Impact of advertising and its influence on Consumer buying Decision

Advertising is a form of communication intended to convince an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, information, or services etc. This paper investigates the relationship between independent variables which are environmental response and emotional response with attitudinal and behavioral aspect of consumer buying behavior, by tapping the responses of 100 respondents using telecommunication services from Delhi, (cities of India). The major findings of the study demonstrate an overall normal association between the variables but in-depth analysis found that emotional response of consumer purchase behavior is the variable that results into strong association with the consumer buying behavior. It is true that people purchase those brands with which they are emotionally attached. Theories of attention, information processing, attitude formation, and decision making all have relevance to understanding how advertising affects consumers. Another important application of psychological principals is to develop an understanding of consumer needs so that products can be developed, designed, and communicated in a manner that reflects the relevant and important needs of consumers. This study reports new evidences in the field of consumer buying behavior of consumers pertaining to the local markets of these cities of India. Through this study contributes by evaluating the advertisements already available and assess the impact it has had on the customers, and based on this necessary recommendations can be provided.

Role of Advertisement in Shaping Consumer Buying Behaviour

Advertisement is generally use for creating awareness and promoting products. It is controversial to measure how much advertisement attracts the customers. The objective of this paper was to find out how much advertisement brings effect on the consumer's buying behaviour. The sample of 150 respondents from north Gujarat was taken for the study. Data was analysed by using different statistical techniques such as descriptive statistic, Chi square, and ANOVA analysis. The study focused to analyse the buying behaviour with reference to age, gender, education, income and occupation of the respondents.

Effect of Advertisment on Consumer Buying Behavior

International Journal of scientific research and management, 2016

Advertisement plays an important role in modern era as it shapes the attitudes and perceptions of individuals and society which strikingly influences the customer buying behaviour .Any business can get on the road of success when it attracts and retains the consumers with profit and this goal is achieved when company builds a strong consumer perception for its product or service. All the big guns have made significant attempts to ensure quality advertisement and fabrication of strong consumer perception through suitable ways that positively affects the consumer buying behavior because people get knowledge about product through advertisement and other promotional tools and develop perception through company‘s activities and his previous experience with that company and past purchase accordingly.

An Assessment of Commercial Advertisement’s Effects on Consumer Buying Behaviour

Consumer buying behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and all the activities associated with the purchase. This study aims to investigate the influence of commercial advertisement on consumer buying behaviour regarding internet companies in Erbil. The objectives of the study are multi fold, first To adumbrate the profile of the consumers in Erbil for future advertisement campaign, second to critically examine the perception of the consumer about advertisements, third to analyses and explain the new medium of advertisement and its impact, fourth to assess the role of advertisement in case of internet companies to promote their brands. Three internet companies are selected as sample size including Fast link, Newroz and Tishkent data collected via questionnaire by using 5 likers scale. A structured questionnaire was developed and distributed among 80 users of three internet service provider in Erbil, whereas 60 employees answered rightly. Most of the employees showed positive answers that they have influence of advertisement on their buying behavior toward internet services. This thing leads toward rejection of our Ho and acceptance of H1. Those who left behind with less positive answers main reason were found during survey that was they are with less education and most of them they are not aware with usage of smartphone. Related to future research other authors can consider other variables that are not coved under this study.

Impact of advertisement on consumer's purchases

In order to attract the consumer's some organizations introduce new products whereas some organizations advertise in order to attract the consumers. The latter is considered to be one of the most influential ways of attracting consumers, since advertising not only creates awareness about the product among the consumers but also entertains them. Even though past studies have agreed that advertisement, especially tv advertisement, is the most effective media source since it attracts consumer's attention. Advertisements affect the perceptions of the consumers and it can influence the consumer's buying decisions. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of tv advertisement on the consumer buying behavior by conducting survey. For this purpose, quantitative method was used, in which the impact of advertisement through brand awareness was seen on the consumer buying behavior. The main focus of this study was how brand awareness is created through tv advertising and its impact on the buying behavior of consumers, this impact is seen on the buying behaviors of consumers in electronic goods.

Impact of Advertising on Consumers buying behavior

The present research paper is focusing on the impact of advertising on consumer's buying behaviors. Brand image, persuasiveness and celebrity endorsement in the advertising are the key factors, which raise the consumers' intentions towards the product and buying behaviors. The buying behavior is strongly influenced by image of the product which is build by the advertisers. The primary data of the study is collected through questionnaires and secondary data was collected through internet, journals and business magazines. This survey study was conducted in January, 2013. A sample of 120 respondents was taken, out of which 50 were in government or semi-government services, while 30 were taken from business class and the rest 40 were private employees. The study explores that a creative and well executed advertisement has always a great impact on the buying trends or purchasing behaviors of the consumers. At the same time quality of the product and price are also included with their strong impact on buying behavior of consumer. Likewise to some extent the celebrity endorsement also matters in the buying behavior. Therefore the study concludes that the positive impact of all these factors, on the buying behavior of the consumer proves the loyalty of consumer towards brand which helps in promotion of the advertised product and changes the buying behavior towards buying intentions.

The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022

The present research paper is focusing on the impact of advertising on consumer's buying behaviours. Advertising is the key factor, which raise the consumers' intentions towards the product and buying behaviours. The buying behaviour is strongly influenced by image of the product which is build by the advertisers. The study explores that a creative and well executed advertisement has always a great impact on the buying trends or purchasing behaviours of the consumers. At the same time quality of the product and price are also included with their strong impact on buying behaviour of consumer. Likewise to some extent the celebrity endorsement also matters in the buying behaviour. Therefore the study concludes that the positive impact of all these factors, on the buying behaviour of the consumer proves the loyalty of consumer towards brand which helps in promotion of the advertised product and changes the buying behaviour towards buying intentions.

Agwu M. E., Ikpefan, O. A., Atuma O. & Achugamonu, B. U. Conceptual Review of the Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour; International Review of Social Sciences, Vol. 2 Issue.11, pp. 502-518, November, 2014. Available at

Over the years, advertising has become a regular strategy for positioning products, services and ideas in the market place. Yet an over dependence on advertising could be counter-productive and disdainful for the targeted audience who often regard excessive advertising as information overload. In spite of the growing criticisms about the effectiveness or otherwise of advertising, its relevance in contemporary marketing management is not in doubt. This exploratory study was structured to critically to examine the usefulness of advertising in persuading consumers to adopt a new or an existing product, with a special focus on Nigeria as a developing economy. The aim primarily was to examine the effect of advertising on consumer buying behaviour within the Nigerian context. The study focused on revealing the relationship either positively or negatively, between advertising and consumer buying behaviour. It equally postulates what effect continuous advertisement of product has on consumer buying behaviour. The findings indicate that advertisements that are properly packaged will surely persuade consumers to experiment the particular product, and that such advertisement should be executed long enough to generate such curiosity that will motivate consumers to buy. The study recommends a proper understanding of various segments of customers and their buying behaviours. And the organisation as well as others, must endeavour to understand the buying behaviour of its customers in order to identify the - what, why, where, when and how - they buy; otherwise, an unstructured advertising campaign will not yield positive results.