Le produzioni di anfore adriatiche della gens Iulia (original) (raw)
‘Voce concordi’ Scritti per Claudio Zaccaria a cura di Fulvia Mainardis, Antichità Altoadriatiche, 85, pp. 217-246
The aim of the research is to analyse the stamps with nomen Iulius, on some Adriatic amphorae. The stamps of C. Iuli Brundis(ini), C. Iuli Marcelli, Barbul(---)//C. Iuli Poly(---), C. Iuli Zoeli, Sex. Iulii/Aequani/Lauti, Bar//Sex. Iuli Orp(---), Sex. Iuli Severi, Iuli Paulini occur on amphorae of brindisine type, Lamboglia 2, Dressel 6A, Dressel 6B, “collo ad imbuto” type and flat bottom, used for wine and oil transport and spreaded in Cisalpina, Cispadana, at Rome, in Noricum, in Greece and in north Africa between the Augustan period and the end of I cent. AD. Often the same stamp is on different types of amphorae, not always associated with the same foodstuff. The amphorae production area is in the medio Adriatic region, proved by morphological and archaeometrical analysis, onomastic and epigraphic analysis, archaeological excavation of villae and workshops. Is manifest a complex and articulated economic situation in which members of the senatorial order are involved in the cultivation of fundi, in the production of the amphorae and in the commercialization of mid-Adriatic wine and oil with the members of gens Iulia, usually liberti. The members of gens Iulia manage relevant economic profits to the advantage of imperial family, probably in locatio/conductio relationship.