After the problems at Fukushima many people have been asking, “Do we need nuclear power? Aren’t the risks too high?” In February 2012 there were 434 operating nuclear power plants in the world. Would it be practical to close them down? What are the alternatives? The German Government thought the risks too high and closed 8 of its 17 working stations but some countries started up new reactors, whilst most countries conducted safety reviews of their existing nuclear plant. Even Germany is ambivalent and imports a large quantity of nuclear generated electrical power from France. The paper addresses these questions. Risk analysis is discussed as applied to nuclear installations. This covers probabilistic risk assessment, environmental impact, component reliability, maintenance, licensing requirements, the role of the regulator and the risks associated with nuclear waste. It is only possible in a single paper to touch on some of these aspects which are of huge importance to many people including engineers and students. The paper briefly examines the benefits and hazards of nuclear technology as a source of energy for electric power generation over a period spanning more than fifty years. It is necessary to examine the short term and long term effect of nuclear power on society and the future progress of the human race.