Зауваги до оцінок діяльністі Лазаря Славіна у працях представників української діаспори 1950–1960-х років//The activity of Lazarus Slavin as represented by the works of scientists of Ukrainian Diaspora in 1950’s and 1960’s (original) (raw)
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During the period starting from mid-1930s and thru 1940s the historical science in the Soviet Union was under total control of communist ideology. The influence of societal and political processes upon the development of scientific historical research can also be seen very clearly throughout that same period. All historical science institutions of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were guided by communist ideology and all the research produced at that time was dominated by formational approach to interpretation of historical events. As a representative of Ukrainian Soviet scientific community, Lazarus Slavin, having just moved to Kiev in 1938, did not only begin to actively incorporate himself into the life of archaeological science of Ukrainian SSR but also started working with the Institute of History of Ukraine as a member of the collective of authors working on the Institute’s behalf. The time from 1930 thru 1950 became the period of consolidation of Ukrainian Soviet historical science. But the rise of patriotism after the end of the World War II, newly resurrected investigations into “traitors”, “spies” and “enemies of the state” and the peak of the confrontation with “Ukrainian bourgeois science” (first and foremost with historical scientific concepts of Mykhailo Hrushevsky have become a reason for harsh criticism of the representatives of historical scientific community working in the Academy of Science of Ukrainian SSR. As a result of this process quite a few works of the Ukrainian scientists were confiscated and removed from public access for many decades (practically until the Ukrainian independence in 1991). It has also led to realignment of the entire historical science according to the principles that were imposed by the political agenda of the Communist Party. Despite all the obstacles encountered during his scientific and pedagogical career L. Slavin has remained primarily a researcher and a mentor. And in order to advance his scientific and teaching endeavors he had to adjust to the realities of the life in science at that time.
У статті зроблено спробу дати загальну оцінку науковому доробку львівських дослідників, чий творчий шлях тією чи іншою мірою був пов'язаний зі Львівським університетом. Привернуто увагу до студій над духовною піснею XVII -XVIII ст. М. Грушевського, І. Франка, В. Гнатюка, М. Возняка, В. Щурата, Юл. Яворського, О. Колесси, В. Сімовича та ін. Відзначено великий внесок згаданих вчених у формування колекцій давніх рукописних духовнопісенників, пошуку стародруків, археографічне опрацювання. Вирізнено основні напрямки наукових студій львівських дослідників щодо духовної пісні, почаївського «Богогласника».
The paper deals with questions regarding the formation of the modern Ukrainian nation and, particularly, the impact of the political activities and writings of G. A. Poletika (1725-1784). The author reconstructs the context of the genesis of Poletika's views of the history of "Malorossiya" and the Zaporozhian Host. The paper shows that the debates about the rights and duties of the nobility, in which Poletika was deeply involved, could not produce radically new political language capable of questioning the integrity of the Russian Empire. This, in turn, derives from the fact that preservation of "Malorossiyan rights" was an important element of political bargaining for the Ukrainian Cossack elite. The purpose of this bargain was to consolidate the privileged position of the Cossack elite. In Poletika's writings, the ideal of the "Hetmanate" or independent "Ukrainian Cossack state," as well as feelings about the loss of the "Ukrainian state," was absent, even though this concept was common to all Malorossiyan social groups. The Cossack past was considered by Poletika as an "age of misfortune," in contrast to the Polish times. The author concludes that there were significant ruptures in the process of building the modern Ukrainian nation.
Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History
Мета статті – проаналізувати повідомлення представництва ЗУНР у Празі про ставлення президента Чехословаччини Т. Ґ. Масарика до українського питання. Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на науково-дослідницьких принципах історизму, науковості, об’єктивності, загальних наукових методах (джерелознавчого аналізу, історичного і логічного) та спеціальних історичних методах (наративному та проблемно-хронологічному). Наукова новизна роботи полягає у тому, що у статті на основі архівних і опублікованих матеріалів, зокрема, листів голів представництва Західноукраїнської Народної Республіки у Празі до керівників зовнішньополітичного відомства зазначеного державного утворення, аналізується ставлення першого президента Чехословаччини до українського питання. Висновки. Ставлення Т. Ґ. Масарика до українського питання розглядається у контексті встановлення відносин між Чехословаччиною і Західноукраїнською Народною Республікою наприкінці 1918 – на початку 1919 рр., прагнення представників останньо...
Monuments of the ancient population in the vicinity of Slovita in the Lviv region (according to the archaeological expedition of the Lviv Historical Museum) The results of the archaeological research of multi-layered monuments in the valley of the Prognoivka River near Slovita (Slovita-I, IV, Kryvychi I, II, III) carried out by the expedition of the Lviv Historical Museum in 2018—2021, which today are actively destroyed by annual plowing, are presented. First of all, finds from the cultural layering of the primitive age are characterized. Keywords: Slovita, settlement, Bronze Age, Scythian period, early Roman period.