Analysis of Consumer Protection Act - Harshika Kapoor


Humans have perfected the skill of obtaining services to meet their daily requirements. Our daily lives revolve around utilizing the commodities and services available to us in order to live a comfortable and stress-free existence. We become 'consumers' when we use these services. We effectively devour the assets around us, as the name implies. The term "consumer" has been defined in Section 2 (1) (d) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 as: "any person who buys any goods for consideration or hires/avails any services for consideration". History: The Old Testament and the Code of Hammurabi both reference consumer protection, but primarily from a mercantile standpoint. In the United States, where the foundations for the formation and expansion of monopoly and oligopolistic capitalism were laid, an early kind of consumer defense movement arose. 1 The first consumer organizations were founded in Denmark in 1947 and the United Kingdom in 1955, when the government established the Consumer Council to give consumers a voice on matters that were previously reserved for manufacturers and traders. 2 The Single European Act, however, was the major normative breakthrough; it amended the Treaty of Rome by reaffirming the role of the Economic and Social Committee, which was given powers to protect consumers. The above-mentioned legislation has undergone several significant revisions throughout the years, paving the way for a broader consumer policy. Landmark Case: The wording "consideration paid or agreed to be paid by the consumer, as the case may be" left a large gap in the accurate interpretation of the jurisdiction requirements and

A Need of Consumer Protection Act

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022

No person should be disregarded with the right to consumer protection .consumer protection act bought many changes in socioeconomic aspects in the life of people living in India in modern times.it also provides speedy remedy to the consumers. This act has been amended to enhance the power of providing remedy to the consumers. I. INTRODUCTION Consumer protection act was introduced in India in 1986.the main objective of this act is to provide better protection to the consumers. Not only India but many developing countries like Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia etc. Also provided its consumers with this act.it is a milestone to protect the interest of the consumers. II. CONSUMER RIGHTS These rights cover the sectors of public as well as private cooperatives. This act can provide with compensation only. The consumer should be informed about the quantity ,quality, purity, potency and price of goods or services so to protect the consumer against the trade practices which are not fare. Right to seek remedy against unfair trade practices, exploitation of consumer, right to be assured that the goods and services provided are at competitive prices. The consumer should also be provided with safety against any defective product, dissatisfactory services etc. Timely and effective administration and settlement of consumer disputes should also be provided.

consumer protection act..sikkim (INDIA)

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Redress for Consumers in terms of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008: A Comparative Discussion

Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology

The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 1 is a groundbreaking piece of legislation in the realm of not only South African consumer law but also the South African law of contract. What is more, the Act also has worldwide implications as foreign companies selling goods and services in South African consumer markets will have to comply with the new legislation. In Part 1 of this paper, the avenues of redress available to the consumer in terms of the Act and the possible practical problems pertaining thereto are discussed. Part 2 deals with redress for consumers in terms of the European Union and relevant aspects of redress in the Spanish legal system. Part 3 is a comparative conclusion with regards to redress issues for consumers generally.

Consumer Protection in India: Some Issues & Trends


Indian market today is dominated by the consumerism, particularly after a decade from economic reforms process. It is gradually being transformed from a predominantly sellers market to a buyers market where exercised choice by the consumers depends on their awareness level. Consumer rights could be protected in a competitive economy only when right standards for goods and services for which one makes payment are ensured by evolving a network of institutions and legal protection system. Ensuring consumer welfare is the responsibility of the government as every citizen of the country is a consumer in one way or the other. The present paper attempts an analytical, critical and synthetic examination of "consumer protection in India".

Analysis of Consumer Protection Law in India

Journal of Law of Torts and Consumer Protection Law Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2021 Page No 30-39., 2021

No economy can flourish without the rights of the consumer being protected. A patron is an indispensable actor of any economy as he is the person who buys or hires goods or services from the seller and in turn boosts employment in the country. Thus, protecting the rights of the consumer is important because in the present times the demands and expectations of the consumer have changed due to globalization and growing awareness. However, the availability of a large number of goods and services sometimes proves to be harmful to the consumer as not all sellers and service providers are genuine. A new section in Consumer Rights in India has all started with the Parliament passing the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 and repealing the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 making the Consumer extra effective than before. The principal spotlight of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 is that it establishes a Central Consumer Protection Authority which acts as a regulatory frame to "promote, protect, put in force customer rights as a class." A clean shift from Caveat emptor (allow the client to be aware) to Caveat venditor (allow the vendor to be aware) may be visible within side the new provisions because the unfair change practices and fraud achieved via way of means of the vendor will now be penalized. The contemporary Act additionally makes provisions for punishment concerning unfair exchange practices and deceptive commercials and plenty of greater modifications which hold the rights of the patron updated with the modern modifications within side the market.

Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Law and policy in India

Journal of Consumer Policy, 1987

India passed its new Consumer Protection Act in 1986. The author points out that the Act is a landmark in the history of the consumer protection movement in India. It concerns mainly the regulation of consumer disputes and creates specific redress agencies at district, state, and Union level. It also contains general provisions for consumer rights and for the organization of the consumer interest.

Role Of State And Society In Consumer Protection: With Special Reference To India


A consumer is said to be a king in a free market economy. The earlier approach of caveat emptor which means, "Let the buyer beware", has now been changed to caveat venditor "Let the seller beware". However, with growing competition and in an attempt to increase their sales and market share, manufactures and service providers may be tempted to engaged in unscrupulous, exploitative and unfair trade practices like defective and unsafe products adulteration, false and misleading advertising, hoarding, black marketing etc. Consumers are not aware of their rights and reliefs available to them as a result of which they are exploited. In order to save consumer from exploitation consumer protection is needed. Thus Consumer Protection Act 1986, sale of goods act 1930, Bureau of Indian standard 1986 was introduced to make consumers aware about then rights and to give them legal protection. Consumer Protection Act provides three-tier machinery at the district, state and nati...

Legal and Economic Perspective of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 in India: An Overview

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management

The industrial revolution in the international trade and commerce has brought a boom in the corporate sector, which results in a diversity of consumer goods to achieve the needs of the consumers and a mass of services have been made accessible to the consumers. But this industrial revolution had some disadvantages to the customer as it affected the business sovereignty. After independence, many laws were enacted in India for safeguarding innocent customers from unfair and restrictive trade practices sort of a false and dishonourable description regarding the character and quality of the goods. The year of 1986 witnessed, in the history of consumerism, the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act. The first ever legislation in India of its kind which solely aimed at the suffering taken consumers who are the victims of the unfair trade practices and sub-standard services rendered to them. The Objective of the Consumer Protection Act is to provide simple and speedy ...