Disruption of the L chondrite parent body: New oxygen isotope evidence from Ordovician relict chromite grains (original) (raw)

A rain of ordinary chondritic meteorites in the early Ordovician

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2001

Forty fossil meteorites with a total original mass of V7.7 kg have been recovered in the first systematic search for fossil meteorites, pursued in an active quarry in Lower Ordovician (480 Ma) marine limestone in southern Sweden. The meteorites represent at least 12 different falls over a seafloor area of V6000 m 2 during 91.75 Myr, making the quarry one of the most meteorite dense areas known in the world. Geochemical analyses of relict chromite grains indicate that all or most of the meteorites are ordinary chondrites and probably L chondrites. Mechanisms for meteorite delivery from the asteroid belt to Earth were the same 480 Ma as today, however, the flux was one to two orders of magnitude higher, most likely reflecting the disruption of the L chondrite parent body at about that time. This is a major event in late solar-system history, which may also have led to an enhanced flux of asteroids to Earth during V30 Myr. ß

A Russian record of a Middle Ordovician meteorite shower: Extraterrestrial chromite at Lynna River, St. Petersburg region

Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2012

Numerous fossil meteorites and high concentrations of sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial chromite (EC) grains with ordinary chondritic composition have previously been documented from 467 ± 1.6 Ma Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) strata. These finds probably reflect a temporarily enhanced influx of L-chondritic matter, following the disruption of the L-chondrite parent body in the asteroid belt 470 ± 6 Ma. In this study, a Volkhovian-Kundan limestone ⁄ marl succession at Lynna River, northwestern Russia, has been searched for EC grains (>63 lm). Eight samples, forming two separate sample sets, were collected. Five samples from strata around the Asaphus expansus-A. raniceps trilobite Zone boundary, in the lower-middle Kundan, yielded a total of 496 EC grains in 65.5 kg of rock (average 7.6 EC grains kg )1 , but up to 10.2 grains kg )1 ). These are extremely high concentrations, three orders of magnitude higher than ''background'' levels in similar condensed sediment from other periods. EC grains are typically about 50 times more abundant than terrestrial chrome spinel in the samples and about as common as terrestrial ilmenite. Three stratigraphically lower lying samples, close to the A. lepidurus-A. expansus trilobite Zone boundary, at the Volkhov-Kunda boundary, yielded only two EC grains in 38.2 kg of rock (0.05 grains kg )1 ). The lack of commonly occurring EC grains in the lower interval probably reflects that these strata formed before the disruption of the L-chondrite parent body. The great similarity in EC chemical composition between this and other comparable studies indicates that all or most EC grains in these Russian mid-Ordovician strata share a common source--the L-chondrite parent body.

A single asteroidal source for extraterrestrial Ordovician chromite grains from Sweden and China: High-precision oxygen three-isotope SIMS analysis


We examined oxygen three-isotope ratios of 48 extraterrestrial chromite (EC) grains extracted from mid-Ordovician sediments from two different locations in Sweden, and one location in south-central China. The ages of the sediments ($470 Ma) coincide with the breakup event of the L chondrite parent asteroid. Elemental compositions of the chromite grains are generally consistent with their origin from L or LL chondrite parent bodies. The average D 17 O (&-deviation from the terrestrial mass-fractionation line, measured in situ from 15 lm spots by secondary ion mass spectrometry; SIMS) of EC grains extracted from fossil meteorites from Thorsberg and Brunflo are 1.17 ± 0.09& (2r) and 1.25 ± 0.16&, respectively, and those of fossil micrometeorites from Thorsberg and Puxi River are 1.10 ± 0.09&, and 1.11 ± 0.12&, respectively. Within uncertainty these values are all the same and consistent with the L chondrite group average D 17 O = 1.07 ± 0.18&, but also with the LL chondrite group average D 17 O = 1.26 ± 0.24& . We conclude that the studied EC grains from correlated sediments from Sweden and China are related, and most likely originated in the same event, the L chondrite parent body breakup. We also analyzed chromites of modern H, L and LL chondrites and show that their D 17 O values coincide with averages of D 17 O of bulk analyses of H, L and LL chondrites. This study demonstrates that in situ oxygen isotope data measured by SIMS are accurate and precise if carefully standardized, and can be used to classify individual extraterrestrial chromite grains found in sediments.

L-chondrite asteroid breakup tied to Ordovician meteorite shower by multiple isochron 40Ar-39 Ar dating


Radiochronometry of L chondritic meteorites yields a rough age estimate for a major collision in the asteroid belt about 500 Myr ago. Fossil meteorites from Sweden indicate a highly increased influx of extraterrestrial matter in the Middle Ordovician ~480 Myr ago. An association with the L-chondrite parent body event was suggested, but a definite link is precluded by the lack of more precise radiometric ages. Suggested ages range between 450 ± 30 Myr and 520 ± 60 Myr, and can neither convincingly prove a single breakup event, nor constrain the delivery times of meteorites from the asteroid belt to Earth. Here we report the discovery of multiple 40 Ar-39 Ar isochrons in shocked L chondrites, particularly the regolith breccia Ghubara, that allow the separation of radiogenic argon from multiple excess argon components. This approach, applied to several L chondrites, yields an improved age value that indicates a single asteroid breakup event at 470 ± 6 Myr, fully consistent with a refined age estimate of the Middle Ordovician meteorite shower at 467.3 ± 1.6 Myr (according to A Geologic Time Scale 2004). Our results link these fossil meteorites directly to the L-chondrite asteroid destruction, rapidly transferred from the asteroid belt. The increased terrestrial meteorite influx most likely involved larger projectiles that contributed to an increase in the terrestrial cratering rate, which implies severe environmental stress.

Noble gases in fossil micrometeorites and meteorites from 470 Myr old sediments from southern Sweden, and new evidence for the L-chondrite parent body breakup event

Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2008

available online at Abstract-We present noble gas analyses of sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial chromite grains recovered from ~470 Myr old sediments from two quarries (Hällekis and Thorsberg) and of relict chromites in a coeval fossil meteorite from the Gullhögen quarry, all located in southern Sweden. Both the sediment-dispersed grains and the meteorite Gullhögen 001 were generated in the Lchondrite parent body breakup about 470 Myr ago, which was also the event responsible for the abundant fossil meteorites previously found in the Thorsberg quarry. Trapped solar noble gases in the sediment-dispersed chromite grains have partly been retained during ~470 Myr of terrestrial residence and despite harsh chemical treatment in the laboratory. This shows that chromite is highly retentive for solar noble gases. The solar noble gases imply that a sizeable fraction of the sedimentdispersed chromite grains are micrometeorites or fragments thereof rather than remnants of larger meteorites. The grains in the oldest sediment beds were rapidly delivered to Earth likely by direct injection into an orbital resonance in the inner asteroid belt, whereas grains in younger sediments arrived by orbital decay due to Poynting-Robertson (P-R) drag. The fossil meteorite Gullhögen 001 has a low cosmic-ray exposure age of ~0.9 Myr, based on new He and Ne production rates in chromite determined experimentally. This age is comparable to the ages of the fossil meteorites from Thorsberg, providing additional evidence for very rapid transfer times of material after the L-chondrite parent body breakup.

Accretion Rates of Meteorites and Cosmic Dust in the Early Ordovician

Science, 1997

Abundant fossil meteorites in marine, condensed Lower Ordovician limestones from Kinnekulle, Sweden, indicate that accretion rates of meteorites were one to two orders of magnitude higher during an interval of the Early Ordovician than at present. Osmium isotope and iridium analyses of whole-rock limestone indicate a coeval enhancement of one order of magnitude in the influx rate of cosmic dust. Enhanced accretion of cosmic matter may be related to the disruption of the Lchondrite parent body around 500 million years ago.

An extraterrestrial trigger for the mid-Ordovician ice age: Dust from the breakup of the L-chondrite parent body

Science Advances

The breakup of the L-chondrite parent body in the asteroid belt 466 million years (Ma) ago still delivers almost a third of all meteorites falling on Earth. Our new extraterrestrial chromite and 3He data for Ordovician sediments show that the breakup took place just at the onset of a major, eustatic sea level fall previously attributed to an Ordovician ice age. Shortly after the breakup, the flux to Earth of the most fine-grained, extraterrestrial material increased by three to four orders of magnitude. In the present stratosphere, extraterrestrial dust represents 1% of all the dust and has no climatic significance. Extraordinary amounts of dust in the entire inner solar system during >2 Ma following the L-chondrite breakup cooled Earth and triggered Ordovician icehouse conditions, sea level fall, and major faunal turnovers related to the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event.

Analyses of the chondritic meteorite Orvinio (H6): Insight into the origins and evolution of shocked H chondrite material

Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2004

We have studied the petrography, reflectance spectra, and Ar-Ar systematics of the Orivinio meteorite. Orvinio is an H chondrite not an L chondrite as sometimes reported. The material in the meteorite was involved in several impact events. One impact event produced large swaths of impact melt from H chondrite material surrounding relict clasts of chondrule-bearing material. Not only were portions of a bulk H chondrite planestesimal melted during the impact event, but shock redistribution of metal and sulfide phases in the meteorite dramatically altered its reflectance spectra. Both the melt and relict clasts are darker than unshocked H chondrite material, bearing spectral similarities to some C-class asteroids. Such shock metamorphism, which lowers the albedo of an object without increasing its spectral slope, may partially explain some of the variation among S-class asteroids and some of the trends seen on asteroid 433 Eros. Noble gases record the evidence of at least two, and perhaps three, impact events in the meteorite and its predecessor rocks. The most significant evidence is for an event that occurred 600 Ma ago or less, perhaps ~325 Ma ago or less. There is also a signature of 4.2 Ga in the Ar-Ar systematics, which could either reflect complete degassing of the rock at that time or partial degassing of even the most retentive sites in the more recent event.