Related papers
The Relationship among Exports, Imports and Economic Growth in Turkey
This paper studies the nexus between exports, imports, and economic growth in Turkey. Annual data for the periods between 1960 and 2015 was tested by practicing Johansen co-integration analysis of Vector Auto Regression Model and the Granger-Causality tests. According to the result of the analysis, there is no relationship between exports, imports and economic growth in Turkey. On the other hand, we found that there is a strong evidence of bidirectional causality from imports to economic growth and from exports to economic growth.
The effect of foreign trade on economic growth: The case of Turkey
Turkish Economic Review, 2018
Abstract. In this study, the causal relationships between export, import and economic growth in Turkey are analysed, using quarterly data from 1987 to 2017. In order to examine these relationships a number of econometric methods are applied, such as the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test, Johansen Cointegration Test and Granger Causality Test based on the Error Correction Model. The results show that all variables are stationary in the first difference. Furthermore, the validity of long-run relationships among variables is found by the Johansen cointegration test. Since the cointegration is observed between series, the Error Correction Model is used to determine the causality. The empirical findings from the causality test suggest that there is short-term bidirectional causality between economic growth and import in Turkey. On the other hand, according to the Error Correction Model, there is a long run unidirectional causality from economic growth to export in Turkey. Keywords. ...
A multivariate causality analysis of export and growth for Turkey
This study seeks to validity of the export-led growth hypothesis using quarterly data from 1980 to 2005. The bounds testing approach to cointegration is employed to test the causal relationship between industrial production, exports and terms of trade. An augmented form of Granger causality analysis is implemented to identify the direction of relationship among the variables both in the short-run and the long-run. The empirical findings suggest uni-directional causation from exports to industrial production.
Exports and Economic Growth: A Sectoral Analysis for Turkey
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between exports and the industrial production index for economic growth by employing the Granger causality test for the total manufacturing sector and Turkey’s top 10 exported goods over the period 2002:01 to 2012:05. According to our findings, there is evidence to support export-led growth for basic metals, chemical products, and fabricated metal products in the long-run and a unidirectional causality relationship was found from economic growth to exports for electrical machinery and apparatus both in the short and long-run. Moreover, a pattern of growth-led exports is also valid for chemical products in the short-run.
This paper investigates the causa1ity relationship belween expoit . expansion and economic growth in TUfkey,using data for the period from 1968101993. A great number of emprical studies have shown that expon expansion is,associaied with better economic performance in many developing countries. This is used Lo support the expon-oriented development strategies. Such a broad interpretation is, -however, usually based on regression analyses which provide no means of determini'ng the direction of causality. A brief Hterature survey on the relationship between expon growth and economic growth is carried out and some leading studies on causality testing are examined. Hsiao version of Granger causality test teehnique isemployed in an emprical study for Turkey. Althoughthe results seem to give no suppon to the expon-Ied gmwth hypothesis for Turkey in the framework of causality testing, more caution is needed Lo interpret them in a conclusiye way, mainly because of shoncr experience of e...
Cointegration and causality analysis of globalization and exports for Turkey
Journal of Economics Bibliography, 2018
As the degree of globalization of a country increases, the volume of external trade (i.e., exports and imports) of that country rises as well. In order to check the validity of this association, in this study I investigate cointegrating and causality relationship between globalization and exports in Turkey by using a time series sample containing period of 1970-2014. In the analysis stage I firstly check if the series are stationarity or not and after that I perform ARDL boundary test to find out whether series of globalization and exports have a long run association. Following the cointegration test, I estimate both short and long run coefficients of the variables by utilizing an error corrected form of ARDL Model. Finally, I conduct a causality test to see the existence and direction of causality among variables. Empirical estimation results hint that series of globalization and exports are cointegrated and therefore they move together in long run. Also a long run but not a short run relationship between the series is identified. As to causality results, it is found that there is a unidirectional causality running from exports to globalization.
The effect of foreign trade on economic growth_The case of Turkey.pdf
Turkish Economic Review, 2018
In this study, the causal relationships between export, import and economic growth in Turkey are analysed, using quarterly data from 1987 to 2017. In order to examine these relationships a number of econometric methods are applied, such as the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test, Johansen Cointegration Test and Granger Causality Test based on the Error Correction Model. The results show that all variables are stationary in the first difference. Furthermore, the validity of long-run relationships among variables is found by the Johansen cointegration test. Since the cointegration is observed between series, the Error Correction Model is used to determine the causality. The empirical findings from the causality test suggest that there is short-term bidirectional causality between economic growth and import in Turkey. On the other hand, according to the Error Correction Model, there is a long run unidirectional causality from economic growth to export in Turkey.
Testing the export-led growth hypothesis: empirical evidence from Turkey
Journal of Developing Areas, 2010
In this paper the Turkish export-led growth hypothesis is examined from the trade liberalisation process initiated in 1980. The paper has employed Toda and Yamamoto (1995) procedure for testing for Granger non-causality in the augmented vector autoregressive (VAR) methodology to analyze the dynamic relationship between export growth and economic growth in Turkey using quarterly data from 1989 to 2006. The empirical results support the export-led growth hypothesis for Turkey and that Granger causal flow is unidirectional from real exports to real GDP. JEL Classifications: O47, F43, C32.
The relationship between growth and exports: what if the impact is negative Evidence form Turkey
Journal of Economics Finance and Accounting (JEFA), 2022
Purpose- The effect of economic growth on exports in Turkey and the direction of the relationship have been determined. The data were obtained from the World Bank data system and TUIK (Turkish Official Statistics Institute, 2021 data were obtained from here) and annual data for the period 1961-2021 were used. Analyzed with Auto Regressive Distrubuted Lag Models (ARDL) bounds test approach and Toda&Yamamoto Causality Test. Methodology- The data set was created using annual data and analyzed in this way. Then Vector Autoregressive Model-VAR was created. Then, Toma&Yamamoto causality test and ARDL were applied. In addition, Breusch-Godfrey Autocorrelation LM Test, Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Heteroskedasticity Test, unit root test, normality test and CUSUM tests were applied to verify the accuracy of the output. Findings- It is concluded that there is a long-term relationship between the ARDL Bounds test approach and the variables where economic growth affects exports negatively in the long ...
The study aims to analyze the determinants of foreign trade through the variables of national income, foreign direct investment, real exchange rates, and export and import prices for the period of 1987-2011. The export and import demand functions in Turkey are estimated using unit root test, co-integration analysis, and Granger causality tests. There is one-way short term Granger causal link from foreign income, real exchange rate and export price towards export in the export model. This model is also characterized by the fact that foreign income, foreign direct investment, real exchange rates and export price are the Granger causes of export in the long-run. In the import model, on the other hand, there is Granger causality link from Turkey's real GDP, foreign direct investment, and real exchange rate towards import in the long-run. In addition, single way causality links have been encountered from foreign direct investment, real exchange rate and import price to import.