A prototype of Requesting a Taxi by Mobile Application in Iraq العراق في المتنقل الهاتف بىاسطة األجرة سيارة طلب لنظام اولي نمىذج (original) (raw)
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How often do you find yourself in dilemma that the vehicle you want to catch is missed or where it is so that you can catch it again to have a perfect journey to your destination? So, this application program is designed to help you locate that particular vehicle by just sending a message to the driver and you get an instant message. Of course, those other tasks sometimes need to take priority. Texting while driving can be dangerous, and this task of texting is hard task for the driver to stop everywhere and text to each and every one where he is. Fortunately, the catch fast app for Android makes texting possible even when you're not available for texting. Our project 'FAST-CATCH' is a GPS based android application which helps the user to locate the vehicle by sending just an SMS. The application tracks the current location of the user through the Google maps API and it provides this location to the message sender, sender can use this location to find out where the vehic...
How often do you find yourself in dilemma that the vehicle you want to catch is missed or where it is so that you can catch it again to have a perfect journey to your destination? So, this application program is designed to help you locate that particular vehicle by just sending a message to the driver and you get an instant message. Of course, those other tasks sometimes need to take priority. Texting while driving can be dangerous, and this task of texting is hard task for the driver to stop everywhere and text to each and every one where he is. Fortunately, the catch fast app for Android makes texting possible even when you're not available for texting. Our project 'FAST-CATCH' is a GPS based android application which helps the user to locate the vehicle by sending just an SMS. The application tracks the current location of the user through the Google maps API and it provides this location to the message sender, sender can use this location to find out where the vehicle is even though he is not using any internet connection. This projects overall gives the easier tool for finding out where is the position of the vehicle if he wants to catch it even if he is not carrying up a phone which is just capable of sending a message (SMS). It saves time and money. Texting has become a common and very popular method of communicating with friends. Shooting off a quick text is much quicker and easier than calling, and it's possible to text while distracted by other tasks.
Development of Mobile Application with Geolocation Technology for Car Service Workshop
Journal of Computing Research and Innovation
Mobile application with geolocation function has been on the market for quite some time. It has been implemented on most of the application to detect the user current location. With the lack of use and awareness of this features, we took that opportunities to develop mobile app and collaborate with YS Auto Workshop. It will detect the customer current location when they request for car breakdown from YS Auto workshop. Notification will be sent to the manager of the workshop and can see the marker on user current location and take an action. Main objectives are to design and develop mobile app and to evaluate its usage using user acceptance test in improving the user needs. Agile methodology has been used based on requirement and it is suitable in the development of mobile application. The development of the system has use agile method which has fifth phases including planning, analysis, design, development, and testing. Three expert users involve during Functionality Testing meanwhi...
Implementation of an Android Mobile Location-Based Service Application for General Auto Repair Shops
International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 2021
The need of a location-based service more specifically as a mobile application sparked the interest of this paper to develop an Android Mobile Application using Location-based services. Yelp and Zomato are one of the few examples. The application created is specific to locating the nearest auto repair shops used via smartphones that detect the location of the user in order to perform the task. This application will not only benefit the customers in need for a nearby auto shop but as well as the providers of the service. The application was developed using Android Studio and was tested by using five (5) nearest auto shops around the vicinity. The results showed the directions getting to the shops as well as the type of services being provided to customers. An acceptability survey was conducted to validate the applicability of the mobile application. The survey was conducted using a controlled group consisting of the nearest auto shops and thirty (30) automobile enthusiasts. The survey presents an applicable and engaging application in assisting possible customers in case of emergency instances arise. Using the survey as basis, an enhancement of the application was completed. Finally, it was suggested that the application will reach its full potential once additional functions are implemented. Registration or Google verification of shop owners is key as it will add to the service provider directory to enable a broad listing.
Towing Car Booking System Using Android and Web Based Application
IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 2015
To deal with broken cars on the road, a towing car booking system using android operating system is made. By using GIS (Geographic Information System) for the development, ensuring the location of the customer become easier. Meanwhile, the towing car booking management application is developed using PHP programming language. Data management in this application uses the MySQL database engine. While GPRS (General Pocket Radio System) channel is used for sending customer data. This application is designed using the UML (Unified Modeling Language) which is suitable for modeling applications developed with object-oriented language (OOP). In this towing car booking application, the android application acts as a client while the web application as a server which is used by the operator of the towing car company in managing data orders from customers. This application has successfully designed and implemented, it is concluded that the system built has benefits for driver, the system interfa...
A Smart Real-time Ride-share for Riyadh City
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Traffic jam is a growing problem especially in big cities like Riyadh. Wherever, streets are congested with cars and the need of cost-effective system is increasing in order to reduce the traffic jam impact. At the same time, each car's capacity can take up to four persons but this capacity is generally underexploited. If we can take advantage of the free space in each car, this will lead us to its best use with an optimal equation for achieving: fewer cars in the streets with more number of passengers. In this context, our mobile application "Where are you ?" is proposed as a solution that can help solving traffic jam problem. "Where are you ? " is a real-time application, which connects for free people living in the same city and having the same travel needs. Users rideshare their cars, based on the GPS position of the requester, the system searches the nearest and available car on the way of the requester. The system provides feedback and favorite driver's features, so that will help to recommend the best available driver. Our system is developed for android phones. It is considered as a social media since it provides communications between individuals or groups. Our application is based on trusted users. Users are authorized to register as part of a university or a company group or validated by their administrator. A "female only option" is also provided by the system. Our application is environmentally friendly because it provides carpooling service, which reduces carbon emissions, traffic jam, and the need for parking spaces.
There are so many public facilities (FasUm) and social facilities (FaSos) spreading all over the city. So that, many people do not know how to find and reach the location. Therefore, a mobile application becomes necessary to help solving problems in introducing and informing the location of those important facilities; thus, discovering and locating them can be simplified. This study aims to develop an android application providing information of public and social facilities. The application was built utilizing Google’s features consisting of Google Sign In, Google Places API, Google Custom Search Engine, and Google Map. The application was developed in several steps; requirement analysis, system design, implementation, and testing. The application provides information, routes, related news, and location markers of public and social facilities from the app contributor and Google Services. The developed application has been compared with Google Map application. The result shows that i...
Location Based Services using Android Mobile Operating System
The motivation for every location based information system is: "To assist with the exact information, at right place in real time with personalized setup and location sensitiveness". In this era we are dealing with palmtops and iPhones, which are going to replace the bulky desktops even for computational purposes. We have vast number of applications and usage where a person sitting in a roadside café needs to get relevant data and information. Such needs can only be catered with the help of LBS. These applications include security related jobs, general survey regarding traffic patterns, decision based on vehicular information for validity of registration and license numbers etc. A very appealing application includes surveillance where instant information is needed to decide if the people being monitored are any real threat or an erroneous target. We have been able to create a number of different applications where we provide the user with information regarding a place he or she wants to visit. But these applications are limited to desktops only. We need to import them on mobile devices. We must ensure that a person when visiting places need not carry the travel guides with him. All the information must be available in his mobile device and also in user customized format.
Paper on Location Based Service
In the present study we propose the implementation of Location Based Service for real-time vibration monitoring of a moving vehicle. The purpose of this study is to prevent damage to delicate payload being carried by trucks or trailers which occurs due to vibrations during transportation. We have first designed a vibration detector circuit by connecting a vibration detector to an Arduino-Uno printed circuit board. This board was then interfaced to an Android smart phone with the help of a Bluetooth module. The sensor reading displayed on the Android smart-phone was sent over mobile GPRS to a web-GIS server. The data stored in the GIS database was then dynamically plotted as a line-graph on a web page and also overlaid on Google Earth's satellite image in the form of a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file.
Web Based Taxi Management System Using Rfid
Countries where public transportation is still in development phase, taxis play an important role. The usual method of hiring a taxi is street hailing. In such countries the taxi drivers usually rely on their luck to increase their profits which usually includes first come first serve basis. These methods usually lead to problems like traffic congestion, long passenger waiting time, safety issues, and low taxi utilization. With this paper, we provide a solution to these problems which make taxi utilisation an easy process for both the drivers and the passengers. The proposed system is based on a server which receives requests from the passengers via a website which in turn informs the taxi driver about the location of the passenger. It will involve using smart phones which are internet enabled. The taxi driver on receiving a request from a server sends a confirmation message to the passenger. On the website the passenger will be updated with the location of the taxis in his/her prox...