Related papers
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research
A rich collection of Heteroptera extracted with Berlese funnel by Dr. I. Loksa between 1953-1974 in Hungary, has been examined. Altogether 157 true bug species have been identified. The great majority of them have been found in very low number, there are only 27 species of which more than 10 adult individuals have been found. Some species considered to be rare or very rare in Hungary have been collected in relatively great number (Ceratocombus coleoptratus, Cryptostemma pusillimum, C. waltli, Acalypta carinata, A. platycheila, Loricula ruficeps, Myrmedobia exilis). The three families, which are more or less rich in species and have the highest ratio of extracted species, were Rhyparochromidae, Tingidae and Nabidae. Out of them, the family Rhyparochromidae has been found to be most diverse and most characteristic at the ground-level. Individuals of the families Tingidae, Hebridae and Rhyparochromidae have been found in greatest number. The occurrence of the lace bug Campylosteira orientalis Horváth, 1881 in Hungary has been verified by a voucher specimen. In respect to the environmental changes through the country, parallel changes have been observed in the zoogeographical distribution of the ground-living bugs.
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research
As a third part of a series of papers on the ground-living true bugs of Hungary, the species belonging to the lace bug genus Acalypta Westwood, 1840 (Insecta: Heteroptera: Tingidae) were studied. Extensive materials collected with Berlese funnels during about 20 years all over Hungary were identified. Based on these sporadic data of many years, faunistic notes are given on some Hungarian species. The seasonal occurrence of the species are discussed. The numbers of specimens of different Acalypta species collected in diverse plant communities are compared with multivariate methods. Materials collected with pitfall traps between 1979-1982 at Bugac, Kiskunság National Park were also processed. In this area, only A. marginata and A. gracilis occurred, both in great number. The temporal changes of the populations are discussed. Significant differences could be observed between the microhabitat distribution of the two species: both species occurred in very low number in traps placed out in patches colonized by dune-slack purple moorgrass meadow; Acalypta gracilis preferred distinctly the Pannonic dune open grassland patches; A. marginata occurred in almost equal number in Pannonic dune open grassland and in Pannonic sand puszta patches.
Checklist of Romanian Orthoptera (Insecta) and their distribution by eco-regions
Travaux du Muséum …, 2007
The Orthoptera fauna of Romania is represented by 182 species, 94 belonging to the Ensifera suborder and 88 species belonging to the Caelifera suborder. Four of these species are each represented by two subspecies (Isophya modesta modesta, I. m. longicaudata, Platycleis albopunctata albopuctata, P. a. grisea, Tetrix bipunctata bipunctata, T. b. kraussi, Miramella ebneri ebneri and M. e. carpathica); also, the presence of a interspecific hybrid (Chorthippus albomarginatus×oschei) in the North-eastern part of the country was very interesting to find. Nine species are endemic to Romania and represent important values that should be protected: Isophya dobrogensis, I. harzi, Callimenus montandoni, Odontopodisma carpathica, O. acuminata, O. montana, Zubovskya banatica, Podismopsis transsylvanica and Chorthippus acroleucus. Résumé. La faune d'Orthoptères de Roumanie est représentée par 182 espèces, dont 94 appartiennent au Sous-Ordre des Ensifera et 88 au Sous-Ordre des Caelifera. Quatre de ces espèces sont représentées chacune par deux sous-espèces (Isophya modesta modesta, I. m. longicaudata, Platycleis albopunctata albopunctata, P. a. grisea, Tetrix bipunctata bipunctata, T. b. kraussi, Miramella ebneri ebneri et M. e. carpathica); on a trouvé aussi un intéressant hybride interspécifique (Chorthippus albomarginatus X oschei) dans le Nord-Ouest du pays. Neuf espèces sont endémiques en Roumanie, représentant des valeurs importantes qui doivent être préservées:
Saproxylic Beetles - their role and diversity in European woodland and tree habitats Proceedings of the 5th Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, 2009
In 2006 and 2007 we carried out quantitative seasonal sampling on Coleoptera in the primeval spruce forest of the Giumalau Mountains (Eastern Carpathians). Th e scientifi c reserve Giumalau was founded in February 1932 and has a total area of 309.5 ha. We captured and identifi ed 190 species belonging to 33 families. Of these, 46.3% represent xylobiont species. We inventoried, expressed in trophic categories, 11 (5.8%) foliophagous/seminivorous species, 12 (6.3%) mycetophagous, 8 (4.2%) mixophagous, 17 (8.9%) xylophagous, 14 (7.4%) cambi-ophagous/ xylemophagous, 41 (21.6%) saproxylophagous and xylomycetophagous, 57 (30%) detritophagous/coprophagous/necrophagous, and 38 (20%) predators. Th e following rare and representative species for spruce primeval forests were found: Cornumutila quadrivittata Gebler 1830 (Cerambycidae), Nemozoma elongatum (Linnaeus, 1761) (Trogositidae), Salpingus rufi collis (Linnaeus 1761) (Salpingidae). Leiodes rhaeticus Erichson, 1845 (Leiodidae) is recorded for the fi rst time in Romania.
Some Systematics and Ecological Data for True Bugs (Hemiptera) in Some Habitats in Fieri
This study presents a contribution to the knowledge some the systematics and ecological data on the species true bugs (Hemiptera) collected in some ecosystems in Fieri region. The collection of biological material is performed during the period 2016-2017 in 6 stations. In this study we report for Fieri’s stations 110 individuals, 24 species, 21 genus and 10 families. By analyzing the collected material, the Miridae is the most represented family with 5 species and a frequency of 20.8% and with 5 genus or 23.8%. Habitats of Zharrzes station are represented by more species than the other stations, with 10 species or 41.6%. This indicates that these habitats are comparatively more favorable, creating optimal environmental conditions for these species. Based on the Jaccard Index of Similarity Coefficient, Zharrez and Ardenica habitats have 3 species in common, and a higher similarity coefficient than the other areas (23.03%), showing a similarity of the ecological factors between these...
New data on the occurrence of terrestrial true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Pieniny Mountains
Fragmenta Faunistica, 2017
The results on studies of the fauna of true bugs are presented. The research was conducted in the years 2005–2008 in the Pieniny Mountains. A list of 71 species, mainly belonging to the family Miridae, is presented. Among the identified specimens such rare species in Poland as Eurycolpus flaveolus, Stenodema sericans and Berytinus signoreti deserve a special interest. Features that distinguish very similar species, such as Lygus wagneri and L. punctatus, are given.
A Study on True Bugs (Lygaeidae, Insecta) in the Central Albanian Habitats
International journal of engineering technologies and management research, 2024
The present research examines the ecological and systematic characteristics of true bugs, namely those belonging to the Lygaeidae family, within the central regions of Albania. The study was carried out in four designated sites, namely Dajti, Krraba, Iba, and Vora, which offer favorable environments for the proliferation of Lygaeidae insects. These insects have tiny to medium size, with certain specimens exhibiting vibrant hues like as red, black, and yellow, while red and black are the prevailing colors. A total of 96 biological specimens belonging to this particular family were identified over the period spanning from 2021 to 2023. There were 15 species and 12 genera of the Lygaeidae family observed at these locations. The results of the systematic analysis indicate that the genus Lygaeus exhibited the highest level of diversity, consisting of three species with a frequency of 20%. This suggests that the ecological conditions associated with these stations provide the most conducive habitats for this particular genus. The Krraba station displayed the greatest species diversity, with a total of eight species (corresponding to a frequency of 53.33%). In contrast, Dajti and Vora stations had the lowest diversity, each with only four species (corresponding to a frequency of 26.67%).
Travaux du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa", 2013
103 coleopteran species, belonging to 11 families were found during our faunal sampling in 2012 in the Bârnova-Repedea Forest site. Out of them Carabus variolosus Fabricius, Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus), Cerambyx cerdo Linnaeus, Morimus funereus Mulsant and Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus) are species of community interest, included in the Annex II of the Habitat Directive. Carpelimus gusarovi Gildenkov and Stenus doderoi Bondroit were collected by the authors, for the first time in Romania. Carabus excellens (Fabricius), a rare species, was rediscovered in this site, and specific faunistic data on the species Colon (Myloechus) dentipes (C. R. Sahlberg) are provided for the first time.