"Europa" (original) (raw)

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Центр и регионы в России при «Старом режиме»: диалектика развития взаимоотношений Cover Page

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United States International Trade Commission Cover Page

Vengê Welatê Zazayan gazetesi 4. Sayı

Vengê Welatê Zazayan, 2014

23y Tebaxe de Diyarbekır de her şarıstonê Zazyan ra Zazayê ma amey pêser. Eno kombiyayış Xanê Hesen Paşay de tertib bi. Nuştekari, wendoğê universıtey, serekê...

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Vengê Welatê Zazayan gazetesi 4. Sayı Cover Page

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Yavuz Akçaboy Didem Tuba Akçalı Cover Page

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İnformasiya Texnologiyalarının Korpus Linqvistikasında Tətbiqi Cover Page

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“Ağilli Şəhər” Və “Ağilli Kənd” Salmanin Beynəlxalq Təcrübəsi̇ Cover Page

Realization of Copyright and Related Rights on the Basis of «Extended Collective Management»


The topic highlights the need and importance of a completely different type of collective management in new, high-tech fields, which applies not only to authors - members of the author’s society but also to all other authors, including unknown authors. It is this system of copyright and related rights that is sometimes referred to as “extended collective management”. Within the framework of the subject, it was studied in detail how right holders enter into agreements with persons using works (objects of copyright and related rights) on their own behalf on the basis of powers granted by collective management organizations, as well as collection, distribution and payment of royalties to right holders. Attention is paid to some urgent problems related to the improvement of this institution, international standards for copyright protection and comparative legal analysis of national legislation, as well as the opinions of scientists from Uzbekistan and other different countries. Suggesti...

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Realization of Copyright and Related Rights on the Basis of «Extended Collective Management» Cover Page

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Uzluksiz Kasbiy Taʼlim" Maxsus Elektron Platformasi Va Unda Taʼlim Sifatini Boshqarish Cover Page

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Bir İnekte Çift Seviks Olgusu Cover Page

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Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi’nde Bulunan XVI. Yüzyıl’dan Kalma Bazı İpekli Kumaşların Boyarmadde Analizleri Cover Page