sediment stations are proposed: for monitoring the sediment regime; for research prolects; for demonstratron nroicclR :nd fnr snecial StUdieS, Rdsum6', Ce texte pr6sente une 6tude visant d d6terminer les probldmes et activltds associ6s aux s6diments d'eau douce dans les Provinces maritimes. Il identifie 6galement les types de donn6es n6cessaires au contrdle et d la gestion efficaces des cours d'eau et des rividres de Ia rdgion, tout en examinant les proc6d6s appropri6s au transport des s6diments. Une attention particulidre est accord6e aux besoins du secteur agricole en ce qui concern les donn6es relatives aux s6diments. La recherche a lndiqu6 que la majorit6 des 16pondants a besoin de renseignements sur les s6diments d'eau douce dans le but d'6valuer I'imoact sur la oualit6 de I'eau d'activit6s ayant lieu dans les cours d'eau ou autour, cet impact 6tant d6termin6 par un changement dans la concentration des s6diments en suspension, Le programme actuel de la Drvision des relev6s hydrologiques du Canada fournit des renseignements utiles sur le 169ime des s6drments en suspension dans certaines stations hydrom6triques; cependant, ces donn6es ne r6pondent pas aux besorns particuliers de beaucoup d'utilisateurs. Etant donn6 les besoins vari6s des utilisateurs, on propose quatre types de stations pour s6diments ayant les objectifs suivants: contrdle du 16gime des s6diments, projets de recherche, projet de d6monstration et 6tudes sp6ciales. lThis paper was originally presented at the 1985 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering, Charlottetown, P.

Sediment source identification: a review and a case study in some Canadian streamsThis paper is one of a selection of papers in this Special Issue in honour of Professor M. Selim Yalin (1925–2007)

Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2009

The state-of-the-art of sediment source identification is reviewed in this paper. Sediment ''fingerprinting'' techniques using different ''fingerprint'' properties were examined. With these techniques, it is possible to identify potential sources of sediment transported in river systems. Such knowledge is useful for implementing sediment control strategies to limit sediment production from upland areas in a watershed as well as for developing guidelines for land use practices to minimize adverse impacts on surface and ground water resources in agricultural watersheds. Examples of sediment source identification techniques that were carried out in agricultural watersheds in different parts of the world were also included in the present review.

Les fluides géologiques dans les bassins sédimentaires


International audienceFor over 50 years, sedimentary basins have been considered as the lithosphere's surface film, belonging to the subsurface domain and containing the vast majority of accessible mineral and energy resources. Beyond their human use, sedimentary basins are more importantly the ultimate exchange interface between the earth's main reservoirs. Firstly, between the upper lithosphere and the atmosphere-hydrosphere reservoirs, exchanges are mainly vertical. Next, between the onshore reservoirs, i.e., on the continental part, and the offshore reservoirs, i.e., in the submerged part of the margins, exchanges are lateral and may take place over great distances. Unexpected low accumulations and/or dry..

Using 10Be and 26Al to determine sediment generation rates and identify sediment source areas in an arid region drainage basin

Geomorphology, 2002

We measured 10 Be and 26 Al in 64 sediment and bedrock samples collected throughout the arid, 187 km 2 Yuma Wash drainage basin, southwestern Arizona. From the measurements, we determine long-term, time-integrated rates of upland sediment generation (81 F 5 g m À 2 year À 1) and bedrock equivalent lowering (30 F 2 m Ma À 1) consistent with other estimates for regions of similar climate, lithology, and topography. In a small (f 8 km 2), upland sub-basin, differences in nuclide concentrations between bedrock outcrops and hillslope colluvium suggest weathering of bedrock beneath a colluvial cover is a more significant source of sediment (40 Â 10 4 kg year À 1) than weathering of exposed bedrock surfaces (10 Â 10 4 kg year À 1). Mixing models constructed from nuclide concentrations of sediment reservoirs identify important sediment source areas. Hillslope colluvium is the dominant sediment source to the upper reaches of the sub-basin channel; channel cutting of alluvial terraces is the dominant source in the lower reaches. Similarities in nuclide concentrations of various sediment reservoirs indicate short sediment storage times (< 10 3 years). Nuclide concentrations, measured in channel sediment from tributaries of Yuma Wash and in samples collected along the length of the Wash, were used to construct mixing models and determine sediment sources to the main stem channel. We find an exponential decrease in the channel nuclide concentrations with distance downstream, suggesting that as much as 40% of sediment discharged from Yuma Wash has been recycled from storage within basin fill alluvium. Sediment generation and denudation rates determined from the main stem are greater (25%) than rates determined from upland sub-basins suggesting that, currently, sediment may be exported from the basin more quickly than it is being generated in the uplands. Independence of nuclide concentration and sediment grain size indicates that channels transport sediment in discrete pulses before rapidly depositing poorly sorted material, suggesting that differences in transport times for different size materials are minimal.

Mecanismes De Transfert Des Sediments en Suspension Dans Le Bassin Versant De La Haute-Tafna

Revue LJEE, 2015

Dans ce travail, on s'intéresse à l'origine des sédiments transportés en suspension par le cours d'eau, l'Oued Sebdou de la Haute-Tafna. Cependant, il est connu que les sédiments ramenés par le cours d'eau sont produits soit par ruissellement superficiel sur les versants soit arrachés du lit et des berges du cours d'eau. Dans le but de quantifier la contribution de ces deux mécanismes d'érosion dans la production des sédiments dans le bassin versant de la Haute-Tafna, on analyse la variabilité de la charge en suspension de l'eau quant aux fluctuations des débits d'écoulement. L'étude par l'utilisation de la décomposition des hydrogrammes de crues, pour la période allant de septembre 1988 à août 1993, révèle que la contribution du ruissellement dans la production des sédiments est importante en automne, alors qu'au printemps, c'est l'érosion du réseau hydrographique qui est importante. En été, la charge solide produite sur les versants suite aux violents orages qui caractérisent la région constitue la quasi-totalité de la matière solide transportée par le cours d'eau.

GAMES—A Screening Model of Soil Erosion and Fluvial Sedimentation on Agricultural Watershed

Canadian Water Resources Journal, 1986

GAN/ES, the Guelph Moriel for evaiuating the effects of Agricr.rlturai Management Systems on Erosion and sedimentation, has been oevetoped as a screening tool lor watershed management. The basic pbi osophy oehind the mo<je is estimaton of soil ei'osion by the l..lniversa Soii Loss Equation and the percent fteld soll ioss delivered to the downstf eam lie ds and the strearn by a micro-dei very ratio function which incorporates surlace rougnress, land s ope iydrolog c condirion and tl-e length of overland f ow path. The model accommodates spatia units of variable size and shaoe. The time lrarne separates seasonal changes in soi erodib i ty, r'a nfa I characteristics and land managernent conditions. The cutput generated fcr each f elcl witbin the warersneo are potentiai sor erosion, erosion rate, delivery ratio to the aojacenr f ield, delrvery raiio to ihe strearn, sed ment load and sediment yield rate,-[he application of the modei to a smai agricultural watersl'red shows the soil erosion ano fiuvial sed rnent sources ancj the watershed character stics associatec with these source ai.eas. Rdsum6 GAN/ES, le modee Guelpn servant a evalrer ir,:s eiiets des systdmes de gestion agricoles sur i'6rosiorr et la seorrnentatron a ere mis au point en tant qL.t'outii d'6valuation dans 1'amenagement des bassrns versanrs. Le principe d la base du modele est l,est mation de l'6ros on du soi par i'app icatron de I'equat on universelle de pene oes sots et du por..lrcentage de perte des sols achemin6s alx champs en aval et au cours o eau en utllisant un ratio de mlcropertes inciuant Ja rugcs[e de la suriace. ta pente du so], les condltions hydrologiques et la longueur ciu ruisseilement. Le modele permet d'ut ltser des unrtes spartales de cimens ons et formes var-i6es. Le {acteLir temps distingr-re les cnangements sa sonniers en ce qu concerne les concjitions d'6rosion du so. les car-actOristiques des pluies et l'am6nagement des terres. Les resultats potentiels pour chaque champ d l'int6r'ieur oes bass ns versants sont l'6rosion du sol, le taux d'6rcsion, le ratrc des pertes au champ vorsin, le rairo des pertes au courant d'eau, a charge de sedimenis et le ratio s'y rappcrtant. L'utilisation du moddle dans de petits oassins versants agricoles illustre l'6rosron cju soi, les scurces des sddiments fluviaux ainsi oue les caract6i'istiques des L-rassins versants associes avec les sources.

The 7Be/210Pbxs ratio as an indicator of suspended sediment age or fraction new sediment in suspension

Earth Surface Processes …, 2005

Reported here is a technique to use the 7 Be/ 210 Pb xs ratio as a measure of suspended sediment age or as an indicator of the fraction of the suspended sediment that is recently eroded from the landscape. Although both 7 Be and 210 Pb xs are delivered seasonally and stochastically to the landscape by precipitation, the ratio of the two radionuclides varies substantially less. The 7 Be/ 210 Pb xs ratios measured in three different catchments decrease in the following manner: precipitation (c. 16) > > > > > suspended sediments in rivers (6-7) > > > > > suspended sediments in estuaries (4-6) > > > > > sediment collected in sediment traps in the estuary (c. 1) > > > > > surface sediment of the estuary (c. 0•5). Decreases in the 7 Be/ 210 Pb xs ratio in suspended sediments can be interpreted to be the result of increased age of the sediment, since 7 Be decays faster than 210 Pb. Alternatively, a decrease in the 7 Be/ 210 Pb xs ratio in suspended sediments can be interpreted to be the result of dilution of newly tagged 7 Be-rich sediment by 7 Be-dead sediment, for example, by erosion of soil below the 7 Be-enriched surface layer or by resuspension of 7 Be-dead bottom sediment. Presented here is a model which uses the 7 Be/ 210 Pb xs ratio in suspended sediments to determine the time since the particles were tagged by precipitation-derived radionuclides (i.e. the age of the suspended sediment). In addition, an alternative model is presented to determine the fraction of the sediment that is 'newly tagged'. These two models are applied to three catchments-Old Woman Creek, Ohio; Weeks Bay, Alabama; and South Slough, Oregon-and yield similar findings at all three sites. Sediment ages increase from 0 in newly tagged material, to 50-80 days in rivers, to about 80-100 days in the estuaries, to about 200 days in the sediment traps, to about 300 days on surface bottom sediments. Alternatively, the percentage new sediment decreases from 100 per cent in newly tagged material, to about 35-50 per cent in rivers, to 25-35 per cent in the estuary, to less than 10 per cent in the sediment traps, to 1-4 per cent on the surface of the bottom sediments.

2012 Foued et al sediment

Purpose Ichkeul National Park, NW Tunisia, is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Garaet El Ichkeul Lake is known for its seasonal variability in water level and salinity. In recent decades, the waterbody has been affected by the construction of new hydraulic structures. To reduce the impacts of dams and to maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem, a sluice was built at the outlet of the lake, and it operated for the first time in 1996. This paper describes an investigation of recent sedimentation dynamics in Ichkeul Lake, determined by radiometric dating of sediment cores. Materials and methods A sediment core was collected with a UWITEC gravity corer at the deepest, central part of the lake in August 2009. Specific activities of unsupported lead-210 (210 Pb) and caesium-137 (137 Cs) were measured in the core, enabling calculation of recent sediment accumulation rates (SAR). Published radiometric data from nearby sediment cores, collected in 1997 and 1982, provide a comparison. Results and discussion The measured excess 210 Pb inventory was 5300±500 Bq m −2 , leading to an estimation of constant flux of 165±16 Bq m −2 yr −1 , a value higher than the best estimate for local atmospheric fluxes (123 ± 12 Bq m −2 yr −1) and the flux estimated from the core collected in 1982 (48 Bq m −2 yr −1). The 137 Cs inventory was 3550±120 Bq m −2 , two times higher than the historical 137 Cs atmospheric deposition in the area. The 137 Cs profile displayed a distinct peak, but the 137 Cs depth-distribution did not follow the pattern expected from atmospheric deposition. Application of the constant rate of supply (CRS) model, with the reference point method, produced a chronology and SAR values comparable to those found in previous work. The whole 137 Cs profile was quantitatively reconstructed from the historical records of atmospheric deposition, using the system-time-averaged (STA) model. Conclusions The CRS and STA models provide consistent sediment accumulation results for the whole data set, considering the time resolution of the chronology (~6 years) and analytical uncertainties. Results from cores sampled in 1982, 1997 and 2009 reveal an increasing SAR trend, from