Criterion for crack formation in disordered materials (original) (raw)

A New Criterion for Crack Formation in Disordered Materials


Crack formation is conventionally described as a nucleation phenomenon despite the fact that the temperatures necessary to overcome the nucleation barrier are far too high. In this paper we consider the possibility that cracks are created due to the presence of frozen disorder (e.g. heterogeneities or frozen dislocations). In particular we calculate the probability for the occurrence of a critical crack in a quasi two-dimensional disordered elastic system. It turns out that this probability takes the form of an Arrhenius law (as for thermal nucleation) but with the temperature T replaced by an effective disorder temperature T_eff which depends on the strength of the disorder. The extension of these results to d=3 dimensions is briefly discussed.

Fracture of disordered solids in compression as a critical phenomenon. II. Model Hamiltonian for a population of interacting cracks

Physical Review E, 2002

To obtain the probability distribution of 2D crack patterns in mesoscopic regions of a disordered solid, the formalism of Paper I requires that a functional form associating the crack patterns (or states) to their formation energy be developed. The crack states are here defined by an order parameter field representing both the presence and orientation of cracks at each site on a discrete square network. The associated Hamiltonian represents the total work required to lead an uncracked mesovolume into that state as averaged over the initial quenched disorder. The effect of cracks is to create mesovolumes having internal heterogeneity in their elastic moduli. To model the Hamiltonian, the effective elastic moduli corresponding to a given crack distribution are determined that includes crack-to-crack interactions. The interaction terms are entirely responsible for the localization transition analyzed in Paper III. The crack-opening energies are related to these effective moduli via Griffith's criterion as established in Paper I.

Crack propagation, arrest and statistics in heterogeneous materials

J. Stat. Mech., 2008

We investigate theoretically statistics and thermally activated dynamics of crack nucleation and propagation in a two-dimensional heterogeneous material containing quenched randomly distributed defects. We consider a crack tip dynamics accounting for dissipation, thermal noise and the random forces arising from the elastic interactions of the crack opening with the defects. The equation of motion is based on the generalized Griffith criterion and the dynamic energy release rate and gives rise to Langevin-type stochastic dynamics in a quenched disordered potential. For different types of quenched random forces, which are characterized (a) by the range of elastic interactions with the crack tip and (b) the range of correlations between defects, we derive a number of static and dynamic quantities characterizing crack propagation in heterogeneous materials both at zero temperature and in the presence of thermal activation. In the absence of thermal fluctuations we obtain the nucleation and propagation probabilities, typical arrest lengths, the distribution of crack lengths and of critical forces. For thermally activated crack propagation we calculate the mean time to fracture. Depending on the range of elastic interactions between crack tip and frozen defects, heterogeneous material exhibits brittle or ductile fracture. We find that aggregations of defects generating long-range interaction forces (e.g. clouds of dislocations) lead to anomalously slow creep of the crack tip or even to its complete arrest. We demonstrate that heterogeneous materials with frozen defects contain a large number of arrested microcracks and that their fracture toughness is enhanced to the experimentally accessible timescales.

Super-Arrhenius dynamics for sub-critical crack growth in two-dimensional disordered brittle media

Europhysics Letters (EPL), 2006

Taking into account stress fluctuations due to thermal noise, we study thermally activated irreversible crack growth in disordered media. The influence of material disorder on sub-critical growth of a single crack in two-dimensional brittle elastic material is described through the introduction of a Gaussian rupture threshold distribution. We derive analytical predictions for crack growth velocity and material lifetime in agreement with direct numerical calculations. It is claimed that crack growth process is inhibited by disorder: velocity decreases and lifetime increases with disorder. More precisely, lifetime is shown to follow a super-Arrhenius law, with an effective temperature θ − θ d , where θ is related to the thermodynamical temperature and θ d to the disorder variance.

The effect of disorder on the fracture nucleation process

Physica D-nonlinear Phenomena, 2001

The statistical properties of failure are studied in a fiber bundle model with thermal noise. We show that the macroscopic failure is produced by a thermal activation of microcracks. Most importantly the effective temperature of the system is amplified by the spatial disorder (heterogeneity) of the fiber bundle. The case of a time dependent force and the validity of the Kaiser effects are also discussed. These results can give more insight to the recent experimental observations on thermally activated crack and can be useful to study the failure of electrical networks.

Fracture of disordered solids in compression as a critical phenomenon. I. Statistical mechanics formalism

Physical Review E, 2002

This is the first of a series of three articles that treats fracture localization as a critical phenomenon. This first article establishes a statistical mechanics based on ensemble averages when fluctuations through time play no role in defining the ensemble. Ensembles are obtained by dividing a huge rock sample into many mesoscopic volumes. Because rocks are a disordered collection of grains in cohesive contact, we expect that once shear strain is applied and cracks begin to arrive in the system, the mesoscopic volumes will have a wide distribution of different crack states. These mesoscopic volumes are the members of our ensembles. We determine the probability of observing a mesoscopic volume to be in a given crack state by maximizing Shannon's measure of the emergent crack disorder subject to constraints coming from the energy-balance of brittle fracture. The laws of thermodynamics, the partition function, and the quantification of temperature are obtained for such cracking systems.

Statistical physics perspective of fracture in brittle and quasi-brittle materials

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2018

We discuss the physics of fracture in terms of the statistical physics associated with the failure of elastic media under applied stresses in presence of quenched disorder. We show that the development and the propagation of fracture are largely determined by the strength of the disorder and the stress field around them. Disorder acts as nucleation centres for fracture. We discuss Griffith's law for a single crack-like defect as a source for fracture nucleation and subsequently consider two situations: (i) low disorder concentration of the defects, where the failure is determined by the extreme value statistics of the most vulnerable defect (nucleation regime) and (ii) high disorder concentration of the defects, where the scaling theory near percolation transition is applicable. In this regime, the development of fracture takes place through avalanches of a large number of tiny microfractures with universal statistical features. We discuss the transition from brittle to quasi-br...

Cracks in random brittle solids

The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2014

Statistical models are essential to get a better understanding of the role of disorder in brittle disordered solids. Fiber bundle models play a special role as a paradigm, with a very good balance of simplicity and non-trivial effects. We introduce here a variant of the fiber bundle model where the load is transferred among the fibers through a very compliant membrane. This Soft Membrane fiber bundle mode reduces to the classical Local Load Sharing fiber bundle model in 1D. Highlighting the continuum limit of the model allows to compute an equivalent toughness for the fiber bundle and hence discuss nucleation of a critical defect. The computation of the toughness allows for drawing a simple connection with crack front propagation (depinning) models.

Nucleation of cracks in a brittle sheet

Physical Review E, 2009

We use molecular dynamics to study the nucleation of cracks in a two dimensional material without pre-existing cracks. We study models with zero and non-zero shear modulus. In both situations the time required for crack formation obeys an Arrhenius law, from which the energy barrier and pre-factor are extracted for different system sizes. For large systems, the characteristic time of rupture is found to decrease with system size, in agreement with classical Weibull theory. In the case of zero shear modulus, the energy opposing rupture is identified with the breakage of a single atomic layer. In the case of non-zero shear modulus, thermally activated fracture can only be studied within a reasonable time at very high strains. In this case the energy barrier involves the stretching of bonds within several layers, accounting for a much higher barrier compared to the zero shear modulus case. This barrier is understood within adiabatic simulations.

Nominally brittle cracks in inhomogeneous solids: from microstructural disorder to continuum-level scale

Frontiers in Physics, 2014

We analyze the intermittent dynamics of cracks in heterogeneous brittle materials and the roughness of the resulting fracture surfaces by investigating theoretically and numerically crack propagation in an elastic solid of spatially-distributed toughness. The crack motion splits up into discrete jumps, avalanches, displaying scale-free statistical features characterized by universal exponents. Conversely, the ranges of scales are non-universal and the mean avalanche size and duration depend on the loading microstructure and specimen parameters according to scaling laws which are uncovered. The crack surfaces are found to be logarithmically rough. Their selection by the fracture parameters is formulated in term of scaling laws on the structure functions measured on one-dimensional roughness profiles taken parallel and perpendicular to the direction of crack growth.