Review on Effects of Electrode in Electrical Discharge Machining Process\_Vol.8\_Issue.5\_May2021/IJRR-Abstract013.html, 2021

Electrical Discharge Machining is one of the non-conventional machining processes used for electrically conductive material. It is widely used for manufacturing complicated parts which are tough to be produced by conventional manufacturing processes. It is based on thermoelectric energy between workpiece and electrode. Metal is removed by melting and vaporizing because of spark occurs in the gap between electrode and workpiece. Workpiece and electrode must have electrically conductive to generate a spark. The performance of the EDM process is largely depends on the electrode. Electrode is considered as tool in EDM process. Selection of the electrode material plays vital role in the EDM process. Different electrode materials have different properties. Hence, the performance of the EDM process changes with different materials. Researchers have used different materials as electrode to investigate the effects of materials and to improve the performance of EDM process. This paper reviews the research work carried out in the field of materials and manufacturing methods for electrodes in EDM process.

A Review on Influence of Process Parameters and Electrodes Materials in EDM Process

Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is non-traditional machining processes. EDM process is based on thermoelectric energy between the work piece and a tool electrode. A pulse discharge occurs in a small gap between the work piece and the tool electrode and removes the unwanted material from the material through melting and vaporizing. The present study discusses about having an overview of the Electrical discharge machining process, and influence of process parameters like input current, pulse on time and pulse off time on performance parameter such as MRR, EWR and over cut. This study discusses about controlling the process parameters and optimization of process parameters in EDM process. From the review, it has been observed that the machining process can be improved by process parameters like current, pulse on time and pulse off time and also observed that electrodes material also effect on the material removal rate, electrode wear rate and over cut.

Experimental Investigation Of Performance Of Different Electrode Materials In Electro Discharge Machining For Material Removal Rate And Surface Roughness


Abstract: Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is now a well-established machining option in many industries. EN-9 is an important tool mainly because of its high hardness, strength, wear resistance and high melting point. Normally, EDM is capable of machining geometrically complex or hard material component, that are precise and difficult to machine. The objective of this research is to study the performance of different electrode Materials on EN-9 workpiece with EDM process. Approach: The electrode materials were graphite, copper and Brass. The important parameters were peak current, pulse on time, pulse off. A workpiece material was EN-9. Results: The results show that the Graphite electrode gives higher MRR than other two Electrodes. Brass electrode gives better surface finishing among three electrodes. Powder electrode gives the better MRR and high SR more than solid electrode.

A Review of Electrode Manufacturing Methods for Electrical Discharge Machining: Current Status and Future Perspectives for Surface Alloying


In electrical discharge machining (EDM), the tool electrode is one of the substantial components of the system, and it ensures the success or failure of the EDM process. The electrode’s role is to conduct electrical charges and erode the workpiece to the desired shape. Different electrode materials have different impacts on machining. Certain electrode materials remove metal quickly but wear out rapidly, while others degrade slowly but the material removal is too slow. The choice of the electrode has an influence on both the mechanical properties, such as metal removal rate (MRR), wear rate, surface finish, surface modification and machinability, and the electrical properties, such as sparking initiation, time lag, gap contamination and process stability. There are factors to consider when fabricating an electrode, which include the type of workpiece materials, the metallurgical alloying of the materials, the choice of fabrication techniques, the intended use of the electrode, and m...

Determination of Material Removal Rate in Electro Discharge Machining through Copper Electrode

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2021

In the present manufacturing area, Electro discharge machining is one of the most emerging area for production of various components. Electro-discharge machining (EDM) is a thermoelectric process which utilizes the heat energy generated by spark to remove the material from the surface of work-piece. In the EDM process material removal takes place from both tool material and work-piece. The material removal rate depends upon the work-piece material, tool material and machining variables. Materials having low melting point having high material removal rate and hence lower surface finish. It is found that with increase in pulse current and constant pulse-on-time material removal rates increases but it affects the surface finish of material. EDM efficiency can be increased by supplying the oxygen gas between the spark gap and stack removal rate can be increased by increasing the volume of discharge crater and regular occurrence of discharges. The only limitation in the EDM is that the work-piece and the tool material both should be electrically conductive. The electrical energy converted into the thermal energy by series of the electric discharge that occurred between the work-piece and tool which are immersed into the dielectric fluid. The plasma channel is generated by thermal energy between anode and cathode. The plasma channel is generated at a temperature range of 8000-1200°C. Sometimes it is nearly about 20,000°C which is too high and can machine any material. The location of electric spark which is generated by heat energy is determined by the narrowest gap between the tool and work-piece. Duration for each spark is very short. The frequency for each spark is high as thousands sparks per second. However, spark radius is very small and the temperature in the spark zone is very high. This temperature of spark is capable for partially vaporize and melting the material from both the work-piece and tool material. The volume of material removal per discharge from the work-piece depends upon the specific applications and it is ranging from 10-6-10-4 mm 3. The material removed from the surface of work-piece is in the form of craters which is all overspread on the work-piece. Craters sizes are highly influenced by the value of current. Machining of Titanium alloy is carried out using EDM process. This paper presents evaluation and study of Material removal rate of titanium alloy using copper electrode in electro discharge machining process.

Effect of microstructure and material properties on electrical discharge machining process

Abstract Electrical discharge machining (EDM) process is one of the most commonly used nonconventional precise material removal processes. New developments in the field of material science have led to new engineering metallic materials, composite materials, and high tech ceramics, having good mechanical properties and thermal characteristics as well as sufficient electrical conductivity so that they can readily be machined by spark erosion. In recent years, EDM researchers have explored a number of ways to improve EDM Process by knowing the influencing of process parameters such as discharge voltage, Peak current, Pulse duration and pulse interval, electrode material, electrode gap, wire tension and dielectric fluid etc. In this report we have discussed the influence of microstructure, material properties, grain size and material composition on accuracy of EDM process. Researchers have performed some experiment and found that, by refining the material microstructure, a better surface finish and material removal rate can be achieved. The grain size and the carbide composition have a strong influence on the obtained cutting rate. This influence is directly related to the influence of material properties on thermal conductivity and melting point. The lower the thermal conductivity and the melting point, the higher the cutting rate. The results shown in report depict that the material removal rate and the workpiece surface roughness are directly dependent on the workpiece hardness.

Electrical Discharge Machining: An Overview on Various Areas of Research

Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, 2014

Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the earliest non-traditional machining processes. EDM process is based on thermoelectric energy between the work piece and an electrode. A spark occurs in a small gap between the work piece and the electrode and removes the material from the work piece through melting and vaporising. The electrode and the work piece must be electrically conductive in order to generate the spark. Various types of products can be produced and/or finished using EDM such as dies, moulds, parts of aerospace, automotive industry and surgical components etc. This paper presents the various research issues in EDM along with the modelling technique in predicting EDM performances.

Current Advanced Research Development of Electric Discharge Machining (EDM): A Review

Electrical discharge machining (EDM) process is one of the most commonly used nonconventional precise material removal processes. Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is a process for shaping hard metals and forming deep complex shaped holes by arc erosion in all kinds of electroconductive materials. Erosion pulse discharge occurs in a small gap between the work piece and the electrode. This removes the unwanted material from the parent metal through melting and vaporizing in presence of dielectric fluid. In recent years, EDM researchers have explored a number of ways to improve EDM Process parameters such as Electrical parameters, Non-Electrical Parameters, tool Electrode based parameters & Powder based parameters. This new research shares the same objectives of achieving more efficient metal removal rate reduction in tool wear and improved surface quality. This paper reviews the research work carried out from the inception to the development of die-sinking EDM, Water in EDM, dry EDM, and Powder mixed electric Discharge Machining. Within the past decade. & also briefly describing the Current Research technique Trend in EDM, future EDM research direction.

Development of Electric Discharge Machining (EDM): A Review

Electrical discharge machining (EDM) process is one of the most commonly used non-conventional precise material removal processes. Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is a process for shaping hard metals and forming deep complex shaped holes by arc erosion in all kinds of electro-conductive materials. Erosion pulse discharge occurs in a small gap between the work piece and the electrode. This removes the unwanted material from the parent metal through melting and vaporizing in presence of dielectric fluid. In recent years, EDM researchers have explored a number of ways to improve EDM Process parameters such as Electrical parameters, Non-Electrical Parameters, tool Electrode based parameters & Powder based parameters. This new research shares the same objectives of achieving more efficient metal removal rate reduction in tool wear and improved surface quality. This paper reviews the research work carried out from the inception to the development of die-sinking EDM, Water in EDM, dry EDM, and Powder mixed electric Discharge Machining. Within the past decade. & also briefly describing the Current Research technique Trend in EDM, future EDM research direction.

Parametric study of electrodes in Electric Discharge Machining.pdf

EDM is a widespread technique used in industry for high precision machining of all types of conductive materials such as metallic alloys, metals, graphite, composite materials or some ceramic materials. The selection of optimized manufacturing conditions is one of the most important aspects to consider in the die sinking electrical discharge machining (EDM) of conductive steel, as these conditions are the ones that are to determine such important characteristics: surface roughness, electrodes wear (EW) and material removal rate (MRR). In this paper investigations are conducted on the machining of EN-31 die steel with different electrode materials (copper, brass and graphite) with electrical discharge machining (EDM) process. This study presents the analysis and evaluation of heat affected zones (HAZ) of the workpiece surfaces machined using different tool electrodes by EDM. The kerosene oil of commercial grade has been used as dielectric fluid. The effect of various important EDM parameters such as pulse duration, peak current and discharge gap voltage has been investigated to yield the responses in terms of surface roughness (SR).