Лаоцзы. Обрести себя в Дао (Laozi. Finding Yourself in Tao ). С. 7 - 448 (original) (raw)

Поэтика Лу Цзи (Poetics of Lu Ji ) С. 3163-3173

Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики Philology. Theory & Practice 2022. Volume 15. Issue 10. P. 3163-3173 , 2022

The aim of the study is to determine the main principles and categories of Lu Ji’s poetics in the “Ode on Literature”, its internal unity and the criteria of literary character. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the complex and historical-typological consideration of various aspects of the writer’s poetological concept. The obtained results showed that the poetics of Lu Ji as an integral aesthetic system is determined by the principles of correspondence and imitation, is based on the categories of work, creative work and author, provides for the unity of natural talent and skill, forms the notions of conception, idea, in spiration, imagination, beauty, proceeds from the understanding of the literature specifics as an art form.

Надпись Деваники из Ват Луонг Кау (Лаос) K.365 / Вступ. ст., пер. с санскрита и коммент. // Восток. Афро-азиатские общества: история и современность. 2014. № 2. С. 142–148.

The Inscription of Devānīka from Văt Luong Kău K.365: A Translation into Russian with a Commentary, in Vostok (Oriens) 2014 No. 2, pp. 142-8. = Надпись Деваники из Ват Луонг Кау (Лаос) K.365 / Вступ. ст., пер. с санскрита и коммент. // Восток. Афро-азиатские общества: история и современность. 2014. № 2. С. 142–148. = Zakharov, Anton O. Nadpys Devaniki iz Vat Luong Kau (Laos). K.365: perevod na russky i kommentarii", in Vostok (Oriens) 2014 N 2, pp. 142–148 The paper contains the first translation of the inscription K.365 from Văt Luong Kău from Sanskrit into Russian. The inscription contains a eulogy to the king Devānīka and dated from the fifth century. It originates from Văt Luong Kău near Vat Phu (Wat Phou) in Southern Laos. Comparing the epigraphic groups of Southeastern Indochina dated from the middle-first millennium, the author argues that the inscription of Devānīka is a remnant of an independent kingdom which cannot be associated with Early Zhenla, Campā (Champa) or Funan.

«Новые речи» Лу Цзя: опыт перевода и лингвофилологического комментирования

ШАГИ / STEPS, 2018

In this paper, we offer a new Russian translation and an extensive commentary to the first chapter of “New Words” (Xīn yǔ), a Hàn-era treatise usually attributed to the intellectual Lu Jia. This text, frequently overlooked in the general perspective of Hàn philosophy, is actually of fundamental importance to the entire philosophical tradition of the Hàn period. Primary attention is paid to the commentary, compiled by the authors as a side project in the course of their work on a new type of dictionary for Classical Chinese; defined as having a “linguo-philological” nature, it combines elements of corpus analysis with linguistic analysis that takes into account the current state of knowledge of historical phonology, grammar, and lexicology of Old Chinese.

Мэнцзы в новом переводе с классическими комментариями Чжао Ци и Чжу Си (Mengzi in a new translation with classic comments by Zhao Qi and Zhu Xi). 901 с.

Мэнцзы в новом переводе с классическими комментариями Чжао Ци и Чжу Си, 2016

A new translation into Russian of a treatise by the prominent Chinese thinker Mengzi (IV – III centuries BC), the second after Confucius creator of Confucianism and the forerunner of neo-Confucianism, for the first time accompanied by a complete translation of the comments on Mengzi written by the most profound connoisseurs of this philosopher - Zhao Qi (108 - 201) and Zhu Xi (1130 - 1200). The main subjects of study are the text itself and the philosophy embodied in it, the study of Mengzi’s biography only serves the main task - to understand the teachings of the ancient philosopher, not alone, but in dialogue with wise connoisseurs of Chinese culture. Translations of ancient texts are preceded by research and are accompanied by notes, a brief chronology, bibliography and indexes.

Цзи Кан. Ода о лютне (Ji Kang. Ode to the lute) // Проблемы восточной филологии. МГУ, 1979. 56—72

Проблемы восточной филологии (сборник статей), 1979

В творчестве китайского поэта, философа, музыканта и ху­ дожника раннего средневековья Цзи Кана (233—262 гг.) «Ода о лютне» («Цинь фу») занимает особое место. Связь китайской поэзии того времени с музыкой, как и общеэстетическая значи­ мость многих высказанных в оде положений, делает это произ­ ведение важным для понимания взгляда автора не только на му-56

Теория красноречия в "Мэнцзы" (The Theory of Eloquence in “Mencius") .pdf

The rhetoric was an integral part of ancient Chinese literature. From enough early time as the art of eloquence it also became the subject of theoretical reflection. Great contribution to its study introduced Mencius (372-289). To understand his sights on the issue chapters 3.2 and 6.9 in the book "Mencius" are most important. In the first of them "rhetoric" ciling is considered in relation to the concepts of "courage" yong, "psyche" qi and "wisdom." sheng. The starting position of rhetoric of Mencius is the understanding of speech as the speech activity-qi meaning verbal actualization of the human essence. At such actualization speech should be "kind" and attractive for other people. Speech persuasiveness is created by reasonable ("heart", "will") and sensual (qi in a broad sense) parts of human "psyche". As its example dialogues and monologues of Mencius can serve. He paid special attention to "exhortations" and "advices". Oratory affirming by him as a whole can be attributed to the philosophical sermon. In chapter 6.9 Мэнцзы defines the historical value of rhetoric. He considers it as consequence of a history which reduces to four periods of struggle between humanity and animality. The rhetoric becomes the main means of struggle against world evil in the third period of a487 Issues o f T a r ‘Eastern Literatures history (VIII-V), and the beginning to this puts Confucius by his annals. In the fourth period (V-III) there comes “an opposition in a word” yan ju, i.e. open polemic. Mencius believes that the specific of his era is a dispute bian as the main means of struggle for human values. At him eristic is not separated from rhetoric. Материалы IV Международной научной конференции Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. (29 июня-2 июля 2010 г.) Book of papers of 4th International scientific conference. Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. (June 29-July 2, 2010). — Т. 1. — Издательство С.-Петербургского университета Санкт-Петербург, 2010.

Lenkov P.D. Peculiarities of the language for describing psycho-practices in late Taoism (according to the text «Long men xin fa», 17 century) (in Russian). Ленков П.Д. Особенности языка описания психопрактик в позднем даосизме (по тексту «Лун мэнь синь фа», XVII в.).

Психотехники и измененные состояния сознания. Сб. материалов Четвертой всероссийской научной конференции с международным участием (8-10 декабря 2016 г., Санкт-Петербург) / Отв. ред. и сост. С.В. Пахомов. Издательство РХГА, СПб., 2018.

Статья посвящена особенностям языка описания психопрактик в позднем даосизме школы Совершенной истины (Цюаньчжэнь). В своем исследовании автор опирается на текст «Лун мэнь синь фа» («Закон сердца/сознания традиции Лунмэнь»), в котором изложены воззрения Ван Чанъюэ (Куньян-цзы) (XVII в.), наставника даосской школы Цюаньчжэнь. В исследовании рассматривается терминология, используемая в «Лун мэнь синь фа». В тексте можно встретить как собственно даосские, так и буддийские, и конфуцианские термины, что весьма характерно для позднедаосской синкретической идеологии.