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Revisiting the Idea(l) of Global Civil Society in the Light of Human Rights
espanolEn las ultimas decadas, la proliferacion de un “tercer sector” conformado por organizaciones no gubernamentales y sin fines de lucro que trascienden las fronteras ha propiciado una reformulacion del concepto de sociedad civil. Una serie de estudios contemporaneos sostienen que la sociedad civil estado-centrica se esta volviendo internacional, transnacional o global. Si la aparicion de una esfera autonoma de ciudadanos universales no es mas que la proyeccion de un ideal cosmopolita o un fenomeno real es una fuente de controversias. El presente ensayo problematiza la idea de una sociedad civil global a traves de una valoracion de su utilidad descriptiva y sus implicaciones normativas. En base a un enfoque constructivista, el articulo propone el termino “infraestructura ideacional” para analizar sus fundamentos discursivos e interpretativos. El analisis concluye que la sociedad civil global es una reificacion que tiene sus raices en el discurso de los derechos humanos como un id...
Revisitando la idea / el ideal de la Sociedad Civil Global a la luz de los Derechos Humanos
Ius Humani. Law Journal, 2016
En las últimas décadas, la proliferación de un “tercer sector” conformado por organizaciones no gubernamentales y sin fines de lucro que trascienden las fronteras ha propiciado una reformulación del concepto de sociedad civil. Una serie de estudios contemporáneos sostienen que la sociedad civil estado-céntrica se está volviendo internacional, transnacional o global. Si la aparición de una esfera autónoma de ciudadanos universales no es más que la proyección de un ideal cosmopolita o un fenómeno real es una fuente de controversias. El presente ensayo problematiza la idea de una sociedad civil global a través de una valoración de su utilidad descriptiva y sus implicaciones normativas. En base a un enfoque constructivista, el artículo propone el término “infraestructura ideacional” para analizar sus fundamentos discursivos e interpretativos. El análisis concluye que la sociedad civil global es una reificación que tiene sus raíces en el discurso de los derechos humanos como un ideal con...
Global Civil Society as Concept and Practice in the Processes of Globalization
The latest discussions about civil society have been reconsidering the globalization processes, and the theoretical discourse has been broadened to include the notion of the global civil society. The notion and the practice of a civil society are being globalized in a way that reflects the empirical processes of inter-connecting societies and of shaping a world society. From the normative-mobilizing perspective, civil society activists and theoreticians stress the need to defend the world society from the global threat of a nuclear war, environmental catastrophes, crime and violence, domination of world powers over the fate of individual countries and societies, i.e. the need to oppose the tendency of “power policy” on the world level, and to defend the autonomy of the (world) society as one compatible primarily with the expansion of policies based on the rule of law worldwide, and incompatible with the policy of force, state reasons, and domination of world power-centers. The globa...
Global Civil Society and Its Discontents
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and …, 2006
According to enthusiasts the concept of global civil society is spreading rapidly and becoming pivotal to the reconfiguring of the statist paradigm. However, critics have recently grown more numerous and outspoken in opposition to the term claiming that it is actually perpetuating statism by grafting the idea of civil society onto the global by way of an unhelpful domestic analogy. This paper examines the role the concept is playing in perpetuating/reconfiguring statism. First it summarizes current criticism by identifying three basic accusations: the ambiguity of the term, the “domestic fallacy,” and the undemocratic effects of using it. Second, these criticisms are considered in turn and it is concluded that all three points relate, ultimately, back to the failure of the critics themselves and some global civil society theorists to move beyond a state-centered framework of interpretation. In the final section it is shown how global civil society discourse is beginning to move not only the concept of “civil society” away from its state-centred historical meanings, but also how it is contributing to changing the content of the concept of “the global.”
The idea of global civil society
International affairs, 2003
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Civil Society in Argentina: Opportunities and Challenges for National and Transnational Organisation
Journal of Latin American Studies, 2005
Among the many consequences of globalisation is the creation of new political spaces. As these emerge, new or redefined power relationships accompany the process. In the course of creating transnational relationships, citizenship, representation and the role of the stakeholders may be redefined. This article focuses on the case of Argentina and on the role of civil society orgnisations (CSOs) in the process of political integration. The relationship between the state and civil society has sparked a debate about the core status of the political system as the third sector assumes roles traditionally belonging exclusively to the state. This raises issues regarding the difference between rights and services, the sources of legitimacy and efforts to enhance accountability, among others. The existing and potential channels of regional cooperation in the context of Mercosur illustrate the interplay between domestic, regional and global norms and institutions. This article emphasises the ro...