Reseña de Benoit Peeters, Derrida, Otra Parte Semanal, mayo 2013 (original) (raw)
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Jacques Derrida, Un Plus De Vida
Intus Legere Filosofía, 2017
El texto propone una aproximación al pensamiento de la sobrevida [survie] enJacques Derrida. A partir de su Introducción a ‘El origen de la geometría’ de Husserl,de 1962, hasta su última entrevista el 2004, o incluso en el texto que redactó paraser leído en su funeral, se pone en escena cierta insistencia de este cuasiconcepto,insistencia e intensidad que se despliega desde la cuestión de la escritura y lo sepuede denominar economía de la muerte. El cuestionamiento de la teoría husserlianadel Presente viviente, a través de la muerte, encuentra, así, en la “sobrevida”, laafirmación de la vida: Un plus de vida.
La biopolítica de Jacques Derrida (enviado para publicación)
In the present article we propose the existence, in the Derrida of the book Dissemination, a certain thought about the bio-politics. Including the animal figure, this thought is also the thought of a sovereignty beyond the instance of power and dominion. The Seminar The Beast and the Sovereign, published posthumously, seems to be his most finished expression. In the first place, we follow the indications made by Derrida about painting as zôgraphia in Dissemination. The Derridian deconstruction of what we call “the sovereign sequence”, allows us to analyze the relationship between the problem of “the animality of writing” and of sovereignty as a corollary of the thought of a certain bio-politics or zoo-politics, early discerned. Secondly, in the discussion of Derrida with Agamben and with Foucault on the concept of life, we explore the terms of a certain politicity of life that includes animality and that is susceptible of being situated beyond power and domain. Finally, and thirdly, after confronting the concepts of sovereignty of Foucault and Derrida with Hobbes's Leviathan, we conclude with the initial problem about zôgraphia in relation to which we seek to interpret “the double and contradictory figuration”, of which Derrida speaks at the Seminar The Beast and the Sovereign.