Пеньков Б. В. Внутренние и внешние заинтересованные лица в образовательном дискурсе // Современная экономика: актуальные вопросы, достижения и инновации. – 2016. – С. 141-143. URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27232320 (original) (raw)

Пеньков Б.В. Качественные показатели эффективности учебного заведения в образовательном дискурсе // Современные технологии: актуальные вопросы, достижения и инновации. – 2017. – С. 84-86. URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=28423694

PERFORMANCE INDICATORS IN EDUCATIONAL DISCOURSE Penkov Boris Victor Abstract: The author looks into the aspects of the Concept «Accreditation» in educational discourse in the setting of American High School. Educational discourse (in its administrative part) considerably overlaps with economic discourse – a good example of this are common discourse markers, which are also features of business communication; the genre variety includes universal and specific nominations for the discourse participants or the stakeholders of the institution; that is, both generic and collective terminology. The performance indicators and quality expectations from the school and its stakeholders reflect the value system of the discourse and the semantic characteristics of the participant profiles. The descriptive analysis of the discourse helps to develop the model and the taxonomy of educational discourse. Key words: institutional discourse, educational discourse, economic discourse, classification, taxonomy, high school, stakeholder

Пеньков Б.В. Прямые экономические контакты регионов страны как направление экономической стратегии // Современные технологии: актуальные вопросы, достижения и инновации. – 2017. – C. 47-49. http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=28819696

DIRECT ECONOMIC CONTACTS OF THE REGIONS AS A TREND OF ECONOMIC STRATEGY Penkov Boris Victor PhD Plekhanov University Abstract: The author analyzes aspects of direct economic contacts of regions as a direction of economic strategy in the context of the integrated regional economic policy of Japan. The concentration of human resources and innovative production in the center and urban areas like Tokyo raises the issue of improvement of urban planning in other prefectures and regions of the country as well. Active state regulation of the regional economy and support for projects aimed at economic contacts of the regions contribute to the processes of integration and globalization, and also make it possible to improve the industrial and social infrastructure and to develop the rational use of natural resources. The author concludes that it is too early to talk about cardinal changes in the sphere of redistribution of capital and production capacities from the center into the regions, although such a necessity and trend exists. Key words: globalization, internationalization, Japanese economy, prefecture, regional economy, economic strategy, direct economic contacts, integrated regional economic policy, state regulation of the regional economy

Пеньков Б. В. Показатели повышения качества регионального образования как дифференциальные признаки в образовательном дискурсе (на материале американской средней школы) // European Scientific Conference. – 2017. – С. 64-66. http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=28762629

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT INDICATORS AS MARKERS WITHIN EDUCATIONAL DISCOURSE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL Penkov Boris Victor Abstract: The author examines aspects of quality parameters in the sphere of education, which are reflected in ratings and affect the success of the educational system in the field of international competition and the promotion of corporate culture in the context of educational services. The characteristics of the Theme called «Accreditation», within the framework of educational discourse in the context of American High School, are described in the situation when educational discourse naturally interacts with other forms of discourse such as economic discourse; the administrative genre relies heavily on concepts and related lexical and semantic means used in management, marketing, advertising and PR. The texts on high school theme display repetitions of lexical and semantic discourse features, profile the discourse participants (stakeholders) and include their value systems. Such features of the educational discourse are singled out on the basis of universal and special factors. The author develops the descriptive model and the taxonomy of the discourse. Key words: institutional discourse, educational discourse, economic discourse, classification, taxonomy, high school, stakeholder

Пеньков Б.В. Концепт «Основной школьный предмет» в образовательном дискурсе (на материале американской средней школы) // Современная педагогика: актуальные вопросы, достижения и инновации. 2016. С. 128-130. URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27232390

Abstract: The paper describes the Concept called «Core High School Subject» in the educational discourse in the American high school setting. The nucleus of the concept are subjects, which are required to take during the high school years in most states; that is, for the duration of three or four years or before graduation from the school program if we talk about online or home schooling. The author examines the concept as part of a larger framework of institutional educational discourse. The discourse and its concepts are semantic entities with compound structures, which are analyzed from the point of view of its conceptual basis as well as extensive socio-cultural characteristics (associations, emotions, evaluations, national images and connotations) transmitted by discourse participants into American culture and education. The high school related texts demonstrate reappearance of lexical and semantic features, which serve not only as the components of the concept but also as reliable and recognizable markers of the educational discourse. The taxonomy of the core subjects develops due to common (for any educational discourse) and individual factors (special for the American high school phenomenon). The author contributes to the building of the descriptive model and taxonomy of institutional discourse, especially the administrative genre of educational discourse in a high school setting. Key words: institutional discourse, educational discourse, classification, taxonomy, high school, concept, semantics

Penkov Boris Victor. The Development of Concept ‘Stakeholder’ in the Administrative Genre of the Educational Discourse // Современные социально-экономические процессы: проблемы, закономерности, перспективы. – 2017. – C. 92-94. http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=28797375

Abstract: The author discusses the lexical and semantic features of the Concept ‘STAKEHOLDER’ within the educational discourse in the setting of American High School. The paper differentiates two large groups of discourse participants; namely, traditional and new participants of the administrative genre of the discourse. The research looks into innovating trends in the educational management and the changing use of discourse of power to strengthen the high school experience and educational policies. Critical discourse analysis relies on relations of interdiscursivity, the implicit or explicit relations that a discourse has to other discourses; that is, educational discourse in its official variety includes elements of other discourses like discourses of power, economics and finance. The analysis differentiates characteristic features on language levels, based on the universal and special factors deemed relevant to the current tasks of the descriptive analysis of the American senior high school. Of special interest are professional terminology, lexical and semantic features, which represent the concept in the industry and professional activity of the participants of the discourse. The disparate elements from written and spoken discourse of school administrators help to differentiate the administrative genre within the educational discourse and texts as belonging to this formal variety of the discourse – on the basis of specific and contrasting characteristics. The trends for the discourse, its administrative genre and the analyzed Concept of ‘STAKEHOLDER’ can be described as changing, open for innovation in terms of the lexis and semantics. Key words: educational discourse, institutional discourse, educational management, stakeholder, economic discourse, classification, taxonomy, high school

Симашенков П.Д. Обывательский вектор цифровой трансформации. В сборнике: Цифровая гуманитаристика и технологии в образовании (DHTE 2022). Сборник статей III Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием. Москва, 2022. С. 528-541.

The relevance of the topic is due to the emergence of the so-called digital skeptics who challenge the need for total digitalization of education. The object of the study is the values of digital transformation, the subject — their actual implementation in the system of higher education. The author has chosen an axiological approach to the study of the problem, involving the consideration of the digitalization of education in the socio-philosophical aspect. According to the author, the bonuses of Reality 2.0 are predominantly of an entertainment nature, which has nothing to do with research activities. In addition, most of the materials on the digital world in one way or another raise the topic of salesmanship. This means that the key direction of technology development is purely commercial, a priori consumer-oriented. In the spirit of concreteness and pragmatics, the vector of simplification is declared the only correct and universally applicable. The most dangerous simplifications are: 1) identifying knowledge with information and information with data; 2) identifying creativity with creativity; 3) identifying reality with reality. The author is confident: it is superfluous to argue that constructive criticism of digitalization has nothing to do with obscurantism. Protest is not so much against the numbers themselves, as against the neo-Lysenkovism (show pedagogy and other forms of profanation), zealously promoted by the adherents of the IT breakthrough. By defending the principles of classical pedagogy, digital skeptics defend culture from dogmatism and utilitarian primitivization.