Marife.2012_1. KUR’ÂN-I KERÎM TİLÂVETİ HAKKINDA SÜNNET-İ NEBEVİYYE ,Halim Sabit ŞİBAY, Yayına haz. Dr. Ali Çiftci (original) (raw)
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Late Nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries of Western literature on the Qur'an mainly concentrate on two issues. The first group try to seek to trace the influence of Jewish and Christian ideas on the Qur'an while the second group pay more attention to the reconstruction of the chronological order of the Qur'an. This article deals with mainly on the most important figures in the West whose works are still being read in the Universties. Theodor Nöldeke, Hartwig Hirschfeld, Richard Bell can be mentioned among these welknown Western students of Islam. Having disclosed their dissatisfaction with tradition, and acknowledged their exclusive reliance on the Qur'an, they developed different kinds of Qur'anic order. Although Nöldeke was the pioneer of the other two, they went further and rejected the unity of the Qur'anic surahs. Consequently, incontrast to Nöldeke's overall scheme they preferred a chronological order which are limited exclusively to the passages of the Qur'an rather than surahs. Nonetheless, there are also differences between these two. The difference between Hirschfeld and Bell lies in their concept of the history of the Qur'an. While Hirschfeld focused on the dogmatic concern of Qur'anic passages, Bell tried to analyse from several aspects to order Qur'anic passages. This article displays their similarities and differences together with the conclusion they have reached. Kur'ân-Kerîm'in sûreleri ve âyetlerinin tertîbiyle ilgili klasik ve modern usûl kitaplarmz bize çok detayl bilgiler vermektedir. Özellikle Kur'ân âyetlerinin tertîbinin tevkîfîliIi konusunda /slâm ümmetinin âlimleri arasnda icma vardr. 1 Ksaca, âyetlerin
%slam dünyas n n önemli ilim merkezlerinden biri olan Buhara'da, hicri II. asr n ortalar ndan itibaren pek çok alim yeti#meye ba#lam #t r. Muhaddis-sûfî Ebû Bekir el-Gülâbâdî (Kelâbâzî) de bunlardan birisidir. Kaynaklarda hayat hakk nda pek bilgi verilmeyen Gülâbâdî'nin ya#ad 1 sosyo-kültürel çevre makalemizde ele al nm #t r. Ebû Bekir'in ismi hakk ndaki ihtilaflar giderilerek ad n n "Ebû Bekir, Muhammed b. %brahim b. Ya'kûb b. Yusuf b. Kesîr b. Hâtim b. Abdurrahman el-Gülâbâdî el-Buhârî el-Hanefî es-Sûfî" oldu1u ve 380/990 y l nda vefat etti1i tespit edilmi#tir. Ard ndan Ebû Bekir'in yapt 1 ilmi seyahatler, hocalar , ö1rencileri ve eserleri ortaya konulmaya çal # lm #t r. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ebû Bekir el-Gülâbâdî (Kelâbâzî), Muhaddis-Sûfî, Hadis, Tasavvuf
The Qur'anic texts, as other sacred texts, had been revealed in an environment which was formed by some certain religious, historical and social conditions. Therefore, we observe that the Qur'ân has criticized great religious, political, economical and cultural systems which formed the reason of their people. Rooted religious systems surrounding the environment of the revelation had received the greatest portion of these criticisms. So, while the Qur'an criticized the Judaism and Christianity the greatest religions of the past and present day, It refers to their cultural codes which were adopted in the process of their historical formation. These codes must be decoded in order to place these criticisms on a proper and correct ground. This can be achieved by having enough knowledge about linguistic, historical and cultural structures of those religions. Otherwise, it will be difficult to define and explain some names, titles and references expressed in the Qur'ân. In this article, we wanted to study nearly 'rabbanniyyun' and 'ribbiyyûn' titles mentioned in the Qur'ân and translation issue of the titles into Turkish.
Marife.2010_2. ULÛMU’L-KUR’ÂN HAKKINDA DÜŞÜNCELER , Müsâid b. Süleyman b. Nâsır / Çev.: Ahmet KÜÇÜK
Ulûmu'l-Kur'ân, henüz olgunlaUmamIU ilimlerden biridir ve hâlâ üzerinde düUünülmeye, ilaveler yapIlmaya, eleUtiri ve incelemeye ihtiyaç duymaktadIr. Bu verimli seride, Allah nasip ederse konuyla ilgili çeUitli öneriler gündeme getirece-Wim. Bunlar, belirli bir düzen içerisinde olmayan daWInIk konular Ueklindedir. Yazmaya vakit/imkân bulabildiWim kadarIyla meselelere deWineceWim. DoWrusu öteden beri Süyûtî'nin +tkân'Indaki tasnife uyarak onun gündeme getirdiWi her bir konuyu özetlemeyi ve o mesele üzerinde kimi zaman konuyu tamamlama, kimi zaman ilave açIklamalarda bulunma, kimi zaman da eleUtiri adIna bildiWim ne varsa onlarI sIralamayI temenni etmekteydim; ancak Uu an benim için bu, vakit ayIramayaca-WIm kadar uzun bir zaman alacaktIr. Allah Teala'nIn, bu iUi ileride bana mümkün kIlmasInI dilerim. KuUkusuz O, dualarI iUiten ve onlara icabet edendir.