F. CAPANNA A. GUGLIELMI, A. MARCONE, E. OZINO CALIGARIS, Prove per la messa a punto delle tecniche di rimozione delle resine sintetiche , in: Il restauro della Cappella Scrovegni. Indagini, Progetto, Risultati a cura di G. BASILE, Milano 2003. (original) (raw)

G. RUSSO KRAUSS, B. BALBI, Diagnostica e sperimentazione per il restauro delle superfici storicizzate: il cantiere della chiesa di San Giovanni a Carbonara a Napoli, in Scienza e Beni Culturali. [978-88-95409-27-6], pp. 133-144.


The church of San Giovanni a Carbonara is one of the major examples of angevian and reinassance architectures of the city of Naples. It benefited from the patronage of the monarchs and the most important noble families of the city, who commissioned its enrichment with exquisite architectural decorations, sculptures, frescoes and tiled floors. Accessible only through an elegant curved stair by the famous architect Sanfelice, the church dominates the homonymous via San Giovanni a Carbonara, a wide and busy road tangential to the compact centre of the ancient city. Traffic and pollution are only two of the many degradation factors that have been identified during the recent works of restoration carried out between 2021 and 2022 by the Italian state. Affected by the Allied bombing in 1943, which caused the destruction of the roof and several damages to its walls and portals, the church has since been restored more than once, but the outcomes of such works have not always stood the test of time. The direct exposition to sun, wind and rainwater has deeply affected the conservation of natural and artificial stones, resulting in the widespread presence of biodeterioration phenomena, salts efflorescences, exfoliations of cortical layers, pulverisations of mortars, black crusts and so on. The paper provides an accurate account of the conservation work recently concluded, which has been based on an in-depth diagnostic campaign executed both in lab - in order to identify the composition of the historical materials, of the black crusts and of the micro-organisms – and in situ, aiming at uncovering the remains of the most historical layers. The outcomes of the diagnostic campaign and the feasibility tests that have been consequently carried out are presented in relation to the conservation choices taken by architect and restorer, emphasising the crucial role that diagnostic and experimentation have in the identification of the best strategies of intervention for each unique monument.

R. Petriaggi, et Alii, Verifica dell’efficacia delle malte idrauliche utilizzate per il restauro di strutture romane nel parco sommerso di Baia, in "Restaurare i restauri. Metodi, compatibilità, cantieri, XXIV Convegno internazionale, Bressanone, 24 – 27 giugno 2008", Padova, 2008, pp. 491-497.

The project of underwater restoration conducted from 2003 to present by Underwater Archaeological Operations Unit of the ISCR on roman structures of ancient Baia (Naples) includes the experimentation of materials and products for masonry consolidation. In this paper we present the analysis results of hydraulic mortar used in 2005 for restoration of a mosaic pavement. The efficacy of the mortar after 3 years, has been proved in situ and in laboratory through diagnostic investigations that allow us to know about mechanical resistance of the mortar, the strength of lacunae filling and how the mortar is susceptible to the biological deterioration. In our opinion, these data will be useful for planning a conservative program of restoration and maintenance for the Underwater Archaeological Park. KEY-WORD: submerged restore, biodeterioration, mortar, Baia (Naples).

Petriaggi R, Ricci S, Davidde B, ET ALIII (2008). Verifica dell'efficacia delle malte idrauliche utilizzate per il restauro di strutture romane nel parco sommerso di Baia. In: Restaurare i restauri. Metodi, compatibilità, cantieri. . Bressanone, 24-27 giugno 2008, p. 491-497, ISBN: 978-88-95409-12-2

The project of underwater restoration conducted from 2003 to present by Underwater Archaeological Operations Unit of the ISCR on roman structures of ancient Baia (Naples) includes the experimentation of materials and products for masonry consolidation. In this paper we present the analysis results of hydraulic mortar used in 2005 for restoration of a mosaic pavement. The efficacy of the mortar after 3 years, has been proved in situ and in laboratory through diagnostic investigations that allow us to know about mechanical resistance of the mortar, the strength of lacunae filling and how the mortar is susceptible to the biological deterioration. In our opinion, these data will be useful for planning a conservative program of restoration and maintenance for the Underwater Archaeological Park. KEY-WORD: submerged restore, biodeterioration, mortar, Baia (Naples).

Il progetto della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia di Matera sul santuario di Rossano di Vaglio. La coroplastica votiva. Statuette femminili sedute.

© 2011 OSANNA EDIZIONI s.r.L via appia 3/a 85029 venosa (pz) tel. 0972.35952 fax 35723 e mail: osanna@osannaedizioni.it sito web: www.osannaedizioni.it INDICE 7 Premessa, Massimo Osanna 10 Introduzione, Antonio De Siena 15 ILARJA BATTILORO, MASSIMO OSANNA, Le aree di culto lucane: topografia e articolazione degli spazi GARAGUSO: I depositi votivi di "Grotte delle Fontanelle" 39 VALENTINA GARAFFA, Il deposito ''Autera" 49 SILVIA MARTINA BERTESAGO, Il deposito ''Altieri" Il progetto della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia di Matera sul santuario di Timmari, località LamiaSan Francesco 59 ROBERTA GABRJELLI, Il santuario prima dei Lucani: la ceramica a decorazione geometrica e la ceramica coloniale La coroplastica votiva 65 LISA PICCIOLONI, Statuette femminili sedute e stanti, statuette maschili, ero ti e figure a soggetto teatrale 73 MARIA CRISTINA RANTUCCI, Pro tomi, busti, rilievi figurati, tanagrine Ex voto e strumenti del rituale in metallo 81 LUCA VACCA, Armi e strumenti, oggetti di ornamento personale Gli oggetti del rituale 95 LAURA CATALLO, Thymiateria 99 JOSIPA MANDié, Ceramica a figure rosse, sovraddipinta e miniaturistica 113 CESARE VITA, Ceramica a vernice nera, rossa o bruna e a pasta grigia 123 DELIS FIORANI, Ceramica comune 131 ALFONSO MUSCETTA, Pesi da telaio, lucerne, unguentari e varia RIVELLO: L 'area di culto in località Colla 139 GIUSJ GALIOTO, Offerte votive e aspetti cultuali SAN CHIRICO NUOVO: L 'area di culto in località Pila 15 7 MARA ROMANIELLO, Offerte votive e aspetti cultuali