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A Dialogic Perspective on Oral Tradition
A tradicao oral tem uma longa historia de investigacao, tanto em linguistica quanto em antropologia, sendo o vasto corpus da narrativa etnica uma de suas principais realizacoes. Esta documentacao notavel de todo um mundo de criacoes culturais verbais, ate um certo ponto, ja foi publicada, outros materiais permanecem em arquivos ou como parte de textos ineditos, enquanto muito mais esta sendo reunido na pesquisa contemporânea. No entanto, uma critica a este enorme esforco academico pode ser que a analise e interpretacao dos dados foram deixadas para tras, para favorecer a documentacao etnografica e linguistica e resgate do patrimonio oral evanescente de culturas nativas ameacadas de extincao. Este artigo discute a deficiencia analitica de tais avancos e uma perspectiva dialogica com base no quadro teorico de Bakhtin, com particular interesse em conceitos derivados da teoria musical, tais como voz, entonacao e polifonia. Na verdade, apesar de que os interesses de Bakhtin foram centrad...
Onomastic studies in general—and the studies of the onomastic systems of indigenous languages in particular—require interdisciplinary investigations that address properly the diversity inherent in the field. In this vein, the present work discusses how linguistic concepts dialogue with anthropology and ethnography in the study of the onomastic system of Parkatêjê, an indigenous language spoken by the people of the same name, who currently inhabit the area called Reserva Indígena Mãe Maria (RIMM), close to the municipality of Marabá (Pará, Brazil). We will discuss aspects observed in the description of the anthroponyms known and used mostly by native speakers of the Parkatêjê language. The methodology of the study consisted of bibliographic research and ethnographic research with RESUMO: Os estudos onomásticos, de modo geral, e, em especial, os estudos dos sistemas onomásticos de línguas indígenas exigem investigações interdisciplinares que retratem a diversidade inerente à área em q...
Voice-scapes: Transl(oc)ating the performed voice in ethnomusicology
At the heart of ethnomusicology is the ethnographic study of people making music. As an approach to documenting, describing, analysing and understanding the symbolic sound systems in which the world's peoples live, ethnomusicological field research includes an inherent epistemological dilemma for the researcher: the question of interpretation and how best to present and represent in scholarly discourse the music, sound and people under study. Like all studies that deal with people, sound aesthetics in all cultures will necessarily lead the researcher to encounter questions relating to interpretation and translation of data collected in the field. Whether with ethnomusicology at home or in a culture other than one's own, the intersection between field research, researcher and presentation of research findings provides a challenging space of negotiation in which processes and methods of data collection and writing up of that information are highly contested. It is from this juncture that this chapter explores the notion of voice-scapes (vocal sound-scapes performed in musical ways through speech and chant) as sites that are translated using varying modes of scholarly interpretation, and as a means of sonic communication that might be translocated into discourses that rarely study its performative and musical qualities. My aim is to problematise through ethnographic description and analysis some of the challenges that face ethnomusicologists regarding the ways sounds are perceived and how they are translated and translocated into scholarly discourses.
An archaeological reconstruction of the history and aspects of the culture of the Tiv of Central Nigeria has benefitted enormously from the systematic use of models generated from oral traditions and ethnography. Suffice it to say that oral traditions are up to now a very important means of storing and disseminating information in all its ramifications among the Tiv. Similarly, there is a great degree of continuity in the material culture of the people through time and space. This makes ethnography an indispensable area of knowledge for culture-historical reconstructions in Tivland. The ancestors of the present-day Tiv of Benue State of Nigeria entered the region from the northwestern part of Cameroon at least five hundred years ago according to the limited dates at our disposal. Our representative approach to the collection, sifting and interpretation of oral traditional and ethnographic data was aimed at reducing the minuses of these areas of anthropological scholarship to the barest minimum.
Línguas indígenas: artes da palavra / Indigenous Languages: verbal arts
Revista LinguiStica Vol. 15 n.1, 2019
"Indigenous Languages: verbal arts" offers transcribed and analyzed texts in twelve Amerindian languages, together with reflection by indigenous researchers on tradition and innovation in verbal arts. Each contribution is is presented with fully bilingual versions including ethnographic and sociolinguistic information as well as linguistic analysis, each contributing to our understanding and appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity in this International Year of Indigenous Languages. "Línguas indígenas: artes da palavra" traz doze textos transcritos de execuções orais originais em línguas ameríndias, bem como uma reflexão, por parte de pesquisadores indígenas, sobre tradição e inovação nas sus artes das palavras. Em versões bilíngues, com informações etnográficas, sociolinguísticas e análise linguística, cada texto da coletânea contribui para o conhecimento e a valorização da diversidade cultural e linguística neste Ano Internacional das Línguas Indígenas.
Sound Heritage in Ethnomusicology: Approaches and Perspectives
Since the end of the nineteenth century, sound recording was one of main prerequisites for establishing ethnomusicology as a scientific discipline. From the earliest development of ethnomusicology until the present day, there have been numerous precious collections of musical forms and performances in various contexts, which nowadays testify about musical practices, but also about methodological approaches in the field. Fundamental technological innovation such as digitization has provided numerous benefits with respect to the availability of sound collections, yet at the same time it has altered the ways of listening, creating and documenting music today. On the other side, sound collecting has been enriched with moving image component (which also can be perceived as sounding image), so contemporary ethnomusicological recording provides much more useful information for research and archiving, in comparison to earlier epochs. In that sense, ethnomusicology worldwide is actively deal...