Related papers
Enhanced Security of Advanced Encryption Standard (ES-AES) Algorithm
American journal of computer science and technology, 2022
Encryption is a method of coding information or any other form of confidential, private and sensitive information or data to prevent from unauthorized access, use, misuse, disclosure, destruction, modification, or disruption. Now a day, it is essential to secure data that is at rest in our computer or is transmitted via web against attacks. Several of cryptographic techniques are being used to preserve security and could be classified as: symmetric and asymmetric. A symmetric algorithm named as (AES) is selected for enhancement due to its applicability and widely used algorithm. In AES, among the four stages that are used for encryption and decryption Sub Bytes and Mix Column produce more delay. On the other side, Shift Rows stage contribute to less security level of AES because it uses easy operation that is linear in nature. To overcome these challenges, in the designed symmetrical cryptography algorithm shift row stage of AES is replaced by symmetrical transposition technique to advance security. The simulation result of our Symmetrical Transposition technique has shown better security achievement, with greater than 50% avalanche effect, which means the proposed algorithm makes better confusion and diffusion. Hence, our proposed Enhanced Security of Advanced Encryption Standard (ES-AES) algorithm has better security when compared to original Advance Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm.
Security Effect on AES in Terms of Avalanche Effect by Using Alternate S-Box
International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (ICICI) 2018, 2018
For data security on the internet is now a significant issue since vast change of delicate information. For this purpose, understanding avalanche effect, which increases the security level of communication, is important. The powerful and highly demanded used secure algorithm is AES, it is a robust private key based cryptographic algorithm. In this paper different ways of encryption technique has been suggested, which is slightly robust against attack in terms of avalanche effect by modifying AES, which uses two different S-boxes alternatively because security of a cipher is centralized on the usage of s-box. Proposed approach has been tested with the basic AES in terms of different security measures like avalanche effect, randomness, bit independence criteria (BIC). Achieved result help us to conclude that the proposed method is more robust against attack.
Modifying Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm
Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 )
This paper presents modifications on AES algorithm to improve the security of Standard AES, the improving has been done by three modifications. The first modification use key-dependent dynamic S-box (10 S-box) instead of static S-box (1 S-box), that used by Standard AES in order to improve "confusion" properties represented by Byte Substitution layer. The second modification use key-dependent variable values for shifting "state-matrix" rows process instead of fixed values that used by Standard AES in order to improve "diffusion" properties represented by ShiftRows layer. The third modification is by using two keys instead of one key that used by Standard AES, both of them used for encryption and decryption process instead of one key that used by Standard AES in order to improve the general structure and key generation algorithm of AES. The Modified AES tested and evaluated by five scales (Basic Five Statistical Tests, NIST Tests Suite, Encryption Run Ti...
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2018
Multimedia data (text, audio, image, animation and video) have been widely used in the past few years for advanced digital content transmission. With the network technology focusing on Internet of Things (IoT) nowadays, the security of the multimedia content has raised researchers' concerns. The exchange of digital data over a network has exposed the multimedia data to various kinds of abuse such as Brute-Force attacks, unauthorized access, and network hacking. Therefore, the system must be safeguarded with an efficient media-aware security framework such as encryption methods that make use of standard symmetric encryption algorithms, which will be responsible for ensuring the security of the multimedia data. For the encryption of electronic data, one of the most prominent cryptographic algorithms is the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm: A symmetric block cipher that was established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). However, some of the cha...
Comparative Study in Enhancing AES Algorithm: Data Encryption
Wasit Journal for Pure sciences
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm is defined as the standard algorithm for the encryption of transmitted data packets specially over cloud computing. Therefore, this review was conducted with the aim of studying its enhancing trials based on different methodologies. eleven published review articles were reviewed, these articles have compared encryption standards with respect to certain transmission parameters. The results have clearly concluded that the transmission of data packets over the Internet is considered as a major threat, especially when we talk about the evolution of computation power and quantum computers near epoch, therefore, new solutions have been developed to maintain the issue of authentication and protect data by simultaneous encryption procedures. In addition, the comparative study concludes that enhancing AES algorithm is a promising field for data encryption. The study aims to provide academics with a better awareness of new encryption methods to enhance the performance of data encryption algorithms.
Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, 2021
Cryptography has emerged as a critical component of an information security system's protection against malicious attacks. Cryptography is the technique or method by which a person or users sends information or a message to another person or users in such a way that only the approved person or users can read it. This encryption mechanism encrypts the data and transforms the data into unreadable text that only a party with the associated key can decode or decrypt. These algorithms use a large number of computer resources, including CPU time, memory and time of processing. This research proposes a Custom-AES algorithm for data transmission to meet different security objectives. This latest algorithm is based on the Advanced Encryption Standard's symmetric key encryption (AES). The avalanche effect is used to measure the security of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Before the encryption method, plaintext and the phases of encryption underwent numerous changes. By modifying one bit in plaintext while holding the key unchanged, the Avalanche effect can be determined. The introduction of this methodology was carried out for the purpose of testing. After a comparison analysis with existing encryption algorithms, the experimental results show that Custom-AES has a significant high Avalanche impact.
Development of modified AES algorithm for data security
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016
Cryptography is a process by which information or messages can be sent from one user to another user which provides several security services such as confidentiality, data integrity or authentication to the wireless communication system. As there is need for secure communication, efficient cryptographic processing is required for good system performance. One of the basic fundamental tools used in information security is known as the signature. Thus, the security for internet banking, account passwords, emails accounts password etc. requires text protection in digital media. This paper presents the security and compression for the data with the advance encryption standard (AES). In our research, we increase the number of rounds (Nr) to 16 for the encryption and decryption process of AES algorithm, which results in more security to the system. Experimental results and Theoretical analysis proved that this AES technique provide high speed as well as less transfer of data over the unsecured channels.
Modified Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm for Information Security
The wide acceptability of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) as the most efficient of all of the symmetric cryptographic techniques has further opened it up to more attacks. Efforts that were aimed at securing information while using AES is still being undermined by the activities of attackers This has further necessitated the need for researchers to come up with ways of enhancing the strength of AES. This article presents an enhanced AES algorithm that was achieved by modifying its SubBytes and ShiftRows transformations. The SubBytes transformation is modified to be round key dependent, while the ShiftRows transformation is randomized. The rationale behind the modification is to make the two transformations round key dependent, so that a single bit change in the key will produce a significant change in the cipher text. The conventional and modified AES algorithms are both implemented and evaluated in terms avalanche effect and execution time. The modified AES algorithm achieved an ...
Background\Objective:-The origin of cryptography was found in Roman and Egyptian culture. Cryptography is thousand years old process to encrypt the messages. In its ancient form, people used cryptography to hide their messages that they wanted to keep secret from others by substituting the part of the message with symbols, numbers or pictures. With the increase in technology the need for cryptography is also increased, which gives rise to new cryptographic algorithms for example, Data Encryption Standard (DES), TripleDES, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Blowfish Algorithm. Statistical Analysis:-AES is an algorithm with symmetric key encryption. Proposed AES is made more secure and reliable than the existing AES. AES is combined with segmentation and validation algorithm to refine the performance of the AES. Key extension is done to make AES more secure. The process is pipelined to increase the speed of AES. Findings:-AES is made more secure and the performance of the AES is also improved in order to increase the reliability. Improvements/Applications:-With proposed AES, the speed to encrypt the data is increased within less time. Whereas, present AES takes more time to encrypt with low speed. In this, the 128 bits block ciphers are pipelined to extend the performance of the AES. Also, security of the AES is improved by making enhancement in the key matrix of the applied key expansion. AES can be used for secure communication such as in image encryption, ATM networks and reliable storage such as secret documents, legal documents and confidential storage devices.
Efficient Implementation of Aes By Modifying S-Box
Security of data and messagesare an imperative issue because of fast evolution of digital data exchanges over unsecured network. Data security is achieved by methods of cryptography, which deals with encryption of data. Standard symmetric encryption algorithms provide better security for the multimedia data. In the existing AES algorithm we are modifying S-Box based on the some of the reference papers which we have gone through. After implementing modification the output is compared to original output, in terms of timing analysis, Hamming distance, Balanced output and Aavalanche effect and so on. Hence the efficiency of modified AES is verified after the comparison.