Berna F. (2017) "Geo-ethnoarchaeology study of the traditional Tswana dung floor from the Moffat Mission Church, Kuruman, North Cape Province, South Africa" (original) (raw)

Dung has been a very important material in human history. To date, large portions of the world rural population continue using it as construction material, fuel, and fertilizer. A few ethnographic and archeological studies show that dung has also been used for ritual practices in domestic and sacred places. Nevertheless, finding unambiguous evidence of ceremonial use of dung in the archeological record is a major methodological challenge. In fact, the use of dung for domestic purposes such as flooring, plastering, and fueling may produce evidence similar to ritual practices. Correct contextuali-zation of the evidence is thus paramount for the identification of the use of dung in ritual practice and resolve any equifinality derived from other activities. Ethnographic studies of domestic and ritual use of dung may provide the isolation of contextual and analytical parameters useful for the identification of ceremonial use of dung in antiquity. The aim of this paper is hence the geo-ethnoarchaeological characterization of the dung floor built according to the Tswana people tradition in the Moffat Mission Church in Kuruman, South Africa. Macroscopic and microscopic geo-archeological parameters such as erosion features, slope angle, microfabric organization, mineral and organic composition, and relative sorting and orientation of plant fragments are described. The significance of these parameters for the identification of archeological dung floors in domestic and sacred space is discussed. Particularly significant appears to be the particle size distribution and orientation of the dung fibers. In the Tswana floor, these fabric characteristics are very distinct when compared to the one described for livestock enclosure in other ethnographic and archeological contexts. Nevertheless, no clear-cut distinction between the use of dung in domestic and ritual spaces can be achieved solely through the compo-sitional analysis. On the other hand, to be noted is the peculiar shallow-channeled topography of the church floor originated from foot traffic Bchanneled^ along constrained pathways de-lineated by the immovable disposition of the church's furniture and ceremonial routines. It thus appears that the possibility of mapping erosional patterns of archeological floors (in addition to their compositional analysis) may offer archeologists an extra tool to distinguish between (dung) floors of ceremonials contexts and of domestic environments.

Potentials and limitations for the identification of outdoor dung plasters in humid tropical environment: a geo-ethnoarchaeological case study from South India

Dung has been an important material used by humans since at least the early Neolithic Period. It accumulated within domesticated animal enclosures and it was used as fuel and fertiliser as well as construction material. While the formers were studied in details, to date, the use of dung as a construction material received less attention. Here, we present a geo-ethnoarchaeological pilot study aimed at understanding the archaeological formation processes of outdoor dung-plastered floors and the possibility to identify dung markers. We studied two house terrace in a rural village from a humid tropical environment in South India (Western Ghats). Sediment samples were collected from the plastered terrace surfaces, the terraces embankment and from forest soil controls. Multi-proxy analysis of the samples included infrared spectroscopy, phytolith and dung spherulite quantification, loss on ignition, elemental analysis and micromorphological analysis. The plastering of the floors was made by mixing a quantity of dung with water and by spreading the slurry unevenly across the terrace. This result in formation of a 0.1-to 0.5-mm-thick dung crust that the analyses showed to be rich in humified organics but with very low concentrations of phytoliths and dung spherulites. The careless spreading of the dung slurry, however, resulted in localised deposition of dung lumps that displayed relatively high concentrations of phytoliths, dung spherulites, organic matter, phosphorus and strontium. The generally low preservation of dung markers seems to be related to pre-and post-depositional processes. Forest arboreal plants are low phytoliths producer, having therefore little input of these siliceous bodies in the animal faeces. Post depositional processes included trampling, sweeping and water runoff that caused severe mechanical weathering, resulting in the heavy decay of the dung crust and the removal of dung residues from the terrace surfaces. In addition, the acidic conditions of a humid tropical environment likely promoted the complete dissolution of dung spherulites. This study provides new data and insights on the potentials and limitations of dung identification in outdoor settings in humid tropical environments. We suggest possible directions for advancing the study of archaeological dung used as construction materials.

Linseele, V., Riemer, H., Baeten, J., De Vos, D., Marinova, E., Ottoni, C. (2013). Species identification of archaeological dung remains: A critical review of potential methods. Environmental Archaeology, 18(1), 5-17.

Wadley L., Sievers C., Bamford M., Goldberg P., Berna F., Miller C. (2011) “Middle Stone Age bedding construction and settlement patterns at Sibudu, South Africa”

The Middle Stone Age (MSA) is associated with early behavioral innovations, expansions of modern humans within and out of Africa, and occasional population bottlenecks. Several innovations in the MSA are seen in an archaeological sequence in the rock shelter Sibudu (South Africa). At ~77,000 years ago, people constructed plant bedding from sedges and other monocotyledons topped with aromatic leaves containing insecticidal and larvicidal chemicals. Beginning at ~73,000 years ago, bedding was burned, presumably for site maintenance. By ~58,000 years ago, bedding construction, burning, and other forms of site use and maintenance intensified, suggesting that settlement strategies changed. Behavioral differences between ~77,000 and 58,000 years ago may coincide with population fluctuations in Africa.

Dung in the dumps: what we can learn from multi-proxy studies of archaeological dung pellets

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2020

A key question in archaeobotany concerns the role of herbivore dung in contributing plant remains to archaeobotanical assemblages. This issue has been discussed for at least 40 years and has motivated several archaeobotanical studies on identifying dung-derived deposition of plant remains. Meanwhile, microarchaeological methods have developed and continue to be developed for detecting dung in archaeological sediments, and multi-proxy methodologies are being used to study the botanical components of dung-associated sediments. Combining these approaches, the authors recently led a study incorporating different botanical proxies (seeds, pollen, phytoliths) with geoarchaeological sedimentary analysis to compare dung pellets and associated sediments. This approach presents a new way to gauge the contribution of dung-derived plant remains in archaeobotanical assemblages, which is further explored in this follow-up paper. The present paper further highlights how multi-proxy archaeobotanical investigation of individual dung pellets can provide information on seasonality, grazing range and herding practices. Their short production and deposition time make herbivore dung pellets time capsules of agropasto-ral activity, a useful spatio-temporal unit of analysis, and even a type of archaeological context in their own right. Adding different biomolecular and chemical methods to future multi-proxy archaeobotanical investigation of herbivore dung will produce invaluable high-resolution reconstructions of dung microbiomes. Ultimately, unpacking the contents of ancient dung pellets will inform on the species, physical characteristics, diet, niche, and disease agents of the ancient pellets' producers. Expanded datasets of such dung-derived information will contribute significantly to the study of ecosystem transformation as well as the long-term development of agriculture and pastoralism.


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Bio-archaeological Assemblages and Ground Stone Artefacts. Methodological framework and preliminary results

Driessen, J., Schoep, I., Carpentier, F., Crevevoeur, I., Devolder, M., Caignerot-Driessen, F., Hacigüzeller, P., Isaakidou, V., Jusseret, S., Langohr, C., Letesson, Q. & A. Schmitt (eds), Excavations at Sissi II. Preliminary Report on the 2009-2010 Campaigns. AEGIS 04: 211-218, 2011